Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Book Review : I am your Disease and Giveaway

I came across this book in a press release.. and though it is not normally the type of book I feature, I really thought I needed to give it some attention.

I Am Your Disease is not written by professional writers, its not scripted, its real stories, of real children, young adults, sons, daughters, written by people who loved them.

I have seen my own friends struggle with addictions and I saw it nightly at the hospital ER I worked in before Connor was born. I think some people like to believe that drug addictions come from broken homes, bad childhoods, homeless broken people who have no reason to live. I only wish this was true as the problem would be SO much easier to fix if this was really the case.

Drug addictions many times are born in perfectly happy, perfectly healthy people, that for some reason get involved with something that they just cannot control. Professionals, high school students, mothers, fathers, many many times people who otherwise have perfectly normal.. perfectly happy lives. Who knows why... a moment of weakness, a genetic predisposition, depression, boredom, peer pressure, I could go over a thousand reasons why... but thats really not important. What is important is as we look at our beautiful happy healthy babies, don't be blind to the fact that every child at some point in their life is given the choice at least once... and in my case many many many times have drugs passed in front of me and I had to make the conscious and sometimes difficult choice to say no.

One point I want to make to everyone out there... When I say drug addictions I do not just mean (street drugs), heroin, cocaine, meth, but some of the worst addictions I saw come through the ER on a nightly basis were prescribed that includes Valium.

I Am Your Disease, is a worthy read for every mom, dad, grandmother, out there.. these kids deserve to have their stories shared.

I want to share these stories with one of my readers. I wish I had a copy for all of you! If your interested in reading I Am Your Disease enter below.

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post tell me why you would like to read this book. No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com)
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
  • This contest will end Feb 19th at midnight!


Danielle said...

Coming from a family with many drug and alcohol addicts, I have always been fascinated with the subject. I have often wished I could go back to school to be and addiction counselor. Sounds like a fantastic read!
dansan826 at yahoo.com

Stacy said...

I would like to read this book because I like to depress myself when I read so my real life seems that much better. Thanks.

windycindy said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of this book. I myself am on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety prescriptions. Addictions are not always drug and alcohol related. I am a member of debtor's anonymous and we basically use the AA credo. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks very much.....Cindi

Anonymous said...

For my brother.

Anonymous said...

This would be a wonderful book to add to a collection to let those in need of addressing their illness actually read about it. I have personally dealt with a family member with addictions and this would be a great opportunity to gain more knowledge and insight.


redron said...

Addictions are a problem in my family. this would be a good read

ky2here said...

I'm in 12 step recovery and this seems like a perfect companion piece for Cori Yaeger's 'Off the Hook: Stop Blaming Your Parents and Shaming Yourself'.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me to win this, as the wife of a recovering alcoholic I find these types of books very refreshing to help me get ahold of the disease that is inside of my husband. I think this is something that we could read and share together.

num1twinkie at yahoo dot com

fancyfeet48 said...

enter me in this

Mystnrayne said...

Very interesting book, I'll enjoy reading it. :)

mar said...

This is a good book - I would like to win this - thank you

Unknown said...

My sons an adict an I would like to read this book to have a better understanding of his disease.

Kari said...

My sister is an addictions counselor. I think this would be a perfect read for her. Thanks!

agordon10 said...

I have a cousin addicted to eating because of depression, I could use this book.

Anonymous said...

Please add me to this sweepstakes. I could certainly use the prize.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like an interesting book to have around. You never know when you might need to reference it.

Thank you for the contest and Happy Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

I've read the book after having lost my 19 year old son. I wished I'd have had all this knowledge and insight beforehand, things may have turned out differently, who knows! It is a awesome read for kids, parents, teachers and counselors and anyone who has the "no not my kid mentality". No need to enter me into this contest, I've got the book and it is one of my prize possessions. The only thing I might add is anyone who likes reading a book for the sole purpose of getting more depressed to make their life seemingly better really needs to seek help themselse.....This is not a fiction novel...these are real storis by heart broken moms and good information on a disease that has been overlooked for centuries........Danny's Mom, forever 19, forever in my heart

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I would like to read this because it looks like something that would be useful for any mother to read.

carissaad said...

I'm fascinated by people and what makes them tick and I also like to learn why people do things so that maybe I can help myself or someone else avoid those mistakes.

Dens Mom said...

This book is a good read for anyone who has a child,knows a child,is a child.I've read this book,& yes,I've lived this book.Drug addiction is a diseas that knows no predjudice.It can strike anyone,any age,race,color,creed,social or financial background.the pain of Drug addiction inflicts pain on the entire family.I'd reccomend this book to everyoneas a learning aexperience & not just a way to satisfy the need to know that there are people worse of them myself (Stacy)..I see from the photo that u have 2 small children.Love them,comfort them & teach them well..Hopefully you will never know the pain of seeing your child suffer thru anything like this.No need to enter me in the drawing.I already have an autographed copy for myself.A little to late,but knowledgable none the less..thank You,Dens Mom

bison61 said...

we have alcohol addiction in our family-causes pain to so many - I'd love to read this and pass the copy on

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

susan1215 said...

I grew up with alcohol addictions in my family

mverno said...

drinking is a problem in my family

Anonymous said...

