Monday, February 4, 2008

Diaper Review : Seventh Generation Diapers & Wipes + Giveaway

I've been constantly trying to lower our impact on the earth and though disposable diapers of any sort are not 100% eco friendly these certainly are a huge start in that direction.

We replaced our regular diapers and wipes with Seventh Generation chlorine free diapers for a whole two weeks (well ok until the package ran out which was almost two weeks) and I have to tell you I am pleasantly surprised. Not that I thought bad things about them before I started but I did have a few concerns. Before we get to that let me tell you a little about Seventh Generation's Baby line.

Both the diapers and wipes are totally chlorine free. I'm sure your wondering as I was what exactly does that mean, but most diapers are treated with Chlorine to make them pretty and white but Chlorine itself releases dioxin into our enviorment, thus raising cancer rates.. not something I'm sure most of you have thought about when it comes to disposable diapers. Along with being chlorine free the diapers use a non-toxic gel to absorb and hold moisture away from the baby.

On my first inspection out of the package :

  • I have to admit It was a bit of an adjustment.. the diapers are an off white almost brown color which compared to looking at our previously colorful diapers it was a change.
  • They are SUPER thin, even thinner than my regular diapers which made me wonder if there would be problems with leaks.
  • The wipes are thick but unscented which I thought would bother me, but honestly it was nice not to smell one more thing when changing a poopy diaper.
After seeing how thin they were I was a bit skeptical on how they would hold up on their first overnight test. I am pleased to admit throughout the entire test cycle we only had one leak, and that would have been unavoidable regardless of what diaper Connor was wearing as we had what I consider a "dam break" ie. I think he peed 40 gallons in one sitting. Even so the leak was mild and I'm positive there was no diaper on earth that could have saved him. At each diaper change Connor was surprisingly dry.. dryer than I have seen him at virtually any diaper change and his battle with diaper rash (he is the king of diaper rashes) improved dramatically while he was wearing the diapers. I did notice a tiny bit of grittiness on his bum after some diaper changes from the gel but I'll trade that for no diaper rashes any day. The wipes as well did not irritate his dry skin when I used them after feedings to clean his face. The wipes are nice and thick so they did well on Connor's now wonderfully stinky and thick "solid food" poops. mmm If we could only go back to "breastfed only" poops.

You know, after a few days of using the diapers I stopped caring that the diapers were not cute colors (who sees it most of the day anyways) and Connor's butt is almost pristine without a rash, and its been awhile since that last happened.

Seventh Generation
also has a webpage called Wee Generation its a great resource to help you make your life more non-toxic and eco friendly for you and your baby. They are also holding a contest to win a green nursery & baby bag. Check them out!

Seventh Generation diapers are sold in many major retailers or you can buy them online at Amazon.

I have a package of diapers (size 3) and wipes to give away to one lucky winner.

To enter :
  • Leave a comment on this post. Go visit Seventh Generation and tell me which of their other products you'd like to try! No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com)
  • Please US entries only. This is a rather large box and the shipping costs would be high to the outside world.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
  • This contest will end Feb 11th at midnight!


peg42 said...

I'd love to try a number of these products, but first would be the dishwashing powder. Anything that helps protect the enviroment is welcome. Love the baby items too, especially the laundry powder, diapers and wipes. Thanks for this giveaway.

CrazyDaizy said...

I have tried the dish soap all ready and I love it. The smells is so nice. I would like to try the Laundry Detergent next.

Anonymous said...

The dish soap

Traumajunky said...

I would like to try the laundry soap.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to try out the all-purpose cleaner, Im always up for something that multi-tasks!

Please enter me!

num1twinkie at yahoo dot com

phxbne said...

I would like to try Free & Clear Fabric Softener - I hate the scents of fabric softener so don't usually buy it.

Re said...

Great giveaway! I'd love to try the cleaning products like the laudry detergent and cleaners. Those will affect my baby the most and i need something light on allegens.

I hope I'm the lucky winner :)

jdine said...

I have actually tried them all! The diapers are the best and do not leak. The other products are about as good as other brands ive tried. I will buy their laundry detergent again with my next baby as I did with my first child.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to try their tampons and toilet paper. Currently using their size 3 diapers and wipes on my baby boy so would love to win.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

all purpose cleaner

Anonymous said...

I would like to try any of the dishwashing products

Unknown said...

I love their diapers, haven't tried their wipes yet, but would also like to try their laundry detergent.

Unknown said...

The Free & Clear Fabric Softener

Anonymous said...

Any thing natural rocks in todays world of harsh chemicals. I want to try their soap next. Bioclean is also rockin I watched the owner drink his product.

Allison said...

I have tried some of their products (including the diapers) and really liked them -- I just wish I could talk other people into buying them for us!

