Though I'd consider myself a pretty crafty person since Connor was born my crafting days have been pretty much at a still. Between constantly chasing my little man around to homework to the blog I barely have time to breath much less make my own cards. Though a few years ago I would have considered it a special treat to make cards for the people I love. I think that stems from the fact that I personally believe that there is nothing more special than a handmade card or a hand written letter. With that said I've always wanted to make a scrapbook but you can imagine if I don't have time for cards when would I ever have time for scrap booking?
With that said its been years, and I mean years, since I last touched a software package that helps you make cards or scrapbook pages. To be honest my last experience was in high school with dot matrix printer and to be totally honest back then without the use of a laser printer computer generated cards were a little disappointing so I really didn't know what to expect when it came to Hallmark Card Studio 2009 Deluxe and the Hallmark Scrapbook Studio Deluxe.
I was anxious to try out Hallmark Card Studio 2009 Deluxe as being on a student budget means saving money anywhere I can is always a top priority and with 30+ kids in the family we attend quite a few birthday parties and each birthday party means a new birthday card and it seems sometimes I'm buying two or three cards a week. So printing my own cards would be a dream come true not to mention a way to personalize my cards just the way I want to! So the question is was this new Hallmark Card Studio good enough to pass for real cards?Well using the Hallmark Card Studio 2009 Deluxe is really not much different than using the version I remember from high school. After you set up the software you can browse the cards based on the type of event. More importantly Hallmark Card Studio 2009 Deluxe is not just for cards, I was really impressed to find out that you can also make calenders, postcards, stationary, invitations, and more! Connor's 2nd birthday is coming up sooner than I would like to admit and last year I think I spent 30+ dollars on invitations and even more with thank you cards for his birthday. This year I plan on making his invitations using the Hallmark Card Studio 2009 Deluxe which I'm excited to say will save me a ton of money!! Yay!
My biggest concern was the quality of the cards you can make with the software and with some trial and error I've found that the quality of the cards depends totally on your printer and the card stock you use. My first couple attempts I used the paper stock I used to use for my handmade cards.. and though the results they did come out looking like printed cards which is what I wanted to avoid. So I remembered I had some photo quality postcard stock in my secret stash and I set my printer to its highest photo setting and made a trial run postcard style invitation which is my favorite type for invites anyways as they are the cheapest to mail. The results were really fabulous and really unless you were looking for it you wouldn't know that I printed them on my printer!
I'm still playing with the Hallmark Scrapbook Studio 3.0 Deluxe but if the results are even remotely the same I'm pretty excited about the possibilities.
Hallmark Card Studio 2009 Deluxe and Hallmark Scrapbook Studio 3.0 Deluxe are both available for purchase on the Hallmark Software website!
I have a copy of Hallmark Card Studio 2009 Deluxe and Hallmark Scrapbook Studio 3.0 Deluxe to give away to one lucky reader!
To enter :
- Leave a comment on this post. Check out Hallmark Card Studio 2009 Deluxe and Hallmark Scrapbook Studio 3.0 Deluxe and tell me what sort of project would you work on first if you won!
- Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
- Please US entries only.
- To get extra credit :
- For an extra entry :
- Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
- Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
- One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
- This contest will end Feb 30th at midnight!
I would work on our pictures of our trip to Disney World. I would like to put them in order and identify them.
I would work on a project for all of our new baby pictures. Thanks.
Am working on a family history and these tools would be so helpful. Wonderful gift.
I would start a scrapbook peoject for my boyfriends and I relationship as my first project.
madamerkf at aol dot com
Finally organize and present the 2008 pictures of our camping trips in the High Sierra, bears and all.
I have an older version of Hallmark Card Studio (really old) that we use all the time to make cards. Much cheaper than going to the store to get one. I would love to be able to organize all my pictures! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would be playing with these all the time! I think I would start with making birthday cards for upcoming birthdays, then go right into making scrapbook pages for a trip I took a couple months ago.
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I would love to make some custom calendars to send all my family that live in other states!
I would use this software to make party invitations for my son's birthday.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
my first project is to work on the huge collection of pictures of my grandson
I set a goal for myself to send birthday cards to all my (and my husband's) immediate family. I've done pretty well, and am sending anniversary cards now too. I'd love to create a years worth of cards so I have them on hand to send out when each special date is coming up.
beccachristensen at hotmail dot com
I would work on my daughters' birthday party invites first
I would work on my daughter's baby album. I'm so far behind and this looks like the tool that I need to get it done.
