Tuesday, January 16, 2007

About Us

So much has changed since this blog first started.. so much that it may take years to get you guys up to date on my life. I started this blog in January of 2007 when I was pregnant with my first son Connor. Back then I felt like life was so crazy and in reality it was SOO simple. I was a college student, engaged to Connor's father, living in a tiny row house with seven chihuahuas. Back then the blog's name was Seven Dogs and a Baby wrote about what baby products were best, how breast feeding was going, and what it was like being a full time college student, and mom. Oh if I could only tell my past self how things would change over the years.

Since the blog started my father was diagnosed with not one but three terminal illnesses. I moved back to Alabama to be closer to him. My marriage started to fall apart while I was pregnant with my second son  and only shortly after we got married.  I tried desperately to make my marriage work and eventually gave in to depression. The blog name changed after our web address was hijacked due to a Godaddy billing error. I was forced to leave school due to a congenital defect of my eyes and started to have issues writing for the blog due to issues with my eyesight. My father's health declined as did his mental state at times.  The relationship with my mother was always under strain from the stress that comes with dealing with a spouse that is dying before your eyes. Through talking to my father in the last few years of his life we really started to understand how PTSD had affected every moment of our lives. My marriage to my boy's father ended and thankfully we now work together better than we ever did while we were married to be parents. Tragically my father passed away just weeks before he was finally moving within a few miles of me to be closer to the boys. And after my father's passing my mother and I finally started to find our common ground.

During all of this some amazing things happened as well! I reunited with my childhood best friend which lead to some crazy adventures. I found the family I truly belonged to in some of my oldest friends who supported me in some of the darkest moments of my life. I met and married the love of my life and we have the strangest, craziest, coolest blended family on the face of the planet (if you ask any of us)! We had a whirlwind romance among some of the most stressful situations anyone could possible go through, loosing a military career overnight, loosing my father, a very stressful and hurtful divorce and custody battle, having to not only sort out my own life after a divorce but his as well, a custody battle, and trying to combine both our lives and households into one. Through all of it though we have never lost sight of whats important, and have never tired of each others company though we spend almost 24/7 together. Our kids have cheered us along the entire way and everything has been from day one (other than the drama around us) just easy. Sure there has been some bumps in the road, both of us had pretty serious issues with trust going into this and we both certainly still struggle at times with feelings of trust and I know I personally have a hard time letting anyone see my weaknesses.

Did I mention we are a AMWF blended family to boot? *LOL* This one in particular cracks me up as we don't think of ourselves this way but it does come up in public and it certainly comes up when our children call each other siblings in public. Next fall all of our kids will be going to one school and our oldest son and daugther (my son, his daughter) will be in the same grade at the same school in the same gifted program and I can't wait to see how this pans out.


Anonymous said...

He's a cutie pie!

janetfaye said...

Connor is beautiful!

LOL they always prefer the "toys" they find in the kitchen.

Holly said...

sweet baby!! i dont know what it is about the phones, my daughter does that to, or just puts it in her mouth...

Lindsey Dueck said...

SEVEN CHIHUAHUAS!! That is awesome! I have 5 right now, but 2 are for sale (not because I don't love them, but because I bred them for that). I wish I could have a pack. Must be fun!

Anonymous said...

O my goodness that is the cutest pic ever. I can't believe you have seven chihuahuas! I have one chihuahua and a 3 month old baby girl and my fiance has a border collie,our house is crazy!! You have your hands full, but I know its worth it. Enjoyed your blog!

maxfate said...

When I saw the name of your blog, I had to check out your about me!Great pictures, he's even cute as could be in his baby picture,which can't always be said. I had a chihuahua,Dolly,who was a dear buddy to me,but no one else!I expect you know how that is.

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