Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Give the littlest boy the biggest guy its the only way!

Connor's party will be here in just a few short days. I'm a nervous wreck, not because of the party, but because well he will be two. Two is just one step closer to twenty in my eyes and its happening all way to fast. The last few days have been rough and we debated for awhile if there even would be a party after all as we have been up the last few nights with a high temperature and non stop screaming. Well those pesky 2 year old molers are coming in and they are sending my little man for a total loop as he has been a cranky wreck for the last two weeks and the fevers just mean we are getting closer to relief as with every tooth we got high high fevers before they finally broke through.

Well today was a really good day, the weather was warm, and Connor seems at least temporarly free of his miserable attitude. So we took advantage by testing out some of the birthday party items before the real party on Sunday. The two items we couldn't wait to rip open are in no way the biggest or flashest items on our agenda but they have one thing in common that just happens to be Connor's favorite thing in the world, water. This kid was born swimming I think as its nearly impossible to keep him away from a water source warm or cold. So I decided early on that his birthday party had to have water intergrated into it somehow. The only problem is his guest list ranges from one year olds to twenty-one year olds... so what could they do that they would all enjoy? Waterguns of course!

Connor is by far the smallest kid at his party, always. Even his one year old cousin out weighs him by a considerable amount. The only way to make this watergun idea fair at all was to give Connor the biggest water gun and set him loose on his unexpecting guests. Heh, you can hear me cackling now if you listen. So we had to get some practice in before the big day. His gun of choice for the birthday party will be the Super Soaker 50 and dad will be backing him up with the Super Soaker Quickshot that we reviewed last year.

The Super Soaker 50 is the iconic water gun that really started the whole water gun craze. I had the same gun as a child the only diffrence is really how you put the water in the gun. To this day its still the easiest to shoot and one of the most reliable water guns made if you ask me. Connor can pretty easily pump the barrel and shoot with suprising accuracy even with his small frame and arm length. With a 35 foot shooting distance I'm pretty sure he will have no problems getting his cousins and friends soaking wet before the party is over! Plus who can get mad at that angelic little face when its laughing and running at you at full blast with a water gun?

There is a reason why the Super Soaker 50 is still such a great toy. Styled after the orginal Super Soaker gun very ltitle has changed since my very first Super Soaker and its still as much fun as I remeber!

Check out the Super Soaker 50!

To enter : (MAKE SURE YOU READ THE BIRTHDAY POST!! You must be entered into the birthday bash to win this contest!)

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out the Super Soaker website and tell us which Super Soaker you'd most like to have! Make sure you read below to earn extra entries including a scavenger hunt entry.
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • Answer the I Spy trivia question "Check out the Super Soaker website at Hasbro! I spy a Super Soaker that can take your intended victoms by surprise! Do not leave this entry in your comment all triva question answers go to Use the subject "Super Soaker" Posting "I spy" answers in comments will disqualify you!
    • Let people know about the giveaway on Twitter with a link to the giveaway!
    • THREE extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end May 15th at midnight!


Ellen C. said...

The Super Soaker Flash Flood looks pretty cool. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

I like the Quick blast. We would have a blast with this!

I left the initial comment on your birthday blast page under yzgirl4...thanks!

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

subscriber with yzgirl4 at verizon dot net

Sara said...


saradavis1 at gmail

Sara said...


Sara said...

tweeted it

Marlene McGarrity said...

The Quick Blast looks great, but I like this Original 50 and I would love to win so I can shoot my graduating students on the last days of school. They always have great waterguns and I have the 99 cents store one.

Marlene McGarrity said...

Connors Party is on my sidebar!

wigget said...

i'd most like to have the spider-man 3 water soaker

susan said...

I love the sneak attack!

susan said...


Kim said...

I'd love to have: Quick blast

Kim said...


Erin Lowmaster said...

I love the Transformers Water Shooter! My nephew would be thrilled to own any of these!

Becca said...

The Super Soaker Flash Flood sounds pretty devastating. I'd love to unleash that thing on my husband when he wasn't expecting it.
beccachristensen at hotmail dot com

Becca said...

I have your button posted on my sidebar.
beccachristensen at hotmail dot com

Becca said...

I am a subscriber.

Andrea Hatfield said...

The Spider-Man 3 soaker would be a big hit with my four year old.

Andrea Hatfield said...


Tisha Whittaker said...

Super Soaker Flash Flood is my fav..heh
Thank you!

judybrittle said...

I know my grandson would love the
SUPER SOAKER OOZINATOR. Its pretty creepy and thats exactly why he would like it! Thank you!

judybrittle said...

I'm a subscriber.

shawn said...

I like the Quick Blast. These look like loads of fun. I'm not sure who would like it better-the kids or the hubby.

shawn said...

I have your Party button Up under Special events & I have your button & your in my sidebar

shawn said...

Im in for the I spy trivia

Janet and Maya said...

Quick Blast for me! Although they all look cool. I've never had a Super Soaker.

mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

Janet and Maya said...

I tweeted here

mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

Janet and Maya said...

I blogged at www dot giveawaysonblogs dot blogspot dot com / 2009 / 04 / monday4

mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

The Dreamer said...

Wow these have come a long way since I was a kid! I like the Super SOaker Transformers Water SHooter!

addeviant006 at gmail dot com

Brimful Curiosities said...

The SUPER SOAKER Spider-Man 3 MAX INFUSION Water Soaker would be a big hit here with my super heroes.

phxbne said...

Flash flood!

Abby said...

The quick blast would be the one I pick!

ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

Veronica said...

Another one here that would choose the Quick Blast. Thanks for a great giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

I'd most like to have the Super Soaker Aquashock Arctic Blast. Thanks.
-Terra H.

Anonymous said...

I'm an e-mail subscriber.
-Terra H.

Stephanie said...

tvollowitz at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

The Super Soaker Vaporizer twin daughter and her cousins could have lots of fun in the back yard!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe via Google Reader.

Anonymous said...

Button's on my blog!

Kristie said...


khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I'd like to try my hand at the SUPER SOAKER MAX INFUSION HELIX.

Anonymous said...

Blogged here:

Anonymous said...

Tweeted -

susan said...

I answered the I Spy question.

Nadi said...


treflea4 at gmail dot com

Tamara B. said...

I would love to have the Quick Blast Super Soaker.

Tamara B. said...

I am a subscriber.

Island Girl Mainland Mama said...

The SUPER SOAKER AQUASHOCK HYDROBLITZ looks like a ton of fun!
correaohana at gmail dot com

Island Girl Mainland Mama said...

I subscribe.

Island Girl Mainland Mama said...

I entered your trivia question by email.

Jennifer said...

The Vaporizer twin pack would be great for my boys because then they could play with each other!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Jennifer said...

I subscribe!!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I would love to get the SUPER SOAKER MAX INFUSION HELIX Blaster

icefairy said...

Quick Blast. Thanks!

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