Monday, July 14, 2008

Step Up 2 - The Streets

Ok.. I know what your thinking.. or at least I know what I was thinking. Oh no.. not another one of those immature dance movies with no plot.

Well I have to say I am way more surprised than you are that I actually LOVED Step Up 2 : The Streets. I'm not even kidding seriously I ended the movie wanting to watch it again. Now, I admit.. the plot was short and the main focus of the movie is the dancing, but who can blame them seriously those kids are talented. If I had abs even remotely like the main actress did, um yeh.. ok I'd show them off too. Then again I have never had abs like that no matter who skinny I get so I can just keep dreaming.

Seriously though the plot was actually substantial enough to keep me watching though a bit based for teenagers, but there is one character in the movie that is just so freaking adorable (in a geeky goofy kinda cute sorta way) that makes the entire movie as far as I am concerned. The first scene where Moose shows off his dancing skills is in my opinion worth the rental fee at your local movie rental place, not to mention the amazing dance sequence at the end of the movie. The entire thing reminds me a bit of this tiny guy who used to dance at these computer conferences I used to go to when I was younger and cooler. Every time he would dance I would end up dropping everything I was doing to just stare at him blankly like a purple glowing cow had just entered the room.

Mmm.. I think Ill go watch it again, seriously. I guess I am just shocked as I really thought I would hate it, its not so often you guys get to see me so tongue tied for words.

In the meantime here is some more info on the movie :

When a street savvy girl with untrained talent teams up with a virtuoso modern dancer to compete in an underground dance-off, sparks fly both on and off the dance floor! Street kid Andie (Briana Evigan) wins a slot at the elite Maryland School of the Arts, but finds herself fighting to fit in with her privileged classmates while also trying to hold onto her old life. But when she joins forces with the school’s hottest dancer, Chase (Robert Hoffman), to form a crew of fellow academy outcasts to compete in Baltimore’s underground dance battle, The Streets, she ultimately finds a way to live her dream while building a bridge between her two separate worlds.

Step Up 2 : The Streets is available from Amazon on July 15th!

I have two copies of Step Up 2 : The Streets to give away to my readers!!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out Step Up 2 : The Streets and tell me what you think your favorite thing about the movie will be!
  • No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end July 22nd at midnight!


mar said...

Thank you for the Step-Up 2 The Streets contest. I know my favorite thing about the movie will be the fine music.


am thinking the fast movement, if its a feel good movie is what I will like about it. I love the inspirational movies that get people moving

Anonymous said...

i love dancing. i can't wait to see the new coreography.

Anonymous said...

i know that there will be some good looking girls and sexy moves.

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to the new dance moves. I loved the first movie. So sexy.

kygirl said...

The music

FawnGeorge said...

I of course I love anything Dance. So it would be the Dance parts of the movie. I was looking at the commercial for this movie and was thinking about renting it. What better is to win it.

Stephanie said...

I'm always up for a movie about dancing. I used to be quite the dancer myself (ballet, jazz, etc.) so I'm always mesmerized by talented dancers (there's so much work behind it).

agordon10 said...

the music looks hot!

Karen said...

I love ANY DANCE movie !!

Anonymous said...

i have always loved movies with dancing so I know i will really love this.

Madonna said...

My daughter loves all these movies. We are waiting impatiently to see this one. I am glad to know its so good.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I am guessing it would be the dancing that will be awesome in it

Anonymous said...

Here's my link:

Thank you!

anislandlife at gmail dot com

Tonya said...

The dancing of course!

chromiumman said...

the dancing

misty said...

The music, the dancing, and the sexy men. lol. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

planetmisty at gmail dot com

misty said...

I am a subscriber.

Miss Spoken said...

I would love the dancing and the fact that my teen would watch it with me.

Miss Spoken said...

Subscriber. Thanks!

AmandaK said...

I think i'll love the dancing!! My sister's fiance got me into dancing, and now I try to find movies to deal with dancing!

windycindy said...

Hi, I like that she comes from being self trained on the streets and then she meets the privileged boy. I remember watching the heroine's real live dad in "BJ and the Monkey" Show.
His name is Greg Evigan. The music sounds great and I love dance. Thanks, Cindi

Stephen Saunders said...

will be fun to see all the dancing.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to win this for my teenage daughter. I'm sure the dance moves would be awesome.

