Friday, January 30, 2009

Talk about an awesome suprise!

Ok Ok sometimes I hate to admit that I'm not overly excited about doing a review. When I got the press release for Kyle XY: The Complete Second Season I wanted to do the review as I'm always game for a series as sometimes regardless of what I think going in series are one of my favorite video reviews to do as there is the occasion when your really surprised and they are great company for the many hours a night I stay up doing reviews. The only issue is sometimes a series is so good that it actually distracts me to the point that I'd rather watch than work as unlike watching a season on TV where your forced to wait each week to see the next season but if its on DVD you can stay up all night and watch it all the way through! It's a great treat and with the really great ones its also a great way to loose sleep. heh.

Back to Kyle XY, I honestly was not so sure about doing this review as I knew absolutely nothing about the series previous to the review and the picture on the front of the DVD showed two attractive young adults raising up their shirts so I was convinced it would be one of those cheesy teen dramas where the kids are all way too attractive (and older than they should be). Well Kyle XY was one of those shows that surprised me as though yes the guy who plays Kyle is really attractive but the reason they are holding their shirts up, why on earth I didn't notice this sooner is beyond me, is the fact that they do not have belly buttons.

Kyle XY is a scifi teen drama but its appeal is much farther reaching than just the teen drama. Its actually well written, and though there is some sexual comments I would consider it safe for teens unless you live in a super conservative household. Its smart, its engaging, and Kyle's story as it unfolds leaves you wanting to watch the series one episode after another without stopping.

Without giving away the plot Kyle has just appeared in the Trager's household. He was found wandering dazed confused and totally naked in the woods with no memories of who he is. Nicole Trager his therapist brings him home to help socialize him and in hopes that his memories come back but when Kyle starts to realize who he is that's when the story really begins. Kyle is no ordinary teenager, other than the fact that he has no belly button, he also has extraordinary powers mentally and physically. He learns new languages like they are very easy he can do math problems that would take a normal person weeks in seconds and he seems to be able to do things that is nearly impossible. The story follows him and his discovery of who he is and where he has come from. The new girl Jessie seems to have some part in the story too but she is just a bit too erratic and aggressive to fit in.

Its a great series and I highly recommend it especially if you love scfi shows.

Kyle XY: The Complete Second Season is available right now on DVD and you can pick up your copy on Amazon.

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out Kyle XY: The Complete Second Season and tell me about your favorite Scifi movie or tv show.
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end Feb 30th at midnight!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Stargate Atlantis is one of my favorite Sci-fi's


dwhogan said...

Good luck to all

mverno said...

i like dr.who

Unknown said...

LOST hands down is my favorite. My daughter and I watch Kyle XY together though. It is the "kids Lost" as I call it. The mysteries are more predictable but it is good for kids - a lot of moral lessons planted througout the show. NOT for young kids - deals with issues on sex, drugs, etc.

Unknown said...

you are on my sidebar!

Anonymous said...

Lost is my favorite, really different show

weblynx at

Anonymous said...

star trek

Brn2lisn said...

I really like that show Sanctuary

brn2lisn (at) gmail (dot) com

Brn2lisn said...

I am a feed subscriber

brn2lisn (at) gmail (dot) com

Sheila Hickmon said...

I really like Lost!

Sheila Hickmon said...

Im a subscriber!

Teresa said...

We watched the first season, but I've only seen a couple of episodes from season 2. My favorite SciFi movie is Alien.
TRigell at aol dot com

Teresa said...

I subscribe.
TRigell at aol dot com

Jackie said...

I was trying to think of my favorite sci-fi show, and this goes way back, but is probably the first sci-fi I saw: Lost in Space. I loved that show!
My favorite sci-fi movie is Men in Black.

Jackie said...

I subscribe

Denise S. said...

Star Trek Deep Space Nine

demmi said...

my favorite is the new battlestar galatica con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

valerie2350 said...

my guys like stargate sg1 and also would love to win this dvd :)


dr who is on the top 10



Mysharona said...

Buffy is was by far.

judybrittle said...

My favorite sci-fi movie of all time is The Blob. I even enjoyed the remake. Thank you!

Jessica Cote said...

Quantum Leap was my favorite!

