Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What would happen if the election came down to one vote?

We have a new president in office but have you ever thought about what would happen if a race was so close that it came down to one vote? I know your thinking that's just impossible but is it? Either way its sort of fun to think about it and Swing Vote bring to light what would happen if the vote came down to one person no matter how imperfect he is.

Meet Bud Johnson and his daughter Molly, Bud is no prize winning dad he chronically drinks, is a complete mess up at work, and he doesn't seem to take anything seriously other than his daughter who he obviously loves very much. So the problem is that this man, the guy you would just write off as a drunken looser at work is in charge of possibly the most important decision of your lifetime who will become the next president.

Bud thinks its a game but Molly who is really into politics knows just how important this decision is, but really I am making this movie sound too serious when really its a comidy. The funny part is really watching Bud who thinks this is all a game and treats this decision as some sort of right to party. Its the fact that it never even occurs to him the type of decision he is going to have to make until his daughter makes it clear. Molly is quite the brilliant little girl.

Without giving anymore away its just one of those movies that looks sort of silly in the previews but its really a great story, its quite funny, and one of those movies that just sort of strangely touches you.

Swing Vote is available right on DVD right now and you can pick up your copy on Amazon!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out Swing Vote and tell me what issue is most near and dear to your heart when it came to the last election.
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end Feb 30th at midnight!


mverno said...

the economy its terrible

Ellen C. said...

I hope the unemployment rate gets better soon.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

VickieC said...

The issue that was most dear to my heart was the ecomomy an jobs an exports going over seas unstead of being done here in the USA,my husband an son in law are laid off due to jobs going out of the country


clenna said...

The economy is my main concern - I have many friends, relatives, etc. that have been laid off, lost their homes, and have lost their savings. I don't know how these people will survive in the next 5 years!

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber..semtaylor(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

In the last election the economy (job loss specifically) was hot topic. semtaylor(at)yahoo(dot)com

Kristie said...

Th economy was probably the biggest issue for me in this last election.

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Definitely the economy - it scares me.

Anonymous said...

The issue that was most important to me was openness and honesty in government--I think then the other issues of economy and diplomacy overseas come into line.

judybrittle said...

unemployment and the economy. My husband has been out of work for almost two years and all our money is gone. Retirement money gone. If he doesn't find something soon we lose our house. Plus I have my daughter living here with 2 of my grandchildren. There are no jobs.

schnoodledo said...

For me, shaping the Supreme Court was an issue that seemed it should've been higher up on folks list than it seemingly was

valerie2350 said...

the economy :(

valerie2350 said...


Erin Lowmaster said...

The economy for sure.

Thanks for an opportunity to win this!
ellybean (at)

Erica C. said...

the economy

Miss Spoken said...

The economy

Rita M said...

I would have to say the economy... we are seeing stores closing right & left here and it's very scary.

susan1215 said...

The economy

Think about it said...

for me, the economy

Fangirl Jen said...

The economy... many different issues are covered under this one umbrella of a title

Fangirl Jen said...

I am a subscriber and your button is on my blog.

peg42 said...

For us, it was the economy. Thanks so much.

agordon10 said...

the economy

Michelle H. said...

Well, of course the economy is on everyone's mind, but for me it was actually affordable healthcare without penalizing pre-existing conditions. Thanks for the giveaway! MHende3706 at aol dot com

mverno said...


Teresa said...

The safety of our country is most important to me. I once took an economics class and my teacher said that economics, education, politics, etc. all took a backseat to our country's safety. As emerging nations develop powerful modern weapons, especially weapons and weapon parts that can and have fallen into the hands of terrorists, we are more and more at risk. As Commander-in-chief, our President has the duty to lead our military with his decisions and make sure this county is protected as best possible.
TRigell at aol dot com

Jenna said...

I think the economy was the biggest most important issue. Thanks!

Francine Anchondo said...

The economy was the most important issue. Thanks for the giveaway.

Francine Anchondo said...

I am subscribed via google reader.

cornbella said...

Since my husband was laid off for over 10 months in 2008, and is expecting to be laid off again any day........the horrible state of the economy took first place in my list of issues.

Sheila Hickmon said...

The economy was definatley the biggest issue for me. Its horrible.

Sheila Hickmon said...

Im a subscriber!

Melinda said...

abortion/pro-life is a big topic for me!

dwhogan said...


Anonymous said...

The high cost of higher education and health care for all were 2 issue I was and am very interested in.


the economy

chromiumman said...

true freedom -- unfortunately ron paul didn't get a place in the general election

Molly said...

The biggest issue to me was gay marriage rights. :( Unfortunately.

Belinda said...

Economic security.
1bmore @ gmail . com

Unknown said...

Healthcare and the economy.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Unknown said...

I'm a subscriber!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Anonymous said...

So many issues, but the economy is speaking loudly.

Amber said...

I was most concerned with the environment.

Thanks for the giveaway and please enter me!


loni broesch said...

The war...

Smooshy said...

the state of the economy

Sunnyvale said...

the economy

Karen said...

The economy.

ktgonyea at

tritty74 said...

The economy

sohamolina said...

I want the economy to be fixed.

Ed said...

Health Care, the reason I rooted for Edwards.

Anonymous said...

abortion/pro-life is very important to me

Anonymous said...

your button's on my blog :)

Sharon said...

the economy

Sharon said...

I'm subscribed

llkent said...

Education and the economy are two very important issues.

llkent said...

i'm a subscriber

Andria said...

Wow. There were so many issues that were important to me. I think the environment is the most important. We can kill to birds with one stone by focusing on the environment. We can create new green jobs that will help the economy.

Andria said...

