Saturday, September 6, 2008

Scared.. again

I love horror movies but few keep me awake at night as the first scary movie that left me staying up all night worrying what was lurking under my bed.

The original Child's Play has been my worst nightmare from the first time it aired on VHS. I actually remember watching it with my mom and I couldn't tell you who was more scared me or her.

Kids of today might not understand the real horror behind Chucky, after all in the 80s the must have toys were things like Cabbage Patch dolls, My Buddy, and Teddy Ruxpin to name a few. All seem harmless and cute, but with the introduction of Chucky my world and my toy box came tumbling down in an era of uncertainty. My dreams of a My Buddy doll stoped abruptly after my first viewing of Child's Play, who featured Chucky as the non dying, evil, possessed doll who creepily looked somewhat similar. Actually I lost my appetite for dolls for a long time after my first Chucky encounter.

Child's Play, the original release, was in my opinion the best and the most important one of the series of movies. Though I've seen them all none of them gave me the creeps as much as the first. Child's Play's special effects were awesome for the day and though I still think they are pretty awesome they seem a bit lacking compared to some of the cool new computer generated effects of today. I will be honest with you though, I just don't think Chucky would be scary if rendered in cgi. There is something so real.. so tangible.. about his actual puppet. I mean he is after all, a real glorified toy and that offers a whole new realistic twist of its own.

There is a new special feature that actually has commentary from Chucky himself and though I think that's pretty cool I'll be honest with you I can't bring myself to watch it.. its bad enough that I think I'll be up all night.. again. heh.

Thanks MGM for scaring the crap out of me.. yet again.

Child's Play the 20th Birthday Edition is available on Amazon Sept 9th!

I have two copies of Child's Play the 20th Birthday Edition to give away to my readers!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out Child's Play the 20th Birthday Edition and tell me what horror movie scares the crap out of you?
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end September 30th at midnight!



truly no movie scares me anymore, I tend to laugh at the silly parts- kids still like but what really scares the crud out of me is my mils face....ok mils--no emailing- but mine is uglyscary- personality, attitude and looks

Ladytink_534 said...

Nothing scared me as bad as Stephen King's It but I have to say Chuckie came close! This old theater I went to growing up (my mom did too when she was a kid) had 3 full sized Chuckie dolls on the wall and I always just stared at them while we were in the lobby.

Anonymous said...

Poltergeist would be the scariest movie to me. It is also my favorite horror movie. Scary and very well done.

Maja said...

The Hills Have Eyes.

Maja said...


peg42 said...

The one movie that really scares me is Night of the Living Dead...but I still tend to watch it every once in awhile.
Thanks so much for this giveaway.

agordon10 said...

The Exorcist

Miss Spoken said...

Nothing beats the original Hellraiser

Anonymous said...

I'd have to say the horror movie that scared the crap out of me was "Stephen King's The Stand". Especially the hospital scene with Stu and all the dead bodies, and the scene with Larry's dying mother sitting up in her bed on the brink of death calling for him. That's some creepy stuff!

Fangirl Jen said...

The original Amityville Horror still scares me! GET OUT!!!! yikes.

Anonymous said...

I saw Child's Play as a kid too and distinctly remember not wanting to sleep in the same room as my dolls. Haha. My older sister showed me Stephen King's IT when I was way too young and to this day clowns freak me out. utgal2004 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I started watching horror movies since I was about 5 years old, so as I got older, I kinda became "immune" to them. I'm one of those people laughing at things that make others scream, figuring out twists and secrets before anyone else, guessing what's going to happen next correctly, etc..
However, there has been one movie that actually scared me to the point where my own TV creeped me out, keeping me awake for quite a while. That movie was The Ring. It is probably the ONLY remake of an Asian movie I prefer over the original because I think it grasped the "creep" factor very well.
Having had the pleasure of watching the movie in a packed theater, during the weekend premiere, made this the greatest, funniest, and scariest movie-going experience I've ever had.


mverno said...


Anonymous said...

Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer is a film that definitely scares the crap out of me because of the sheer realism of which makes it so compelling. What it makes such a disturbing film is that it just shakes the energy out of you so much that you just so on edge that your viewing experience may never be the same.

Anonymous said...