Anonymous said...

Lost is my favorite, really different show.

Terri said...

Used to be Star Trek now I like Lost. Nothing is better than a good sci-fi show!

Anonymous said...

My favorite sci-fi series is and always will be x-files...although Eureka is pretty good too.

ydsddd said...

I love Lost

Princess Golden Hair said...

ok until i got married and had two boys I NEVER watched sci fi now I know why they like it and yes, i'm even a trekie.

teechbiz at gmail dot com

Fangirl Jen said...

I am a huge fan of Stargate.

Fangirl Jen said...

I am a subscriber and your button is on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of Eureka, also the Lost room, great shows

Anonymous said...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer was my all-time favorite!

windycindy said...

The X-Files is my favorite Sci-Fi
tv show. Please enter me in your Kyle
XY giveaway drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

Carol EL said...

Nice DVD ,enter me please.

Anonymous said...

Heroes is my favorite right now. XFiles was my favorite when it was playing.

Alice said...

stargate always been my fav

Erica C. said...

I love Mystery Science Theatre 3000!

VickieC said...

I havent seen the one you have posted,but we are huge StarTrek fans,so that would be my choice,thanks


VickieC said...

I am a subscriber


toughturtles said...

logans run

Andria said...

Dune is one of my favorite sci fi movies.

Anonymous said...

I love the old Twilight Zone shows with actors such as Jack Klugman and William Shatner.

Zoly said...

looooove Buffy!

redron said...

twilight zone hands down the best

Anonymous said...

trekkie :o)

Anonymous said...

rss feed at yahoo acct....
lisalcolorado2007 and email subscriber at aol.

fallenangel said...

Kyle XY is my favorite sci-fi show. It's actually the ONLY tv show I watch. I just bought the first season DVD set and REALLY want this one too!

fallenangel said...

I put a link to this on my blog:

Sunnyvale said...

I like Medium and glad it's returning.

susan1215 said...

Star Trek Deep Space Nine

Shelly Leatham said...

I always loved Quantam Leap!

Shelly Leatham said...

I'm a subscriber!!

Tig said...

The original Star Trek..

Francine Anchondo said...

Supernatural is just awesome. everyone should check it out. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I sure like to win this DVD>

littlelatina said...

Huge buffy fan

Anonymous said...

The Blob is my favorite.

jlafount said...

Blade Runner

Sonya Allstun said...

Sanctuary is my fav


Anonymous said...

This is a great show. I have season one on DVD and would love to win season two. My favorite scifi movie is The Chronicles of Riddick.
-Terra H.

elaina said...

I am a die hard Buffy the Vampire Slayer series fan. I guess that's more supernatural than scifi. I also loved Star Trek: The Next Generation in high school.

elaina said...

I'm a subscriber!

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I really like Star Trek. Thank you!

Ed said...

They Live

idahomom said...


Anonymous said...

X-files used to be my favorite. We've recently ordered some of them again though our subscription service and they're still good.

Now, I'm into Lost, so right now that's my favorite.

etrnlone said...

i really liked KYLE XY, and am sad that it has been cancelled. ther are a few tv shows that i like in the sci-fi genre, Fringe and Supernatural, both good shows

Dave said...

So many great Sci Fi shows, but I think Battlestar Galactica is my favorite. More than just a science fiction show, it's an excellent drama with first rate actors. Thank you for the great give-away.

mindy said...

the x files thanks for the giveaway

Nickolay said...

I am a big fan of the show Eureka on Sci Fi. It can be corny sometimes, but over all it is very entertaining.

Melissa said...

I watch Sanctuary with my husband.

Think about it said...

X files is my favorite oldie but a goodie

Julie Donahue said...

My hubby likes Kyle XY (and just about every sci fi show out there!) I don't mind watching this and Star Trek. Most of the others are too "out there" for me.

magic5905 said...

Battlestar Galactica is one of my favorites but it is almost finished. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is Lost. Keeps me wanting more. Please enter me, thank you

Saoder said...

Quantum Leap was my fave

wigget said...

quantum leap was awesome

tsslug said...

I am a subscriber

Anonymous said...

My favorite sci-fi show of all time--to the degree one would classify as sci-fi even in the most minute way--is "Highlander."

finegal50 [at]


I like LOST. KYLE rocks!

