There is nothing more fun that Ittikid clothing. Bright colors, tons of animals, goofy prints, and a really exciting mix of colors leaves you wanting the entire line!
I have a thing for their long dog cottonsuit. Though it may not be the most colorful item in their line those happy little dachshunds makes me smile.
Not unlike other Danish home decor Ittikids offers a bright, fun, and very modern approach to clothing that makes the children wearing them really hard to miss. Not just great looking but the clothes are also very well made and super soft. Connor has the squirrel shirt and personally I'm a bit jealous.

I have a $20 gift certificate to Ittikids thats burning a hole in my pockets. Thanks to Ittikids one lucky reader will get it to get them started on this obession :)
To enter :
- Leave a comment on this post. Go check out Ittikids and look all of their clothing. Come back here and let us know which of the clothing piece and print looks best to you!!
- No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
- Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
- Please US entries only.
- To get extra credit :
- For an extra entry :
- Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
- Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
- One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
- This contest will end March 25th at midnight!
I love the red corduroy jumper with yellow lining. It is adorable! :D
sarahmarie dot pemberton at gmail dot com
I like the White Viking Print on the navy blue long sleeve shirt. Its so cute!!
I looked around but I most like the first thing I saw - the kid's Viking shirt in navy blue.
I like Coco's Rabbit Dress with purple rabbit print!
Um, Hyperventalating over the weiner dog onsie.... hope I win this one!
I love so many things. I love the apple design, the elephant design, the penguin design, the owl design. Too many cute things to pick just one! I like the long sleeved shirts and the onesies. I really wish they had more designs in adult sizes.
lucycontest at
I can't pick just one! I am fond of the "Applefield Hoodie" in yellow, the velour dress, the black and white applefield dress, the blue peace tee, the heart flower cottonsuit...Really, I could go on and on until there was nothing left on the site to list.
wiredalive at hotmail dot com
The pink fairytale shirt.
Viking Shirt Kid Navy Blue would be great for my son.
Love the Blue Peace T-Shirt
Stephanie V.
I like the Nutty Red Cottonsuit and purple forest animals long sleeve shirt. Such cute stuff! I'd love to see the weinerdog onesie with a pink trim. So darling!
I really like the frog cottonsuit green and it would look adorable on my son
Love the brown cirkus onesie and the hungry viking onesie. Too cute! Great for the new boy coming in August!!
num1twinkie at yahoo dot com
Thanks for introducing me to their fun site. I have to agree with you. The "Long Dog Cottonsuit" is really cute. Our family loves dogs and it would fit right in. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks,Cindi
What a great link--this stuff is CUTE! I heart the Yellow Cirkus Cotton Dress. Adorable! I couldn't afford Ittikid's stuff for everyday wear, but this is perfect for a fun but casual event where I'd want to dress my toddler in a little something special but comfy. I love Ittikid!
The Yellow Cirkus Cottonsuit is so cute, but the Viking ship mobile is cool too!
I love the cow onesie and the Viking shirt!
the red penguin shirt is great and Piper would just love it! thanks!
the blue circus elephant shirt- DS was yelling happily when he saw it Jenny M
I have subscribed to your feed! Thanks
I like the little owl onesie - so cute.
oh how cute every thing is i realy dont have a fav to me every thing is just so cute and i would love to win some thing for my little one
I gotta have that weiner dog onesie.
the Viking Shirt Navy blue in long sleeves was real cute, I also liked their bibs
tiramisu392 (at)
I really like the Graphic Flower dress and the Viking shirt... and the Penguin shirt... and, and...
Ok, so I have a weakness for all things Scandinavian. I love this store!
Marissa :)
md-sweeps (at) hotmail (d0t) com
I like the penguin shirt!