The movie scream scares the living daylights out of me. The music is scarey and I remember getting sick to my stomach on that one.


iluv2blog said...

I would have to say the movie that scares the bejeezus out of me is "The Exorist".

I saw "Child's Play" when it first came out on video.

Anonymous said...

augh! Chuckie scares the bejesus outta me. that doesn't mean I don't like it though. My BF won't watch them with me. (wuss!)

Anonymous said...

your on my sidebar

Anonymous said...

AND I am subscribed in feed!

Rebecca said...

To be honest Chucky scared the crap out of me! Also, Nightmare on Elm Street. Nightmare has effected the way I sleep to this day, I can't have anything hanging over the edge of the bed and I have to be covered up, I don't care if it's blazing hot, I will be under a sheet and blanket!


Unknown said...

I always thought the Exorcist was the scariest movie ever!

Susan said...

Final Destination 2: because the deaths were real quick, you almost didn't see them coming, and it could really happen!

Anonymous said...

The Shining. It still freaks me out if I see it at night.

Anonymous said...

I know what you did last summer.

rebbi511 at

Anonymous said...

Pacific Heights or the Panic Room

Steve Benkin said...

What scares me? probably the exorcist (the original). One of the few films that I find so scary that I actually don't enjoy it much.

windycindy said...

There was a movie a very long time ago called "The Bad Seed!" It was old when I watched it as a young girl. The girl in the movie was so evil. I still remember that movie and how is scared me. Please enter me in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

windycindy said...

I am a subscriber. Thanks, Cindi

Beetlejuice! said...

I'd have to say The People Under The Stairs, scares me the most. I'm not even sure if that's the exact name of it, but as far as I know that was it. I remember seeing it was I was fairly young and still to this day even thinking about that movie gives me the willies!

Ginny said...

Chucky always scared me, it was the few I watched too. I had that Julie doll when I was little, she would talk & she could interact with you. I used to always think she was going to come alive because of the Chucky movies, lol.

Another movie that scared the crap out of me was actually 6th Sense. It didn't scare me while watching it, but after I couldn't shower for a week without thinking about ghosts walking around the bathroom, lol.

imjasonc said...

The movie Hostle just scared the daylights out of me!!

Millie said...

Hands down Halloween! With Michael Myers!!! He is the only won that total freaks me OUT... and you know whats totally twisted.. I tivo all of them and watch them by myself... I know its twisted! Thanks for the chance to win!

Millie said...

I am subscriber!

toasters lie said...

The existence of the "Saw" and "Hostel" movies scares. It's not the movies themselves that scare me. It's that there are people who actually enjoy torture porn like this and seek it out that is just terrifying.

Jackie B. said...

Great giveaway! I love horror movies and they just about all scare the crap out of me. I think the scariest for me was the Excorsist! Even the book gave the willies! I coould not read it before going to bed.

Jackie B. said...

I am also a subscriber!

valerie2350 said...

The Saw movies - eeeeeek!

Sharon said...

The first Halloween...!!!

Anonymous said...

Hush Hush Sweet Charolette

Erica C. said...

nightmare on elm street always gave me nightmares!

chromiumman said...

scariest film i ever saw was the original alien

Anna said...

The Shining has always scared me more than anything else ever has.

judybrittle said...

It was The Exorcist. That movie gave me nightmares the first time I saw it.

judybrittle said...

I'm subscribed

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

Anything with Dracula in it.

kygirl said...


littlelatina said...

Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's always been the scariest movie to me. Just knowing that something exists of that nature is just frightening.

katy said...

Halloween scared me to death. I had a nightmare that Michael was looking for me that night. I got up and went to bed in my sister's bedroom.

mogrill said...

Nightmare on elm street scares me every time!

elangomatt said...

Actually Childs Play has always freaked me out, but I still like watching the Childs Play movies :P

Anonymous said...

Nothing listed here beats the Exorcist. Not even close.

MageMorgana said...

A movie I saw when I was about 10 or 11 has always stayed in the back of my mind..pretty tame by today's standards, but really freaked me as a kid...think it was called "Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark"

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of horror movies and love to watch them. However, I cannot and will not watch Nightmare on Elm Street. Freddy Krueger scared me horribly as a child and I still can't bring myself to watch any of the Elm Street movies.

