Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's almost happy birthday time!!

Tonight is the start of the super uber exciting once a year birthday event here on Seven Dogs and a Baby! That means its time to roll up your sleeves, put on your birthday hats, blow some bubbles and visit our super awesome sponsors to win great prizes!

We will open the party up with the Scavenger Hunt and Door Prizes. Visit each of our door prize sponsors and answer our "I Spy" riddle for each sponsor. If you get the riddle right you are entered to win that prize! This is not meant to be an essay question or super hard event, I want it to be fun and hopefully a good way to introduce you to our Sponsors. So if your answer fits the question even if its not what I had intended I will still count it correct. I just want to see you guys actually checked out the sponsors and made an effort!

Once you have found all your answers send them to our party email address Then your almost done. There is one last step to enter all the contests during the birthday party.

For Bloggers :

  • Post the banner in your sidebar for the length of the party or add the banner to your post about the party. The code for the banner is below!
  • Or to make this fun go back on your blog and post about the party including the banner with a link inviting everyone to join. Please feel free to introduce yourself and your kids, send Connor a birthday message, host your own giveaway, and/or just be creative! Once you have done that sign Mr Linky below with a direct link to that post as the url. Please only one Mr Linky signature per person. Your more than welcome to run your own contest in your birthday post as well!
  • Let me know in a comment at the bottom of this post letting me know which you did.
  • Thats it! Make sure you check back each day for giveaways and games!
For Non Bloggers
  • Visit at least five of the blogs posted on Mr Linky and check out their party posts. Leave a comment on each post, make sure you leave me a way to reach you on your posts, ie a email address.
  • Or Send an email to 10 of your closest friends letting them know about the party with a link to the blog. CC so I know you did it.
  • Or if you don't want to email your friends or post on the blogs I'm totally down with that, just post something about the party to your myspace or facebook page and add to your friends list so I can check it out.
  • Let me know in a comment at the bottom of this post letting me know which you did.
  • Thats it! Make sure you come back each day for giveaways and games!
For Bloggers and Non Bloggers Extra Credit!
  • Hey if this was a real test I'd totally give you extra credit points so why not do it here? I am a complete Twitter addict and I'd love to hear from you guys on there. So regardless if your a blogger or not send out a Tweet and link to the party on Twitter with the hashtag #7dogsparty. Let me know which prize you'd most like to win. Every day you can send out a new tweet (with a new item if you like) and you will get an extra entry for that item. One per day. Follow us at angelaandconnor as well!
Bloggers sign Mr Linky below!

Now check out the next post and start following my clues to win prizes!! We will be adding new prizes every day so keep coming back as well! Check out all the birthday posts here!


A Family Completed... said...

Ugh I didn't link right Sorry!
My anxious trigger finger!
Here i my post link:

Anonymous said...

I don't see Mr. Linky! :( Here is my blog post:

Brimful Curiosities said...

I don't see the Mr. Linky either but here is my post entry:

Alexia said...

No Mr. Linky!

Here's my post:

Sky said...

Blogged and having a giveaway!

Happy Birthday Connor!!

Jodi said...

I blogged and wished Connor a Happy Birthday here:


Sweet Serendipity said...

Happy birthday Connor!
I'm tweeting :)

Sara said...

I commented at a family completed, queen of the click, brimful curiosities, seeryus mama, and moody mama
saradavis1 at gmail

Sara said...

I tweeted it
to win pedipeds
saradavis1 at gmail

The Dreamer said...

I've got your button up!

addeviant006 at gmail dot com

Misty said...

sweet! this looks like fun!

Island Girl Mainland Mama said...

Happy 2nd Birthday, Connor!

I visited and left comments at seeryusmama, queen of the click, mommyhood is thankless, moody mama, and a family completed...
correaohana at gmail dot com

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

Blogged and added the post to Mr Linky! Fun stuff!

Anonymous said...

