Friday, February 20, 2009

It's not time to wake up yet!

Connor is learning so fast these days. Just two weeks ago he rarely said Mama and his verbal vocabulary was under twelve words but his he has had a constant signing vocabulary for quite some time. Needless to say now he can say more words than I can count without taking a few minutes and this includes a few numbers, colors, animal sounds, and most of the important people in his life. So I’ve gotten a little more aggressive about teaching him to count and his numbers and I think I’m making some progress. The first thing I think about after him learning his first ten numbers is time and there is no time like the present to teach a toddler to tell time. Not to mention teaching them when its time to get up and time to go to bed. Connor has always been pretty kind to me when it comes to sleeping but I’m a little worried about moving him into his big boy bed as I know sometimes he wakes up early as he is used to his daddy coming in to check on him after he gets off of work and there is no way I’m ready to get up that early as I usually pull a late night trying to get my homework and blog posts done. I’ve realized the only way I can safely insure my sleeping peace is if I somehow train him to know when its “time to get up”.

The Teach Me Time Alarm Clock may just be the answer I have been looking for. This cute little dome shaped alarm clock has several function including the fact that it glows different colors depending on the time of day and if its time to wake up so regardless of your child’s time telling skills they can still use the clock. The clock glows yellow for night time and works very well as an night light and it glows green when its time to wake up. The clock grows with your child as for preschoolers they can use the clock as a nightlight and a color coded time keeper making the clock part of the bedtime routine. For school age children you can play the teach me time game with the clock which makes learning how to read a clock fun and the levels get harder as your child learns. There is no need to get a new alarm clock once your child is well past the age of learning time, this clock functions as a fully functional alarm clock for teens and adults as well and tweens will love the glowing clock not to mention the fact that you can change the bezels on the front of the clock to match your own personal style. (Bezels included are pink, yellow and blue, personally I’m a big fan of pink) The nightlight function is optional as well if you do not want to use it, the clock looks pearly white without the lights on.

The Teach Me Time Alarm Clock is also great for children and adults that have vision problems as not only can you press the buttons on the feet to hear the time but the large LCD screen is very easy to read. I really love the fact that I can see what time it is from across the room as though I’d never openly admit it my vision is no where what it was even a year ago due to my eye issues. You can pick up your own Teach Me Time Alarm Clock at American Innovations.


Haute Again said...

This really is great. The Monkey's best friends, the twins, have this clock and all three of them are into it. The Monkey will be getting one for his 5th birthday in April.

Anonymous said...

Neat! I like that it serves as a night light, and I have eye issues also, so it works for me!

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