Rita M said...

The SAW movies really creeped me out!

Teresa690 said...

Its not exactly a horror classic, but for some reason Jeepers Creepers freaks me out! I didn't want to go outside at night for a while after that one!

Jessilyn82 said...

The Omen always freaked me out-I liked that it didn't have a predictable happy ending. We're so used to horror movies where in the end the few survivors defeat the monster and save the day, so it's refreshing to see a realistic scenario.


Psycho!!!! Classic fear!

hale2005 said...

Exorcist when I was younger!

Smooshy said...

Stephen King's It always gives me the creeps!

Think about it said...

I watched IT has a child. and im still afraid of clowns...

Anonymous said...

Hellraiser. Pinhead always scared me.


AudreyO said...

I don't watch scary movies but my daughter watched "The Ring" when she was 18 or 19 and slept with her light on for a week after. My younger daughter watched it and got scared every time the phone rang LOL

fancyfeet48 said...

I always thought the Exorcist was the scariest

Anonymous said...

I love horror movies. I collect them. Haven't seen one for awhile thats scared me. Have the full series of Chuckie, Halloween, Friday the 13th just to name a few. Would love to win. Please enter me, thank you

Anonymous said...

The exorcist is till the scariest thing I have ever seen!

Anonymous said...

Final Destination 2 scares me because a lot of accidents in that movie could easily happen in "real life..." and don't think I don't think about it.

finegal50 [at]

bison61 said...

The Exorcist-I still don't like watching it

tiramisu392 (at)

Unknown said...

The Hills have Eyes

Jinxy and Me said...

The Shining freaks me out!

Amber said...

Child's Play used to freak me out. I saw it for the first time at a sleepover in 5th grade. I had nightmares for a long time!
Jeepers Creepers is pretty scary too. It really is a cheesy movie, but it's creepy!

Anonymous said...

I subscribed
cmlittle1 at embarqmail dot com

Anonymous said...
anything with a vampire gives me nightmares - some are worse then others however!!!

Ken said...

The Exorcist still creeps me out. Please accept my entry.

Karen said...

I still get creeped out when I'm in a dark room with a mirror - CANDYMAN :)

Brn2lisn said...

I am a subscriber

Brn2lisn said...

The Saw creeped me out


klp1965 said...

when i was young i saw carrie and that movie scared the hell out of me..i would not sleep in my room for months :o

Angela said...

The Ring is incredibly scary the first time you see it, as long as you don't know the "secret". I saw it on cable very late at night. Hoo boy!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

creeps me out,Night Of 1,000 Corspe's...ahhhh

joshuantonya said...

House of a thousand corpse's is a modern classic.

Fae said...

The Exorcist, the thought of possession scares me.

Anonymous said...

They all freak me out completely but I remember when I saw Rosemary's Baby it stuck with me for the longest time and I couldn't shake it off. I was pretty young and at a sleepover when I saw it.

Anonymous said...

I subscribe too.

Anonymous said...

i love scary movies. Chucky scares me the most

Samantha P said...

the descent always gets me, so scary!

Samantha P said...

also a subscriber!

kerri69 said...

the excorist is the scariet i have ever seen i wont watch it and i love horror movies but anything with the devil and possesion scares the crap out of me i will sleeps with the light on for a month

guettel78 said...

The last movie that really terrified me was this year's "The Strangers" - I didn't have high expectations, but I can honestly say I was almost too afraid to watch at certain points. It's that suspenseful!

donnav said...

The whole series of the Halloween movies scares me. When my teens want to watch it (and it's about that time again)I will be sleeping with the night light on in my bathroom and as close to my husband as I can get.LOL

suzie said...

Spiders scare me to death! Thanks for the contest.

Anonymous said...

Anything with Meg Ryan's distorted face!

lsl_53 said...

"IT" - that Movie still scares the ba-jeezes outta me!! Me and clowns don't do well - EEkkk![at]gmail[dot]com

Leslie said...

The Exorcist probably scares me most. Love horror films.

Anonymous said...

A Nightmare On Elm Street Scares The Crap Out Of Me,

Anonymous said...

I'm A Subscriber

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