Im a subscriber

Anonymous said...

The economy is my main concern - I have many friends, relatives, etc. that have been laid off. Thanks!

kdj617 said...

america on a slide

Deborah said...

The economy and the war in Iraq were the issues most important to me on election day. asthenight at gmail dot com

windycindy said...

I terribly disturbs me that so many Americans are losing their homes and jobs. In this country, this shouldn't be happening! Thanks,Cindi

windycindy said...

I am subscribed. Thanks, Cindi

Anonymous said...

I guess the issue that concerned me most comes under the "economy" umbrella. Unemployment, home foreclosures, businesses closing -- we need to shore up the economy and help stop the bleeding.

Golfergirl said...

It's frightening to see so many long standing company's going out of business. I'm gratified to see a young person with high energy in the White House. It gives me hope.

annies home said...

the economy we were are small business that we had to shut down

eluckstead said...

I voted for the environment--nothing else will matter if we all perish by poisoning our planet! I care about employment, social issues, healthcare, but our climate and survival are at stake.

elaina said...

I work in education, and I'm appalled at the dangerous flawed No Child Left Behind Act.

elaina said...

I'm a faithful subscriber.

idahomom said...

the state of the economy

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I am always concerned with reproductive rights for all women-the past 8 years have been terrible for women!

msrodeobrat said...

the environment

Anonymous said...

Raising taxes was my biggest issue - we don't need more taxes.

Anonymous said...

None of it. I'm more interested in getting a president that isn't corporate America's puppet while putting on a better show than the WWE for the benefit of the American people.

Kari said...

Financially, we're doing fine so my biggest concern is the environment. If we continue down the path we're on, we won't have a place to live to worry about the economy!

Kari said...

Im a subscriber!

redfuzzycow said...

the issue of the economy is what worries me the most

Annmarie Weeks said...

I know that the economy and Iraq needed a lot of attention, but as a mom I'm also always interested in the candidates' views on all education issues.

Anonymous said...

I blogged about it. Thanks! hasgirl at

noreen said...

the economy

♥ LLL with Leslie ♥ said...

I hope the economy will pick up and things would change for the better :)

wigget said...

health care because we are constantly entangled in medical expenses

Anonymous said...

I am a subscriber

Anonymous said...

If he will turn the economy around. I think we should turn to wind and solar power. Please enter me, thank you

Julie Donahue said...

Protecting life is important to me.

Anonymous said...

Healthcare for all....

tsslug said...

I am a email subscriber

tsslug said...

Education is definitely the answer

Anonymous said...

Hoping the economy and unemployment rate gets better

mindy said...

the economy as i was very concerned about my future and ss thanks for the giveaway

Unknown said...

Healthcare for everyone

Unknown said...

email subscriber

shawn said...

I think that the economy was important to me as many others & our safety.

shawn said...

i subscribe

Jayfr said...

The accelerating growth of American socialism.

Saoder said...

Limiting the growth of goverment

vboackle said...

the economy.

Denise S. said...

National security, the integrity of the candidate, and the economy.

Gabriel S-J. said...

the economy, something needs to be done bad...

Anonymous said...

A real person, not a false messiah!

Aisling said...

Health care was and is a major issue for me.

Ken said...

It was nice seeing my race represented in the White House. Free at last. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

denyse said...

Medical insurance for all of us legal citizens!

Unknown said...

The economy and my right to bear arms were at the top of my list!

sherri419 at gmail dot com

Kathy P said...

definately the economy things are so bad and getting worse

Christy said...

Taxes are high on my list.

Kathy P said...

im a subscriber :)

sewingmema said...

Economy and military benefits.

Steph said...

Jobs and health care.

Anonymous said...

The economy was the issue closest to my heart in this election. Thank you for the contest!


Anonymous said...

I'm a subscriber!


Anonymous said...

Human rights are probably always my most important issue.

Anonymous said...

I subscribe.

NASCAR Race Mom said...

No question, the war was the issue most near and dear to me.

ky2here said...

Freedom to Marry (aka gay marriage).

Jinxy and Me said...

Healthcare was #1.

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm subscribed to your RSS feed.

prplrush said...

The issue closest to my heart in the last election has to do with unemployment. My Hubby has been laid off since Christmas week, and there are no jobs available here at all!

tlcfromtn said...

I would have to say the economy for sure. Hope it gets better soon! Thanks for the giveaway!

braaisjo at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Education and Healthcare

Anonymous said...

I subscribe

Anonymous said...

Tax Cuts For The Middle Class

Anonymous said...

I'm A Subscriber

jayne said...

The War in Iraq! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

the economy is my biggest issue

weblynx at

Carolyn said...

Lower my Taxes! (Not gonna happen)

Twincere said...

Healthcare. I have an adult stepdaughter dealing with the Medicaid system for her special needs and work as a Registered Nurse.


andrew said...

For me the issue that is most dear to me is education. The cutbacks are horrible for the students. Who is going to inherit all of this debt? The students that the system failed to educate properly.

Andrew Loeb

janeh said...

Health Care Reform and the Economy

jemscout425 said...

stem cell research. my daughter has lupus. it's incurable. so stem cell reasearch is , like many others, her only hope

Candie L said...

Mine was the continued increase in jobs being transfered overseas. Thank you.


Reyn said...

All of the issues the candidates spoke about were near and dear to my heart, they are all very important to us but when it came to the last election, it was the media that got my dander up. The he did that or she said this. Let us decide what was meant.

yadgirl said...

I want the war to end.

Peggy said...

Is so sad that we are in this mess. I am concerned about the economy and health care. It is only going to get worse before it gets better.
Thanks for the giveaway

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