I wouwork on my sond birth first! I am really far behind in my scrapbooking! Great giveaway!
i'd work on a baby-themed scrapbook for my sons
i'd love to make cards with pics of my kids!
My babies are turning 1 next week, I would love to make them a scrapbook
My babies are turning 1 next week, I would love to make them a scrapbook
My babies are turning 1 next week, I would love to make them a scrapbook
I'd make a scrapbook of my upcoming vacation to Mexico.
I am a subscriber and your button is on my blog.
I would like to make a scrapbook for my son about the time we lived in Germany.
I subscribe to your newsletter.
I am a subscriber!
I would like to scrapbook about my graduation!
My little guy's 1st birthday is coming up. Would love to try it out for the invites and then scrapbooking the memories. Thanks.
Email subscriber.
I would use the scrapbook Studio to finally make my book for our wedding pictures. We've been married for 3 1/2 years and have not done anything with our pile of wedding pictures. I really need something like this to help me get them in a book. I hope I win. I love making cards. I would use the Card Studio to make our thank you cards for when we moved and had our friends help move us.
I'd like to make a scrapbook for my nephew with pictures from his last visit here with me. utgal2004[at]yahoo[dot]com
I love you card for my husband
I would work on a book for my mom.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I would work on my vacation pictures when I went to Hawaii
I would scrapbook my wedding!
I would make a book for mother in law of all her children and grandchildren.
A book of my last vacation to Las Vegas
I would work on our Seattle vacation pictures and the pix of my new great nephew!
I'm a subscriber!! Thanks so much!
Since Valentine's Day is coming up, I'd work on cards for that; especially one for my daughter. She loves it when I make her things! sierramuse8 at aol.
I'd finally get to some of the baby pics !!
ktgonyea at
i would like to make the 3D cards and other projects, i have one of the later ones like this and they are fun to make and create things on. thanks for the giveaway.
I would scrapbook my trip to Brazil in college. And send my mom a card!
I also subscribe via google reader
I would use various stationery pages and type in various size fonts and types some fun info for each family member. I'd type on the stationery page their name, it's meaning, and where it originated in history. I'd give it to people with either their birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, Anniversary gifts, or a simple thank you gift. I'd probably roll up the page like a scroll and tie it with a pretty ribbon. For the youngsters in the family, I'd probably laminate flat it or put it in a frame. I'd include their date of birth at the top. They could then incorporate the page into their own physical scrapbooks, or scan it and use it in their digital scrapbooks, or hang it up on a bedroom wall. I think it's fun that people know their name, meaning of the name, variations of the name throughout history and location where it was used before.
I subscribe, and I can't type correctly. In my post above of typed flat it, it should be it flat. I hate when my hands don't type the words in the right order. P.S. I'm terrible in English, but good in math, so go figure.
When I went to the site, it said the Hallmark Card program could make unique cards for special occasions. The first thing I would do is make Valentine Cards or Birthday Cards for four family members that have birthdays in February and March. But what I really love is scrapbooking, so this is what I am most interested in!
TRigell at aol dot com
I subscribe by email :)
TRigell at aol dot com
I would use it for our pictures from out trip to San Lucia.
teechbiz at gmail dot com
I would like to make and print my own greeting cards
First, I would complete a Christmas scrapbook for my daughter-in-law who is patiently waiting, then birthday cards and invitations for my granddaughter's birthday. Just thinking of all the images and embellishments I could print off the Scrapbook 2009 brings tears of joy to my eyes. I have always made my own cards, so now I could make them look more professional with the Hallmark Card Kit! Yahoo!
I subscribe/follow by email :)
I would make greeting for everyone I like and love.
I've spent the last two years working on a cookbook for my son, who is now on his own and missing home cooked meals. We live thousands of miles from our 'home' area and you can't get the food we grew up on at any restaurant. Although I was always artistic and crafty, I am struggling with this project. I was adding pictures of him or family members that used to make this for him and it turns out that my creativity does not extend to scrap books. He has watched anxiously for this present for the last few years and is about to give up hope. And I'm about ready to just print them up and put them in a card file, but the scrapbook was such a great idea.