I haven't tried their wipes, but our son's allergic to most other baby wipes (we just use washcloths or wet paper towels) so these would be great for on the go!

I would like to try the laundry detergent since he has sensitive skin and he even got hives from who knows what a few months ago so we are washing everything in gentle stuff.

Anonymous said...

I'd try the laundry soap

ky2here said...

I'd start with the laundry detergent and fabric softener. Innovations like this are important - we all need to do our part.

Leane said...

I would like to try their fabric softener. I'd also like to try their toilet bowl cleaner. of course, you have to clean the toilet, but the chemicals and smells are so harsh I always feel guilty for putting that into the environment.

Elizabeth said...

I'd love to try out the diapers and wipes. Thanks for the contest!

kevnjacks said...

I'm already using their laundry detergent and would love to try their fabric softener! :)

Anonymous said...

would really like to try these out.

JaniceJ said...

I would like to try their facial tissue and the tolit paper!

Anonymous said...

I'd be interested in trying the chlorine-free feminine care products.

The baby products would be great to give as a gift to my expectant niece.


Lisa said...

I use their diapers when we go out as cloth gets to be a bit much on longer days away from home, but I've never tried their wipes, or the all purpose cleaner.

Anonymous said...

I use Seventh Generation almost exclusively. I really like the unscented dish soap. They also have a really nice lavender dish soap if you like scented things! Scented or unscented all of their products are good for you and the environment!

idahomom said...

I would like to try and these and spread the word about going green.

Unknown said...

This is a great idea. Our first is due any day now, and all we have is regular diapers. I'd really like to give the Free & Clear All Purpose Cleaner a try, too; the whole house needs cleaning!

Anonymous said...

i would like to try the baby wipes.

Crystal said...

I would like to try the free and clear glass cleaner. Thanks for the contest.

sweetsue said...

I would love to try their scented laundry detergent, In particular the white flower and bergamot citrus.

sillelin said...

The baby wipes are wonderful! Next I'm trying the laundry soap.

Becca Ann said...

i would love to try the laundry detergent

Leah said...

I'd like to try their tampons. They seem like they'd be healthier for your body.

redron said...


Anonymous said...

Free & Clear All Purpose Cleaner

Anonymous said...

I would love to try their laundry soap.

Unknown said...

i've been meaning to try the laundry soap

Robin said...

I would love to try everything...especially the laundry soap

Anonymous said...

gotta try these diapers!

bison61 said...

I'd like to try the laundry soap-it stated it cleaned well in cold water

tiramisu392 (at)

Unknown said...

the laundry soap!

sachidewey said...

I'd like to try the laundry soap - I've yet to try an all natural one that works well, and I've heard good things about theirs.

Brian said...

We're due in May and are planning to use g-diapers, but I would also like to try the 7th gen ones. They seem like they'd be a good back up.

Bree said...

I'd love to try their laundry soap- I want to switch to a more eco-friendly brand, and this one looks great!

Bebemiqui said...

The laundry soap would be a good try.

Tammy said...

Free & Clear Automatic Dishwashing Powder - We have such hard water, and I'd love something that would help with the spots on the dishes.

Anonymous said...

I would like to try their laundry soap, their feminine products and definetly their

Marissa said...

I would love to try the dish soap. I've been curious about these diapers for a while now. Thanks for the giveaway!

Miscellany Mom said...

I like their laundry detergent!!

Anonymous said...

I would try White Flower & Bergamot Citrus detergent.

Kathleen W. said...

I've been using their mint/lavender dish soap for a while with great results. I'd love to try their laundry detergent, as I will be using cloth diapers for my son when he arrives in March and I'd like to wash them in a natural detergent. It would be nice to win your giveaway to have some eco-friendly disposables in my diaper bag when we go on outings. Thanks!

Erica G said...

I would like to try all of the baby stuff when my little one enters the world. If had to choose right now, I reall want to try the fabric softner and the liquid laundry detergent. I would like to see how well they work.

J.M. said...

i've always wanted to try the laundry soap

Danielle said...

Id love to try the whole free and clear starter kit!
fantastic giveaway!
dansan826 at


I'd like to try their Laundry Products

Anonymous said...

My choice would be the Baby Laundry Detergent because anything that gets out tough stains while being gentle on baby and the environment, has gotta be a miracle product!

Miss Erica said...

I'd be interested in trying the tampons; if something's going INSIDE my body, it should probably be as natural as possible. Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Tricia said...

I would love to get their green home starter kit, just to get me headed in the right direction!

Unknown said...

I would be interested in trying their laundry detergent.

lev53211 said...

i would like to try the dishwashing gel or soap.

Anonymous said...