Sweepstakes Finder said...

This blog was recently featured on Check out some of our new sweepstakes!

Good luck to everybody who enters the contests!

Traci said...

Great show. Would love to win!

Jayfr said...

I liked the old The Prisoner. A sci fi spy show.

Kathy P said...

i used to love this show when i was a kid i think it was called chiller but im not sure..a hand used to come out of the ground and you would hear ccccchhhhhhhiiiiillllllleeeeeerrrrrr
it used to scare the pants off

Gabriel S-J. said...

I watch every week LOST, my fav show.

jayne said...

I love Stargate! Thanks!

Ken said...

The Star Wars, Star Trek and Terminator series have all the elements I love in SciFi. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

denyse said...

It's a toss up between Star Wars and Lost!

Anonymous said...

The 4400

Christy said...

Battlestar Galactica

ky2here said...

The original star trek.

bison61 said...

I like the matrix

tiramisu392 (at)

Anonymous said...

x-files was my favorite tv show of all time!

Susan said...

supernatural is a great show~!

Amanda said...

My favorite has always been x-files.

Kyle said...

My favorite Science Fiction movie is Star Wars.

Anonymous said...

The 4400 was really good.
I love the premise of the show.

NASCAR Race Mom said...

Tremors with Keven Bacon is my all time favorite sci-fi movie.

NASCAR Race Mom said...

Im a subscriber!

Molly C. said...

I used to love Star Trek. Can't wait to go see the new movie coming out.

Heather B said...

Dr. Who!

AICORP said...

currently it's Sci-Fi's Eureka

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the original Battlestar Galactica--I had a big crush on Richard Hatch! Thank you for the contest!


Anonymous said...

Lost is my fave. I just can't get enough as it's gotten really good again. Thanks!
pjgirl74 at aol dot com

Jodi said...

I love Dr Who, thanks for the contest.


prplrush said...

My favorite sci-fi type show on television right now is Supernatural! I just can't get enough of Dean and Sam lol ;)

sachidewey said...

I love Battlestar Galactica

Anonymous said...

I still enjoy watching old Star Trek episodes.

Anonymous said...

Blogged about this!!

Fae said...

dr. who.
i'd enjoy this show on dvd! it's interesting.

Jinxy and Me said...

I just started watching Battlestar Galactica on DVD. It's good!

Anonymous said...

Danny Boyle's "Sunshine"

chromiumman said...

gotta be star trek

JellyPA said...

I really like the movie Total Recall. I'm a bit apprehensive that they have announced they are going to remake it.

JellyPA said...

I really like the movie Total Recall. I'm a bit apprehensive of the announcement they mean to remake it.

dvice12 said...

My favorite is Stargate Atlantis

Ashton7 said...

Stargate is one of my favorite SF movies and Stargate SG-1 my fave show!

Anonymous said...

X-Files is my fav

Anonymous said...

I subscribe

Candie L said...

My favorite movie from Sci Fi was Tin Man. A great take on the Wizard of Oz series. Thank you.


masonsgranny59 said...


Anonymous said...

My Favorite Is Sanctuary

Anonymous said...

I'm A Subscriber

Twincere said...

I would have to say Star Wars, I watch it with my sons.


lezanac said...

I know it's cheesy but I've always love Quantum Leap I also loved the Xfiles when it was on

Anonymous said...

Who doesn't love the classic ET?

Anonymous said...

I Started with 6 Million Dollar Man and UFO

andrew said...

My favorite Sci-Fi television show would have to be Heroes(if it is even considered one. I like that all of the powered people are normal people, with normal lives. I can relate, sort of.

Andrew Loeb

Donna M. Clark said...

My all time favorite sci-fi series is Doctor Who. My favorite reincarnation of him is the one with the very long, different colored scarf. I have just recently found that Doctor Who is still on, and like the new version too.

Anonymous said...

Quantum Leap was my favorite. I never missed an episode.

Unknown said...

Lost is definatly my favorite!

Jean F said...

Estate of Panic, on Sci-fi. What a strange reality show!

cbroth said...


Peggy said...

I love si-fi and another show I love is Angel.

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