I would start by creating Valentines Day cards for all my friends and family and send out some major love to my peeps ;-)
I would put together a scapbook of my daughters. I have been wanting to do this for a long time.
I would like to make some calendars
My son is getting married and I want to be able to help them in as many ways as possible. This would be ideal!! Thanks so much for creating the possibility!
My first project would be a scrapbook of my new baby.
I'm having a baby in April, so I'd work on baby pages!
your button's on my blog :)
I would create things for my wedding.
I subscribe!
I would scrapbook about my cruise to Egypt!
I would love to make some custom calendars to send all my family that live in other states! Thanks!
Photo greeting cards
My anniversary is on Valentines day and it's hard to find an Anniversary Valentines card. I'd work on that for sure.
Hi! I would start on a Mini-Journal
for each of my two sons. Many thanks for the chance to win such a fantastic prize! Cindi
I am subscribed to your site!
Thanks again, Cindi
I would use my grandmother's photos of her family while she was growing up.
I would give this to my daughter who would use it for the scrapbooking.
I subscribe
My wife is addicted to scrapbooking. Thank you for the chance to win her something useful.
This would go great with my scrapbooking projects. I would be so excited to win this prize. Thanks for the contest!
I would love to start scrapbooking my box of pictures and pictures I digitally have first.
websurfergirl19 AT hotmail DOT com
I subscribe.
websurfergirl19 AT hotmail DOT com
I would love to make some custom calendars
I could definitely use the card maker. I tried making our Christmas cards on my own and didn't get them all out before Christmas. I need all the help I can get. ;)
graduation is right around the corner so i would say graduation cards or a scrapbook page about the 12 years of school for my daughter
subscribed in reader
I would work on Valentine's Day cards for the family!
I would start making birthday cards for everyone in my big family!
I would make a scrapbook of my wedding (that took place 14 years ago!). Then I would make birthday cards for all my family and friends.
My first project will be a calendar of photos of my nephews for my mom. Thank you for the great give-away.
If I won this, I would take all of the pictures from my mothers childhood, and through until now and organize them and scrapbook them up and put them on cd's for any family members that would like to have them. This of course will take me a very, very long time because my mother is 68 yrs old and that's a lot of memories to go thru. LOL the fun part is trying to remember who half the people were. :)
I would work on my daughters Baby/Scrap book. She is 19 months old and I just finished the pages of her baby shower.
spagsrags1 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I would work on my son's baby album...yes he is turning 3 but being the second child this baby book is on the back burner.
whitten100 @ yahoo dot com
First project will be making Easter cards!
I'd make a family tree scrapbook.My aunt has a large collection of family pice going back as far as 7 generations.Would be great for next year family renioun.
I would work on baby books for our two children.
I'd work on an album for my sister, she has a new baby who is only a few weeks old!
Im also a subscriber and follower!
I would put all of our winter pictures together first!
A scrapbook of my son
I would start with that Scrapbook Studio Deluxe (wow! 1,200+ Templates and 7,000+ Hallmark Art Images?!). I have a few years worth of my childrens' pictures that I haven't done a THING with! I would make each of them a beautiful memory book of their first years!
I would work on a baby book for my son (who is 18 mo. already)...this would be a great win, and a great way to get me started on it....
I am a long-time subscriber.......webleaneATyahooDOTcom
I would use this to make up custom photo albums and make custom cards/ invitations.
Thanks for the contest.
I would definitely work on organizing all the pics of my kids.
I am a subscriber.
My sister-in-law loves scrap booking. Her birthday is in April. I would love to win for a gift. Please enter me, thank you
I would start working on my kids' scrapbook stuff.
I have your button.
would love to do some calendars for my grandkids
I'd make a birthday card for my brother.
I would love to make Easter cards for my family.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
birthday cards
I have scrapebook the old fashion way!
I am a scrapbooker
I sure would like to win
I am a subscriber
Linz said:
Wonderful giveaway -
I'd use it for my travel pictures.
Give it to my Mother :p
I would use it to make invites for my baby's first birthday! Thanks for the giveaway!
babychooch (at) gmail {dot} com
I would use it for my youngest granddaughters upcoming birthday! This looks like it would be a blast to use.