I put the banner on my blog. Still having a hard time figuring out how to get things in the sidebar. I am trying. But the banner is prominently displayed in a post!!


Janet said...

Happy Birthday Connor!!!

I have your button & posted Happy Birthday to Connor on my blog.

My new nephew named Connor just turned 6 years old this past April 16th too. He is my sister's adopted son.

Wishing you a wonderful birthday with lots of presents, family and friends.

judybrittle said...

Happy Birthday Connor!!! I left a comment at A Family Completed,Moody
Mama Says,Mommyhood is Thankless. Loving Heart Designs and Brimful Curiosities. Thank you so much!
judybrittle at gmail dot com

Lydia said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CONNER! I think I blogged about how proud I was that I figured out how to get the button on my page~it was a first for me :) Thanks!
Have a wonderful birthday and have fun!

Kristie said...

Have a great birthday Conner!

I blogged here: said...

I posted on Facebook about the birthday bash. Happy Birthday and thanks for hosting such a fun event!

lace said...

I've got your button up.

Happy Birthday Connor

phxbne said...

Added your button -

Stephanie said...

Visited and commented on 5 blogs!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

susan said...

I posted about the party to my facebook page (Susan Chew).

Anonymous said...

I have the button here:

wigget said...

commented on 5 party posts

Rattled Mom said...

I've had the button up for a while! Happy Birthday, Connor!

In Everything said...

Whoops.... I put my blog in the Linky but I only put the button on my blog, I didn't write a post!

Happy 2nd Birthday COnnor!! You've gotten some pretty cool gifts!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Connor!
I posted about the birthday bash on my Facebook page.
-Terra H.

shawn said...

Happy Birthday Connor. Your Birthday Bash sounds like loads of Fun. I put your button on.

Janet and Maya said...

Happy Birthday, Connor!

I put your birthday button on my blog at

mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

Janet and Maya said...

I blogged at

mayacarpenter at verizon dot net

Happy, happy birthday to you!

Leane said...

I have your birthday button on my bloggy sidebar and I also have blogged about it.

I Linky(ed) too!

Happy Birthday Connor!
Congrats mommy on making it through another year {don't let it break your heart though}!

Unknown said...

I have the button and I blogged!
Happy Birthday Conner

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Connor!
your button's been onm y blog all month :)

noreen said...

I completely forgot about leaving a comment. I posted the button on my blog a while ago. I think one of my girls woke up and I forgot to finish my entry. I still have to enter for the prizes I would love to win

noreen said...

Broccoli Organic T-shirt since my girls love it so much I have bribed them at the grocery store with it

noreen said...

sorry that last comment was for the nina and tom tshirt
feel free to ignore it

April said...

I left comments at: A family completed, Queen of the click, Mommyhood is thankless, Seeryusmama, & A mom can dream

Thanks for the fun contest & happy birthday to Connor!

Tamara B. said...

I left comments at Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy, Mommyhood is Thankless, Andreah @ Moody Mama Says, Dreamer @ A Mom Can Dream The Jacobsen Family

Anonymous said...

I visited five blogs and posted comments.

Party On!

dangotmail AT yahoo DOT com

Nadi said...

I visited 5 of the blogs and left comments on each one.

treflea4 at gmail dot com

Jen Mc said...

I visited blogs # 1, 8, 10, 17, & 31 (from Mr Linky list) and commented.

Ms Moore said...

Fun party!

I just visited about 10 sites and left comments on about six of them - either with my e-mail (sarah.barnett -at- or under my gmail profile of Ms. Moore.


covercover said...

I posted comments here:

3. Mommyhood is Thankless
8. This Mommy Has An Opinion
17. Giveaway Addicted Mommy
18. Kristie
28. Brea's Mommy


Courtney said...

I left 5 comments!
Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy
lace @ keeping my fingers crossed
Candy @ Serendipity Mom
Jen @ Joyful Notes

courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com

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