I'm going to have to go with the Frog Cottonsuit for my little guy! Frogs are special to me because my Grandma loved and collected them, which at the time I thought was weird, but now that she's gone I get a smmile everytime I see a frog!
dansan826 at
love the Graphic Flower Dress Green
I have really been wanting to try Ittikid... Roo would LOVE the hot dog and Coco's Rabbit dresses although the kangaroo tee would be somewhat appropriate...Jasper would look great in the hippo tank and short set or the hungry viking onesie...
The Hippo tank and pant set is my favorite!
I like the long dog cottonsuit the best. it is surely the cutest.
i like the yellow car race cottonsuit the best.
The Curly Tail Cat Cotton Suit
The Hippo tank and pant set is my favorite
the weiner dog onesie is soooo cute.
I love the applefield summer green dress. great giveaway, thanks!
blogged ya:
thanks again!
I loved the graphic flower green dress! SO CUTE I do however have a friend that is going to have a baby so the weener dog onesie might be chosen. Awesome giveaway.
Blogged here:
I really like the Green Frog Onesie. I think there is alot of cute things.
I adore the Weiner Dogs! SO CUTE!
I love the Applefield Summer Dress Green.
Ok, I totally fell in love with this website! So I have so many favorites. Let's start with the blue and red penguin shirts- in my house, a must have. I have been collecting penguins for forever, so my kids also have to wear them. The other shirts I fell in love with are the race car shirts (dad will love those), the blue circus elephant shirt, the blue hippo shirt, and the green moose shirt. All of which made me smile!
Love the Nutty Brown Cottonsuit. So cute!
I love the "Peace Hoodie"! It's a bit of an 80s rapper style -- think Fresh Prince -- and I think my little girl would look really fly in it.
ashaffer86 at hotmail dot com
I absolutely love the black Applefield Summer Dress! Darling!
Cute clothes! I like the Green Fairytale T-Shirt
I love the black applefield and the blue peace t's in 18mths.
edq143 at yahoo dot com
I like the Heart Flower Dress Creme. Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com
I love the Apple Tank & Underwear set in red - too cute.
I gotta say that the Frog Cottonsuit has gotta be my favorite! The hats and bibs are adorable too. They are all pretty darn cute!
I like the Graphic Flower Dress in Green
Im also subscribed!
dansan826 at
Viking Shirt Navy blue in long sleeves was real cute
I am obsessed with penguins so that would be my fave.
Love Coco's Rabbit Dress - my daughter is a HUGE bunny lover and this would be perfect for her!
Black Applefield Summer Dress
Cute clothes. I especially love the dresses. My favorite is the Coco's Rabbit Dress!
The helicopter shirt is adorable. You've been blogged
I love the Applefield Hoodie Pink, the colors are wonderful.
love the elephant circus shirt. this stuff is unbelievably cute!
I like the applefield hoodie in yellow!
Velour Playsuit
fairytale hoodie pink
I love the 70's Terry Jumpsuit! Too cute!
The fairytale hoodie pink is adorable!
I really like the Fairytale hoodie, my daughter would look so cute in this!!
I love the Viking Shirt Baby in Navy Blue.
I likes the Velour playsuit.
I love the cirkus cottonsuit in yellow!
I like the Coco's Rabbit Dress!
I looked at a lot of items. But you know I re ally like the 'Long Dog Cottonsuit'. There are a lot of nice items here. Please enter me. thanks.
The blue peace t-shirt is super cute!
Please enter me for Curly Tail Cat Cottonsuit
the cow onesie :)
I LOVE the brown 70s terry jumpsuit!!!
I like the Wise Owl T.
We MUST have the Viking Ringer T-Shirt. Vikings rock. Although I'm pretty fond of the Black Applefield Shirt too. Great site, think I'm going to have to place an order! Thanks for the giveaway :D
Viking Shirt Adult yellow
I love the wise owl t-shirt.
THe fairytale hoodie (pink of course) would be the best in chicago weather, but the dresses are drawing me in!
Love the Long Dog Suit. Best of luck to all who enter
My son would like the Viking print on navy blue shirt.
Snuggly blanket pink fairytale is cute!
I like the Curly Tail Cat Shirt Pink
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