Would be interesting to read

sachidewey said...

This subject hits close to home - I'd love to read this!

dwarzel said...

I have friends whom I care for very much that would benefit from this.

maweisberg said...

i like to win stuff

Anonymous said...

I am school superintendent and I think this book would be very useful in our parent resource center.


ladyxmess said...

I have two teenage children & would like to have ample ammo in case either one chooses to turn to drugs or alcohol. I believe I can never be too informed. Thank you!
ladyxmess@gmail.com Chris

mousitch said...

My bud has a copy and he said it was very good.

Anonymous said...

the reason I am interested in this book is because I would actually like to donate it to my high school library. I teach high school in an inner city school and addiction is stealing the promise of our future.

Scarlett said...

I would love to read this because my mother is an adolescent addiction counselor and I would love to talk with her about something she loves that we haven't really had any conversation about.

jennem said...

My brother-in-law has a cocaine addiction that he and his wife refuse to acknowledge. I'd like this book to help my husband.

Jessilyn82 said...

I know someone who could very much use this book..thank you.

Anonymous said...

Simply an excellent collection of stories about an epidemic that is largely being ignored. Book should scare addicts 'straight' and scare the young kids in their tracks before they take their first pot 'hit.' The book is a drug prevention program in its own right.--Gloria279

Anonymous said...

I come from a family of addicts - 1 brother died and I don't know where my other brother is still alive. I have 2 daughters who are alcholics. My son and his family are my only hope of breaking this generational cycle. This book is my son, daughter-in-law and me. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I work with young adults, the majority of whom have addictions, but do not believe they are addicted, choosing to believe "pot is not addictive", or "it's ok because they only take prescription meds." Sometimes reading about other young adults gets to them faster than weeks of therapy. Great contest, thanks.

Anonymous said...

I have quite a few friends who are facing the problems of addiction. This book may be something I can use to try to help, even if only to help myself understand.

jojoanddash said...

Would be a wonderful book to read to understand the illness behind these addictions. I know several people that are addicted to drugs (prescription & non). I also go to church and if someone came to church with addictions then maybe the book would help me to help them.

JOYVEN said...

I have friends who are addicts

jennem said...

Bonus entry for blogging.

Anonymous said...

Not so much for me, but for my nephew and my sister. She is an addict and disagrees. Unfortunately, her 13-year old, also named Connor, gets to bare witness. We all live together. And I'm trying but I want to choke her, too. She's 38 years old.

Anonymous said...

i work in mental health, including many patients w/ addictions. i strive to read everything i can on this topic.

noreen said...

i have know people with drug problems and never understood, maybe this would help

Samantha P said...

I've never really fully understood addictions, so this would be a really interesting read for me.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me to win

dianerph said...

Please enter me to win

Anonymous said...

Although I don't have a drug addiction, I have a very addictive personality and I struggle with an eating disorder. I'd very much like to read this book in hopes of it helping me in some way.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a sad but informative read. I may get it from the library if I don't win because it looks like something I need right now.

Anonymous said...

Is doing the New York Times daily crossword an addiction?


Anonymous said...

I would love to win this. I lost my son to suicide after he succesffully completed drug rehab for heroin addiction. He hung himself 8 days later. I too have a addictive personality, this would benefit me. Thanks for the contest

yellowlabs said...

I have family members that struggle with addiction and this would be a great insight to me.

Sylvia P said...

i think learning about how addiction affects the friends and family of the addict would be really interesting, usually you just get stories from doctors and what not.

memetu said...

I have teenagers. I worry alot.

Jinxy and Me said...

I would like to read this. It looks really interesting.

Anonymous said...

I an very thankful that there are no addicts in my life. I would like to have a copy of this book in order to understand others who are addicts or those who help others to remain addicted. Thank-you.


Tiffany G said...

I would love this for my son

Stephen A said...

Because I'm unemployed and need something to read.

Anonymous said...

my late daughter ashley was addicted to heroin..i would have given anything to be able to help her.i am including her webpage link.



Anonymous said...

i would really like to read this book. i am entering this clinical rotation and think it would be really helpful. i love reading.


susansmoaks said...

i am a recovering addict, i would love to read this book

Kathryn said...

I am a recovering alcoholic and am active in helping others in recovery (alcohol and drugs.) I am always looking for good books on addiction-especially those that can help the family of addicts and alcoholics. Thank you for this giveaway. It might change someone's life!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for telling me about this book! I worked for several years in Drug and Alcohol treatment but found it was too depressing-- now I work with teens /before/ they need to get to rehab--and I would love to have this book. of course, because I'm a grad student, I can't afford to buy it myself :)

Unknown said...

I'm interested in the stories.

bfox74 said...

My mother-in-law really needs to read this book.

Anonymous said...

I know someone who would love this book rosans4@insightbb.com

Anonymous said...

My husband and I are Social Workers, but, as fellow sufferers we take the NA message to local prisons. Please, keep us in mind to win this book. Plus I posted it on another board.

kerri69 said...

i am an addict and so are 3 others in my family . and it runs on both sides of our family very scary for my kids thanks for the sweepstakes

Donna said...

It would be a good book for me with my work.

Anonymous said...

i have seen plenty of addiction in my family and friends this would be some thing good to read and learn.

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