If your a cloth diaperer you already know how awesome wet bags are, if your not then you will quickly learn that they are the one thing that should have been on your diaper registry that possibly was not. Every parent should not be without one regardless if you use cloth diapers or not you can find endless uses for them and if you do want to use cloth diapers its a necessity.
Wet Bags are basicly a cloth bag with a waterproof lining. Fabulous from everything for storing cloth diapers until wash day, transporting wet swimsuits, or even dirty clothes especially those gross ones that drooly babies tend to produce.
Petunias on Etsy offers a wet bag called the Icky Bag. Available in a host of sizes from petiete to XL. The Petiete is perfect for anyone as its small enough to fit in your diaper bag and will easily hold one or two dirty diapers, wet bibs, a infant swimsuit, or you can use it to even store your makeup, or bath supplies! If you want something much bigger you should check out the Icky Bag XL that is a generous 17x14. With a thick sturdy loop at one end its fabulous to hang on the door and holds one to two days worth of dirty diapers, a great place to store dirty laundry on overnight trips, or would even be great to store your gym clothes.The best part about Petunias is the fabulous choice of fabrics. From rockstar to flowers you can find something to suit your tastes. If you can't find something you just love she will custom make one just for you. All of Petunia's bags have a super thick cordinating liner so each of the bags looks great inside and out. That super thick liner also helps to keep smells in! I got Connor a rockin guitar print that has a pretty bright blue liner. With so many great fabrics to choose from though I promise the hardest decision you will have to make is which one to choose!
Head on over to Petunias on Etsy and pick out your favorite Icky Bag!
Petunias is offering one regular sized Icky Bag (in stock prints only) to giveaway to one lucky reader!
To enter :
- Leave a comment on this post. Check out Petunias and tell me which print you would want if you won!
- Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
- Please US entries only.
- To get extra credit :
- For an extra entry :
- Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
- Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
- One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
- This contest will end Oct 15th at midnight!
I love my wet bag. I only have one, but unless its in the wash (:-() I take it everywhere. I really like the little Russian doll print. I think this giveaway is fabulous BTW.
I love them all. She's got amazing fabric choices, but the nesting Russian dolls bag is my favorite.
leftymylou at gmail dot com
I like the one w/ Russian babushkas.
I love the Russian doll print. Thanks!
my wet bag is excellent
I like the one with the African animal print!
The Goldfinch print because they are sweet singers :o)
Boy with 3 children I could really use this. My favorite fabric is the sock monkey but I also like the one with the trees on it. Thanks for the great giveaway! ecghick@yahoo.com
like the brown with white bird pattern or the hearts or the cupcakes - great selection
I like the one with the cows/farm scene.
I like the red one with the white flowers
Love LOVE the russian doll one! so cute.
ignoramoose (at) gmail (dot) com
Love the Russian nesting dolls.
I love the one with all of the bright colored animals. They're all very pretty. We could definitely use one of these.
I really like the cupcakes or the fabric with the cute bright hearts. I also really like the black with pretty bold flowers.
I like the pink bag with the whote flower designs. There are a lot of cute ones! I could find a million uses for this bag!!
ladeebug224 at hotmail dot com
wow there all so cute any one would do just fine for me but since i have to pick i go with sock monkeys
I love the pink & green damask "Petunias" Icky Bag!
I didn't see the names of prints anywhere but I like this one: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=14965355
I like the Farm Scene Icky Bag-very neat!
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
What a fabulous idea. I really like the cupcake print. Thanks for the great giveaway :)
I also subscribe to your feed with my Google Reader :)
the blue and green dots
Thank you for having this! This would be fantastic. I have one in diapers and this would be wonderful to win. I really like this icky bag
Thank you!
Heart print
We really, really need another wetbag for our cloth diapers.
I like the one that is almost like a sea of birds. Very Cute.
I have your button on my blog.
Thanks again angela.
I love the trees print
I like the blue/green dots pattern. It would be great to win and my wetbag somehow got a hole in it.
I like the Alexander Henry Kleo Sage print ICKY Bag.
I could use another wet bag. This shop has great fabric choices too. I love the pink farm scene.
