Sunday, August 3, 2008

Who dressed you?

Who ever said that everything needs to match?

I actually first saw a pair of Little Missmatched socks in a display at a children's boutique. I thought to myself "Aww how adorable they mixed up the socks to get people's attention!". Well the socks were not exactly mixed up but they were what I know now as a pair of the toddler Little Missmatched socks.

Little Missmatched socks are sold in a way that will make you happy to put away socks on laundry day. They come in "singles" ie.. you buy them in packs of three or even nine single socks, meaning quite frankly none of them match, hince the name people. They do however coordinate very well together and any combination will look great. No need to worry about loosing a sock or tryinig to match your socks, just throw them in the drawer and go. The only thing you may actually agonize over is which two socks to use on any given day as they are all stinkin adorable.

All of Little Missmatched's gear are based on their fun color wheel. You can use the formula to match socks or just create your own. It goes from fabulous (monochromatic), Kooky (complementary), Marvelous (colors that are near each other on the color wheel) and of course my absolute favorite Zany (which is a little bit of everything). I am a huge fan of everything that they offer in the Black Zany color combo! I would LOVE to have one of the Black Zany Onesies for Connor, but sadly he has outgrown them.. maybe I'll get him the PJs for fall.

If your really looking for that perfect gift that will really make you stand out in the crowd at a child's party. Check out the KnitWits from Little Missmatched. KnitWits are a totally unique sock creature that makes you wonder.. what exactly are these things? Made from fun colored Little Missmatched socks, they are really unique sock, um animals? Sock monkeys have nothing on the KnitWit and they are a great conversation starter. Connor drags his Whippitywit around the house by the tail, and its a favorite among our house guests as they love to try to guess what exactly Whippitywit is supposed to be.

School will be starting before we know it.. and I'm not really all that happy about it. Going to college year round has its ups and downs as it really seems as if I am never done. Little Missmatched's selection of school supplies should cheer your kids up though. I could use a little back to school cheer myself. This coming semester is the first one I have really dreaded, I think its just the lack of vacation. Though I'm positive one of those brightly colored bags would cheer almost anyone up!


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