Molly C. said...

That's an easy one- the dancing of course! I'm addicted to all the reality dance shows, so a movie with cool dance moves, is perfect for me!

Sharon said...

This is a movie that I would definitely watch with my great daughter...We watched the original one together and loved it...can't wait to see...thanks so much

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see all the dancing!

Nikki said...

I am going to love watching this movie with my daughter. It's her favorite movie!

toasters lie said...

I hope they save the rec center! You gotta pop it to lock it, break it to make it!

imjasonc said...

My favorite part would be the girls dancing.

Denise S. said...

The dancing

Sunnyvale said...

I like to watch the dancing

Heather B said...

looks like a great movie im sure I will love everything about it! the music the dancing!

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to see this, despite that I've been criticised for that! I love to watch dancers though... it always amazes me the talent that some people possess! So, yeah, the dancing is why I want to see it! jeepcutie82 at msn dot com

Ken said...

Briana Evigan is very pleasant to the eyes when she dances. Please accept my entry.

Buki Family said...

i already know my fav part will be all the dancing. I have always loved dancing movies and watching people do what I wish I could.

Anna said...

The dancing, absolutely! I love anything that makes me want to jump and move!

Alice H said...

I love that the movie takes place in Baltimore - I wish more movies did. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love movies like this! I am in awe of people who can move like that. I think, like with most other dance movies, I'd enjoy the soundtrack the best!


louiseb130 said...

I like the talent of the relative unknownso

llinda29 said...

I want this

Erin said...

of course the dancing
my girlfriends and I like to get together and watch these type of movies

Erica C. said...

the soundtrack is probably very energetic!

maweisberg said...

i want to win

Unknown said...

I loved the first Step UP all the cool new dancing, i hope step up 2 has more dancing more music and its more innovative than its predecessor

Anonymous said...

Learning new dance moves. Not that I'll be able to do most of them though.


I think I'd like it because the kids would enjoy it too with the music & dancing.

Unknown said...

wow i haven't even seen the movie and i want the dvd

Mary512 said...

The dancing and all the crazy step moves. Great giveaway, thanks!

Mary512 said...

Blogged ya:

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I like fast moving, feel good movies.

Anonymous said...

My daughter wants this movie soooo BAD!!! Cant really afford it right now!! Would really love to win this!! Thanks for the chance!!

mom2boys said...

I loved the first one and this movie looks even better. I can't wait to watch it! Thanks for the chance!

kristilb19 said...

I love seeing all the new and different dance moves! This looks great

Stacy said...

I am not sure if I will like it but one of my favorite movies is Center Stage...

judybrittle said...

The dancing of course and the music.

judybrittle said...

i'm subscribed

Anonymous said...

Definately the choreography.

bison61 said...

I would appreciate their dancing ability

tiramisu392 (at)

littlelatina said...

The final battle dance in the rain!

Anonymous said...

music and dancing

ginnyswe at gmail . com

Anonymous said...

I was a dancer all my life and I love everything dance related, I can't wait to see the hip hop moves they are gonna bring!

Anonymous said...

I've had so many people tell me that this movie was really enjoyable and better than they were expecting. I'd love to see it.

gotfire at yahoo dot com

soha said...

The dancing

Unknown said...

Dance Dance Dance. That's what I want to see.

Anonymous said...

as a dancer, i know that the dance scenes will be my favorite parts of the movie . .. i was a member of a "over 40 years old" tap team

Anonymous said...

Usually the storyline is weak or horrible in dance movies but I could care less: the dancing is so worth it. I love dance movies ever since I saw Footloose in high school. There were a bunch of them in the 80's. I'm fired up to see the dancing in this one!
doot65 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

I'm a subscriber too.
doot65 at comcast dot net

cdrury said...

Would love to win this - thanks!!!
as an aging dancer I adore anything where I can admire others discipline!!

Anonymous said...

I think the dancing will be what I will like the most about this movie. Can't wait to see how this part is in comparison to the original.

Marci said...

I love watching good dancing - if only I had any dancing talent :-)!

Marci said...

extra credit:
I link to your blog...

SeahorseLady said...