Thanks so much!
dbkagrayson2002 [at] gmail [dot] com
I think i would do a scrapbook project for my sister-in-laws wedding & our trip to it..
i subscribe
scrap booking or maybe wedding invitations.
I would love to be able to work on some more creative scrapbooking projects with my kids. Thanks for the entry!
I would make my son's 2-year birthday invitations!
This blog was recently featured on Check out some of our new sweepstakes!
Good luck to everybody who enters the contests!
I would work on a card with pictures of my son for grandma! elizberry {at} aol {dot} com
I have a huge box of family photos, some of them very old. I'd use this to get those organized once and for all! This looks like a really great product. Thank you!
info (@) pingfordsporridge dot com
I could sure use an updated version. 4 beautiful granddaughters! what do you think?
I would start working on my daughter's scrapbook, that I have good intentions of STARTING!
I subscribed to your Rss feed
My daughters have been wanting to do something creative on the computer. This looks good. We'd probably do a project scrapbook page for a birthday party.
I would crate unique calendars to share with my family.
A variety of birthday cars, so I'd always have some on hand.
I love making my own cards its more personal and I love scrapbooking on the computer
I'd like to scrapbook my millions of pictures!!
My husband and I would enjoy making our own greeting and Christmas cards.
First I'd get that stack of assorted photos organized into scrapbooks and later print holiday cards as needed. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
we are working from a two year old set time to upgrade .
I would take all of the wonderful photos that I've taken of my 2 granddaughters, and make a scrapbook with the photos along with poetry that I've written throughout the years. I think that when they were older, they would appreciate this.
I would start working on my niece's May birthday party!
I would work on doing some scrap book pages of my son for his baby book.
i would start making easter cards :)
im a subscriber :)
I'd do a family tree scrapbook for my son. He helps me work on the genealogy and is real interested in it.
I have pictures of our trip to New York City to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island that need to be put into the scrapbook--this would most certainly help! Thank you for the contest!
I'm a subscriber!
with 19 grandkids I would love to win this so that I can make cards fit for the child and occasion not the geniric cards in the stores
I would love this to make my own personalkzed greeting cards! Thanks!
I would begin the project of scrap booking my kids' photos. Thanks for the contest.
I would start making post cards for a party I am going to have.
Art design for some jewelry I'd like to make. skyxsky27(at)
I would make birthday cards for all of my relatives!
I'm subscribed to your RSS feed.
I love doing calendars. I did three of them at the beginning of this year. If you haven't done them before, you should try it out. They make great gifts.
Ummm...Conner must be keeping you in another world..'cause this contest ends on February 30th? :) Been there, oh, yeah!
First would test some stuff out then most likely I would be making a scrapbook of the kiddos for the grandparents...
I would love to organize all my son's baby pictures!
I would make all My cards for the year and date them and have them ready and I would send You a MAJOR THANK YOU NOTE
My first project would be to make a nice birthday card for my niece
also subscribe via email!
I would make a scrapbook for each of my 3 children. I've been wanting to do this for some time now, and this software would really help.
I alwats wanted to start scrapbooking and if I win this, it might encourage me to get started! Thanks for the chance for this great giveaway!
I would use it to make cards for my family and friends! Thank you!
My daughter would probably want this and she'd make cards for her friends and scrapbook with her brother.
My parent's 50th anniversary is coming. It would be great to make them a scrapbook of their years together.
Our first grandchild is due in May! You know what I'm going to do with this great prize. Announcements, scrapbook you name it! Thanks for the giveaway.
Im embarassed to admit that my second niece is a year and a half old and I havent even started a scrapbook for her yet. I have made many for her older sister. This would really help me get started!!
This would be fabulous for making some Easter cards!
I'd love to use this to make birthday cards, it'd save me a small fortune!
First I would work on 2 birthdays that are coming up in my family. Then I would tackle Easter. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
My grandchildren always look forward of getting cards from me like birthday, Easter or any other holiday and I would love to learn to make my own.
I do genealogy, was trying to figure out a way to make a pretty photo album/scrapbook for all of the old family photos. Hallmark Scrapbook Studio Deluxe 3.0 would make it so much fun.
I would work with all the photos from our last vacation.
I would have so much fun! Plenty of birthday and anniversary cards. Plus I enjoy sending a card just to say hello.
Thanks for this awesome giveaway
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