Sunday, March 8, 2009

Polka Dot Designs has gone to the dogs!

Polka Dot Designs has launched their own new and completely irresistible line of pet themed greeting cards. Including pet birthday parties, pet birth announcements, new pet announcements, and even obedience school graduation cards! Most of the cards are customizable and you can add pictures of your own dog! I had to laugh as the litter announcement was a bit tempting as we just had two beautiful little chihuahua girls born here a few weeks ago. Check out the new pet cards at Polka Dot Designs and get 20% off by using our coupon code 7dogs.

If you are looking for something a bit more every day there are also beautiful non photo cards for more every day uses. I personally love the boy and his dog design which if only it had a chihuahua would be quite possibly the most perfect card for Connor ever. I should really order a set as the thank you cards for Connor's upcoming birthday. I swear that kid goes to bed every night with dogs on his mind. We had a family party this weekend and the whole time all he wanted to do was stand at my aunt's back fence and talk to the neighbors dog instead of playing with his cousin or visiting with "humans".

I mentioned puppies and I guess its not fair to talk about them without showing you guys. Sorry its not the best picture they are pretty wiggly these days!

Visit Polka Dot Designs and check out their new pet line!! Use coupon code 7dogs to get 20% off the new pet line!


Jenn said...

The puppies are adorable!! So cute!!


Kristin said...

OMG I would snuggle them to death!

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