The best part will have to be the dancing. The story plot will probably be weak but the fantastic dancing will make up for it. I sure wish I could do a few of those moves.

robt6 said...

I love dance movies, enter me please

travellingmomof2 said...

With the love of dancing over the past few years growing, this movie is out at the right time. A fresh style of dancing will keep my feet tapping during it.

Anonymous said...

the dancing and actors.

Anonymous said...

I think I will like the music and some of the dancing.

melonkelli said...

I would enjoy the Missy Elliott tracks and the fancy dancing!

Belinda said...

I would love the dance sequences; I always enjoy movies with good dancing and I seldom get to watch them because hubby doesn't care for them!

Jinxy and Me said...

Definitely the dancing!

Gina said...

I admit, I love Step UP. I think this movie would be great too, I love the dancing and music!

Anonymous said...

The dancing is the main thing.

pitaharmon said...

My mother loves to watch dancing (dancing with the stars is her fave) and she collects dvds so I'd like to send this her way...

Anonymous said...

i would have to say probable the dancing

Sarah S said...

I love cheesy teen street dancing movies! I am excited to see this when it comes out.

PowerSweepstaking said...

I am entering this chick flick contest wholly for the benefit of the wife. I will swear in court I've never heard of your site, let alone never having entered into this chick flick contest.

PowerSweepstaking said...

ok, the jury would know I'm lying about never having heard of your site... you're on the sidebar at

Anonymous said...

Would Love to WIN this, Thank You

Anonymous said...

I think the best thing about Step Up 2 will be the hardbodies and the dancing.
Those are the 2 things that dance films are known for.
I'm sure many women sat through Staying Alive more than once back in the day to catch a glimpse of glistening,nearly naked John Travolta. Not for the plot or acting. :)


Anonymous said...

Channing Tatum's guns

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love dance movies, especially when they're not incredibly cheesy (OK, even when they are!) I haven't watched this yet but I hear great things about it - I've been told about the awesome dancing, which I'm sure will be my favorite part of the movie. I love watching intricate choreography, its an art. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Susan W said...

I think my favorite thing about the movie will be the dance moves.

Susan W said...

I also subscribe to the RSS feed.

Anonymous said...

A movie with great music and dancing is a mini-vacation for me.

yellowlabs said...

The dancing, of course!

kananee said...

The moves, of course!

kerri69 said...

I would love the music and dancing i loved step up the first one boy can they dance

Lisa Garner said...

I think the best part of this movie will be the amazing dancing!

Samantha P said...

i have the soundtrack and it's really great, if had the movie i could learn all the dance moves, it would be really lame, but somehow awesome, hahaha!

Anonymous said...

I've seen it & I would love to win it! My kids loved this movie! I liked the dancing and yes, Moose is adorable!

Anonymous said...

I think my favorite part of the movie will be the dancing.

Deborah Wellenstein said...

The dancing! Thank you for this opportunity to win!

KLM39 said...

I think the dancing will be totally hot.

Anonymous said...

From what I understand, The Jabbawockeez are going to be on this movie! I think they will def be the best part! Thanks for the offer!
rachelfox1981 at yahoo dot com

klp1965 said...

the dancing maybe i will learn some new moves ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the dance moves would be awesome, but you have to have the music for the full effect.
Thanks so much for this giveaway.

nuahsram said...

It's going to be the dancing and then the music.

Anonymous said...

I'm Subscribed To The Email List

Anonymous said...

My Favorite Thing About This Movie Will Be The Dancing

Anonymous said...

the music!

Anonymous said...

am a subscriber!

Donna said...

I would like the dancing.

Anonymous said...

i saw this movie at my friends house and ever since i have wanted a copy so bad

Anonymous said...

My daughter has gotten me hooked on these dance!!! Now I'm addicted to them ALL!! Cant wait to see this one as I'm sure the dance moves in this one are going to be HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!

mrstrooper said...

The dancing would be fun to watch!

Anonymous said...

The dancing was great in the first one and the romantic story line- I'm sure it will be the same for this one.

Noggy said...

Music and Dance...thats 7th Heaven for me since I was old enough to dance in my crib. Little has changed since except now we have a tiny dancer in the family who loves music almost as much as I do.

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