My favorite is the one you have at the top of this post, and I see from her site it comes in a mini size! That would be perfect for us. I may have to talk DH into buying one. Other than that one, I like the pink bag with the white tulips (?) on it. It says it's a "restyle" but I don't know if that's referring to the color. We have been CDing for nearly a year and I am still trying to figure out how we've gone all this time with no wet bag.
I like this one
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I am subscribed.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I really like the Icky bag with the russian doll design
Love the animals print!! Thanks for the giveaway!
I really want to try cloth diapers when my little one is born...love your reviews this week!! They are a great help!
These sound great. I love the big graphic flowers: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=15378202.
This would be fabulous on those busy days out with a baby still in diapers! The russian nesting dolls or sock monkey design would be fab! Thanks!
What a great idea! I looked at her blog since it was hard to know what the fabrics were called on the etsy site. I love #245 w/ the cherries.
I like the one that is pale green with pink & yellow flowers.
cupcakes :)
I really like the green with white leaves and pink flowers (that's the best way to describe it). Was I the only one who couldn't find names for the fabrics? I really love all their products. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I can't find the names of the patterns - I am glad to know I wasn't the only one because I didn't read any posts until searching for a while...
anywho - I like the shades of blue polka dots.
nateandjakesmom at gmail dot com
I linke the one with the big flower print on it. Not sure what the print is called but this is the listing:
Thanks for the great giveaway.
ann dot guns at mac dot com
I'm also a subscriber.
ann dot guns at mac dot com
I love the farm scene ikybag. These would be so great for much more than just dirty diapers.
I like the brown bag with the flowers. colorfulcarla @ comcast.net
i like the petunias print
I like the AMY BUTLER DAISY CHAIN FABRIC Ichy Bag. Great idea!!!
I like the green with the white leaves :)
I like the brown one with the big flowers on it...groovy!
Great fabrics. I love the blue/green one with trees.
I would like the cupcake pattern. these are cute!
I love the orange damask print!
urchiken at gmail dot com
I love the one with all the multi colored birds on it!
oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com
I like the one withe the blue circles.
I like the one with the little green leaves and the bird.
I like it in Amy Butler's Daisy Chain. aewalls425@hotmail.com
I like this one- maybe girl sitting on a park bench print?
This would be such a great thing to have for my baby! I love the tree print!
You're in my sidebar!
Oh these are soo cute! I'd like the farm one!
I like the one with the dolls on it.
egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com
ok, i don't see the fabric names on the site, but this is the one i like:
the one with the white background, and red leaf prints
I like the blue polka dot pattern. thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
I just subscribed!
My favorite print is the one with the birdies!
treflea4 at gmail dot com
I love the brown one with the trees on it. Thanks for the contest and congrats to the winner!!
My favorite Icky Bag is the brown with the big blue circles.
agsweeps [@] hotmail [.] com
The patterns are all very cute. I couldn't decide between the red leaves or the trees.
I love the Autumn Colored one with the trees. I have one wet bag and love it I use it all the time!
I have you in my sidebar
Love the ones with the Owls! So cute!
I love this one with the Flower Bouquets.
This is such a great idea, I love the one with the pink, black and brown flowers/vines. Great stuff!
i like the sock monkey design.
These look like great bags that would come in handy. My favorite one is: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=15962583
I'm also a subscriber.
I love the pink one with the birdy on the front. These are really great! Thank you!
I like the colorful animal one
I love the one with all of the bright colored animals
I have to agree with a few of the last few posts and go with the one with the bright colored animals.
beausdorei at gmail dot com
I could use 4 icky bags. Sock monkey rules at our house.
I love the mod blue animals design!
I subscribed.
This is my favorite design:
The Tree print is my favorite!
I like the cupcake fabric design!
I like Christmas is coming
I'm a subscriber
I like the Alexander Henry Kleo Sage print ICKY Bag!!!!!
Okay... I love the sock monkey but it's not a stock choice I guess soooo I would go with hmmm hmmm the white one with the purple birds.. Can't find a "fabric" name.. wiicked13 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I LOVE the design with the red bird on it. Really lovely.
I like the brown with flowers, there is no name of the print on it.
i like the one with the girl on it how cute :)
I love the Russian dolls one but with one boy & one girl, I would choose the blue dot fabric if I won. Thanks for the chance!
I like the blue wild animal print.
I like the one with all the animals.
I subscribed
I love the one with the blue and green wild animal print. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love my wet bag.
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