Definitely the tub & tile cleaner....natural is great, but so far, nothing is strong enough!


Stacey Moore said...

this site is great. lots of great items!! i would love to have the Living Home Starter Kit. lots of great products in it!! thanks

THE LIZARD'S said...

These products sound so innovative and fresh! I have a young baby and I am very excited to try the diapers and wipes! Then from there, who knows?!!

THE LIZARD'S said...

The laundry soap is what I would like to try next....sounds amazing.

pattidriving said...

I would like to try their Natural Tub and Tile Cleaner ours has so many fumes!

Anonymous said...

dish soap and laundry soap

Anonymous said...

We've been using the wipes since day 1 with our daughter and love them. The diapers are great too. I heard recently that the laundry detergent was good and would love to try the lavender scent. Glad I found you! is my best contact email.

dvice12 said...

Baby wipes and laundry detergent

Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to try their h.e. laundry soap -my regular grocery store doesn't carry it,

Anonymous said...

I'd like to try the Baby Laundey Detergent. Thanks! I also blogged you here:

jennem said...

We use their dish soap, dishwasher detergent, and laundry detergent, and have for many years.

jenna said...

I actually have been wanting to try their diapers and laundry detergents for awhile, and my grocery store just started carrying them.

Stephen A said...

I like the living scents.

carissaad said...

I like the diapers.

Anonymous said...

I would like to try the Free and Clear All Purpose Cleaner. I have seen Seventh Generation products at Babies R' Us, but I've never tried them. With a 16 month old and 2 month old, I am trying to slowly convert my household into a greener place to live. I'm slowly discarding old cleaners and old ways of doing things to make a more non-toxic environment for my children.


Leane said...

You are blogged again....

I am hoping a second entry will win it for me!

tlcfromtn said...

My skin is so sensitive I would love to try everything but I would start with the liquid laundry detergent.

Meredith said...

Paper towels

Anonymous said...

I am currently trying to go organic in food and cleaning products because strong smells scare me so much now that I'm a mommy. I have been meaning to try the laundry detergent and I have to admit I haven't tried their wipes yet but I looove the idea of it being unscented. email addy is

Anonymous said...

I would like to try the laundry detergent. I already use their paper products.

Anonymous said...

I would like to try the laundry detergent.ty 4 the nice useful contest!!

jules mcnubbin (buttmuffin) said...

I'd like to try their tampons too, I didn't even know they made those! I love their laundry detergent and cleaner.

maidto5 said...

The laundry detergent! I am always looking for something that wont give me a miagraine from the smell..

Brandy said...

I would love to try their Free & Clear All Purpose Cleaner. I cannot stand cleaning with harsh chemicals. If I can't stand the smell of it, why would I want to clean with it!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to try their toilet cleaner.

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I already use their dish detergent but I would love to try their laundry detergent now that we have moved (different water! yay!) and see how it works.

Medley Family said...

I would like to try the baby laundry detergent.

Rockin' Mama said...

I'd like to try their Blue Eucalyptus & Lavender laundry detergent

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

The laundry soap is the one I'd like to try the most!

Anonymous said...

all purpose cleaner

Anonymous said...

would love to win the diapers and try the Free and Clear Glass Cleaner - always looking for a product that's good for the environment and doesn't leave streaks! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to try the diapers. They look much healthier than the other brands.

Anonymous said...


ladypawnbroker said...

I have a septic system and have been worried about harsh cleaning stuff, by going to this site I found some great earth friendly stuff I will purchase soon! One is the Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner!

Suprizeme said...

I would love to try the Free & Clear Automatic Dishwashing Powder.

butterflyny said...

I would love to try these out! The chlorine free diapers are so much better for the environment and the baby! looking forward to it!

Heather said...

I have heard great things about their cleaning products and would love to try them, especially the laundry detergent.

Anonymous said...

I would like to try their laundry detergent. Thank you!

A Life Uncommon said...

I'd like to try all the baby stuff since I already use all their other products.

Bakersdozen said...

I would try their baby stuff, and their paper items, such as paper towel.

memetu said...

Clorine really irrates our skin. Well well a chlorine free diaper; I want a diaper well spring without clorine.

Anonymous said...

Free and Clean Fabric Softener

Joanna said...

I would like to try the laundry detergent, since it doesn't have the chemicals that end up in the clothes. I would really like the diapers! I am going to do cloth diapers, but need some disposables for at night and trips.

Anonymous said...

I would love to try out the Free and Clear starter kit.

Angie K

Unknown said...

dish soap

Donna said...

I would llike the baby wipes

Anonymous said...

I want to try it all! I am especially interested in the non-toxic baby items, such as the diapers and wipes and also baby laundry deterent.

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