Saturday, April 25, 2009

Getting wet is always Connor's top priority.

Its officially hot here in Alabama and with warm weather comes Connor’s favorite activity of all time, getting wet. That leaves his Mommy wondering about safe ways for him to enjoy his favorite activity of all time, playing in water, without putting him at risk as thus far regardless of what he may tell you he can not swim quite yet. Not that he isn’t trying.

Small World Toys offers quite a few really cool and really affordable ways to keep cool this summer as well as some really fun outdoor toys that you really have to have. I really wanted to have something for Connor and his smaller cousins to play in at his birthday party that would be safe and no intimidating to his younger cousin. While browsing the Small World Toys website I found the coolest option that not only would be fun for the smaller children but its really portable as well. Once your done playing you can dry it off and fold it up small enough to fit into your beach bag to take to the grandparents house! The Active Edge Soft Sprinkles Tide Pool is genius! Though it only holds about an inch or two of water and the size is on the smaller side its perfect for babies and toddlers. Toddlers will love playing in the built in sprinkler around the edge of the pool and infants will love hanging out in the middle. Connor loves bringing all of his boats into the tide pool and sitting in the middle. Usually once we have it filled I turn the water almost down to a trickle from the faucet so we don’t waste too much water and surprisingly even with the water turned down low the sprinklers still shoot up a few inches. W hen its time to store the pool you just drain it and let it dry and then it folds up into a tiny square that will fit anywhere. Dads will love the fact that there is nothing to blow up.. Just attach it to the hose and it fills with water, no need to hyperventilate.

A huge hit at the real birthday party was our Active Edge 18” Hoppity Ball. My dad first brought hoppity balls to my attention when he came home all excited about seeing a kid jumping on one in their driveaway. He had debated on stopping to ask the child where they got their ball then realizing that might freak them out, so of course he comes to my house exclaiming that we must get one for Connor. The Hoppity Ball is a great way not only to have some fun but exercise as well! Though Connor’s legs are just a tad bit too short for the Hoppity Ball at the moment he will be bouncing around the yard on it before I can blink I’m sure. In the meantime his cousins had a blast and the ball is sturdy enough to handle even the larger kids play. It comes in a 18 inch and 26 inch size for larger kids. Actually I’m half tempted to buy the 26 inch one for myself as I really need some exercise and I think it would be tons of fun to hop around the yard with Connor.

If your looking for a unconventional way to cool off you really should check out the Active Edge Beach Ball Blast. Part beach ball part sprinkler the inflated beach ball squirts water in every way imaginable. You can throw the ball in the air or just lay it on the ground and play around it, it’s a whole new take on the traditional sprinkler toy. It comes with a smaller hose connector that makes throwing and passing the ball much easier than if it was attached directly to the main hose. When you turn it on it wiggles and giggles in your hands drenching you with water. It makes for a really fun game of hot potato! Heh.

Check out all the great summer fun toys at Small World Toys!

I have a Active Edge Beach Ball Blast to give away to one lucky reader!

To enter : (MAKE SURE YOU READ THE BIRTHDAY POST!! You must be entered into the birthday bash to win this contest!)

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out Small World Toys and tell me what toy you'd most like to have for summer!! Make sure you read below to earn extra entries including a scavenger hunt entry.
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • Answer the I Spy trivia question "Check out the Small World Toys and take a look at the Active Edge line of toys! I spy something that that makes a traditional table game wet and fun! Do not leave this entry in your comment all trivia question answers go to Use the subject "Small World" Posting "I spy" answers in comments will disqualify you!
    • Let people know about the giveaway on Twitter with a link to the giveaway!
    • THREE extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end May 30th at midnight!


susan said...

I'd love to have the Active Edge - Wigglin' Water Snake for Summer. It looks like a lot of fun!

susan said...

I subscribe.

susan said...

I tweeted.

noreen said...

Active Edge - See Me TeePee

noreen said...

sent i spy answer

Candace said...

Active Edge - Soft Sprinkles Tide Pool

judybrittle said...

I would love to have the Small World Express - Fun Roller. That would be a lot of fun for the kids in the yard.

judybrittle said...

I'm a subscriber.

judybrittle said...

I tweeted

judybrittle said...

Emailed I Spy answer.

wigget said...

i like the Neurosmith - Music Blocks

wigget said...


Sara said...

The Active Edge - Wigglin' Water Snake looks super fun, and not just for the kids!
saradavis1 at gmail

Sara said...

subscribe RSS

Sara said...

follow on twitter and tweeted

Andrea Hatfield said...

My boys would like the Small World Express - Friendly Fighters.

Andrea Hatfield said...

I am an email subscriber.

Becca said...

My friends had a toy just like the Hoppity Ball and it was my favorite thing to play with when I was at their house. I'd love to get one for my daughter when she's just a little older.
beccachristensen at hotmail dot com

Becca said...

I subscribe to your blog through Google Reader.
beccachristensen at hotmail dot com

Becca said...

I have your button on my blog.
beccachristensen at hotmail dot com

The Dreamer said...

I like the IQ Baby Chubby Choo Choo Train because it's bright and fun!

addeviant006 at gmail dot com

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

The Active Edge - Easy Catch looks like something my kids would love, and it's a great outdoor toy!
garyandalesha at cox dot net

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

Button on my right sidebar (bday bash button on the left sidebar). =)

susan said...

I answered the I Spy question.

Sweepstakes Advantage said...

Great Giveaway! I found you listed on Sweepstakes Advantage. , Good Luck to everyone!

agordon10 said...

We have the Active Edge - Wigglin' Water Snake

mverno said...

the Small World Express - Fun Roller


wiggling snake



Anonymous said...

The Active Edge - Loop-To-Loop Parachute would be fun to have for summer.
-Terra H.

Anonymous said...

I'm an e-mail subscriber.
-Terra H.

mogrill said...

The Neurosmith music blocks!! Thanks for the chance.

Jennifer said...

I would love to have the Small World Express - Fun Roller for my kids!!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Jennifer said...

I subscribe!!

jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

The barnyard baby balls look like a lot of fun!

Kristie said...

The kids would love the Small World Express - Homerun Hitter.

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Marianna said...

My kids would love that small world express-power arm!

Lydia said...

I subscribe

Lydia said...

The Wigglin' Water Snake looks like a wonderful summer toy

Lydia said...

I spy

Unknown said...

I love the small world cookie time! T

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

Active Edge See Me Tepee!'

justicecw said...

My son would love the Small World Express Fun Roller! thanks,

justicecw said...

I answered the trivia question via email. thanks,

Happi Shopr said...

My niece and nephews would love the Active Edge - Wigglin' Water Snake. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

jennem said...

I'd like the
Active Edge - Solo Chinese Jump Rope

camper223 said...

Would really like the Active Edge - Soft Sprinkles Tide Pool

Thank you


camper223 said...

I'm a twitter follower
I twitted this contest

Thank you


Sherry R said...

My favorite is the Small World Express - Fun Roller!

jnkrim (at) qwestoffice (dot) net

Sherry R said...

I subscribe in Google reader.

jnkrim (at) qwestoffice (dot) net

bloggytreasures said...

Pomma Wonga sounds like oodles of fun!

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