Looking for a stocking stuffer for the adult on your list that has everything but loves their DS? Video games have always been one of my favorite gifts and usually 90% of my gift lists are filled with different games. For the first reason they are easy to buy I can give potential gift buyers a list of several games and there is no guessing what color I will like or what size.. You just buy the game and go. Nintendo DS games in particular are always one of my favorites as unlike many of my other consoles once I'm done playing a game I sell it or trade it in and move on to the next one. DS games tend to stick around here a lot longer as I like to have a little arsenal of DS games to take with me anytime I go on a long car trip, family vacation, or anywhere where I think I'm going to have a massive amount of free time as I'm not one to sit and do nothing I'm far to ADD for that. Needless to say my DS goes pretty much everywhere with me not unlike its many predecessors I'm fairly positive I have not been without some sort of gameboy close by since its original release in 1989.
One of my favorite type of games for the gameboy has always been minigames. I mean where exactly would the gameboy be without Tetris. They are the perfect short term distraction especially if your attempting to get some relaxing game time in between the baby's nap, while your kids are out playing, or especially on a plane (Seriously I do not and I mean DO not get on a plane without a game as I've been stuck in taxi way too many times besides very large smelly guys and a distraction is always fabulous.)
Needless to say when Midway sent me over their two new DS titles to try out I was pretty excited. The first of which is Touchmaster 2. Touchmaster 2 is a collection of 20 popular mini games from card games to scavenger hunts they remind me a lot of the type of mini game that you find on most people's computers. Personally I love mini card games which this one does include, especially a Speed Solitaire game which is incredibly entertaining. Possibly its taking que from the Wii but my favorite game included was Bowling which takes advantage of quite a few of the DS's special controls. Either way with 20 games to play everyone in the family will find one or two they really enjoy and everyone is happy.Though if your really looking for something unusual to get the brain working and the time flying Mechanic Master from Midway is incredibly entertaining as well as a huge time killer as you really just won't want to put it down. Its sort of a huge game of mouse trap, you must have to work your way through each level moving objects, causing things to go boom, and pretty much manipulating everything on the screen to make it to the end. What really gets challenging though is if you upgrade the game to the Drawing Mode and you have to actually draw the solutions. I'm not quite ready to start the drawing process yet as I'm really terrible at DS drawing games but I did enjoy the rat maze sort of appeal to Mechanic Master. Its really quite a unique game I honestly in the 20+ years I've been playing video games on a daily basis I've not really seen anything even remotely like it. Its easy to play, fun, incredibly addicting, and even the novice gamer will really enjoy it. The only problem will be getting your kids to put it down long enough to eat dinner. Personally I really love the fact that its an entertaining family game that does not involve someone cutting someone else's head off. Not that I don't enjoy a good action game but the change of pace is actually really nice.
Mechanic Master and Touchmaster 2 are both available right now and would make fabulous stocking stuffers for anyone on your holiday list.
I'm giving away my copy of Mechanic Master to one lucky reader!
To enter :
- Leave a comment on this post. Check out Touchmaster 2 and Mechanic Master and tell me which is your favorite and why!
- Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
- Please US entries only.
- To get extra credit :
- For an extra entry :
- Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
- Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
- One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
- This contest will end Jan 15th at midnight!
Mechanic Master looks great. We bought our son a DS for his birthday last month and we pretty much never see him now lol.
I'm hoping Santa will bring ME a DS this year. I love puzzle games and these sound fun!
I recently gifted myself a DS and am still a little in awe of its special controls. What a great little system!
I use puzzle games to destress, so I'm really hoping to pick up one or both of these games over the holidays. Thanks for the review and for the generous giveaway.
i thought i was knowledgable on most of the games out there, I must admit, i never heard of this one until now! my curiosity is peeked.... I wanna try :)
My son has a DS and I think I should of bought one for myself. I think I like it more then he does! I love video games that get my brain going..
These games look cool. I love that the DS has games both kids and adults can play.
I would love to get a DS for my son..and I know he would love to get one, too!
You have an award waiting for you on my site...come see here
That looks pretty interesting... Thanks!
I wanted to get my husband one of these since I washed his special edition game boy in the washing machine. (Oops!) Please enter me into your contest. Thanks!
We bought our daughter a DS last Christmas..and boy, I wish I had one, too! There are some pretty amazing games out there..and this one is no exception!
This game looks like one I wouldn't mind him playing, unless of course *I* wanted to play it :)
Please enter me in your fun giveaway!
enter me please,would be fun for the family..thank you
merry christmas everyone!
Mechanic Master for sure...want it badly for my awesome son. THANKS
am subscribed. Thanks again
I think mechanic master. it seems to really engage their minds and makes them think
mechanic master and cooking along mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom
mechanic master
I like Touchmaster 2 the most because I love mini games. As soon as you said Solitaire, I knew I had to have that game! I'm addicted to solitaire!
Touchmaster...I could play this game while they in school.
Thank you for this giveaway. The Touchmaster sounds like a really great game. Thanks.
I think my 9 year old would LOVE Mechanic Master. He's that kind of person. Plus, it would challenge him just enough. Sounds like a great game!
I'm an RSS subscriber!
I like the looks of the Mechanic Master game. It reminds me of an old PC game I used to play which involved building a complex contraption to complete a goal. It's the kind of game that makes you think, and I'd love to win it!
cooking along is great i love to cook
Touchmaster 2 because that is what the DS is all about
Both games sound like fun and great for me to tinker with when the kids are asleep,lol. I'd like Mechanic Master.
Mechanic Masters seems like it would really get my brain working!
I like Touchmaster because it has 20 mini games.
the Mechanic Master game looks great
My son and husband would like this game a lot!!
I like Mechanics Master. I like games that require some concentration.
I like Touchmaster because there are so many differnt type of games to play..
My 11 year old son would love Mechanic Masters for his DS. He loves a challenge.
wow...hart to choose but I think the Mechanic Master looks like a lot of fun for me and my husband..if we can sneak one of the kids' DS' Thank you!
Probably Mechanic Master
I'd like to get the Touchmaster 2. It has a bunch of favorites for video games.
I'm a subscriber.
I'd love Touchmaster 2, there are so many fun games on it and they're easy to pick up and play.
I would choose Mechanic Master. I like how it promotes creative thinking. We love puzzle games and this one sounds like a lot of fun.
Mechanic Master because it is an easy game to pick up and becomes progressively more complex as you proceed to higher levels.
Mechanic Master for me. I love puzzle games and this one looks like fun. Thank you for the great give-away.
Mechanic Master looks great!! This would be a fun game!
Mechanic Master looks great like a nice challenge
it doesn't look like you could get bored with touchmaster easily!
Mechanic Master
Mechanic Masters
Mechanic Master certainly looks like my kind of game
Touchmaster 2
I'd say Touchmaster since I like little puzzle games and card games as well.
I like Touchmaster 2 better because there's something for the whole family! but the other looks fun too :)
your button's on my blog :)
id love either of these games...i love those games that make you get your noggin working and these would do just that...
my grandson would adore mechanic master!!
I like the Touchmaster 2...so many cool games, I wouldnt be bored at all!
ddavidpatrick at gmail dot com
Im a subscriber as well... :)
ddavidpatrick at gmail dot com
Mechanic Master sounds interesting - I like physics and puzzle games.
Mechanic Master is my fave because my husband likes it more! :)
and I also am a subscriber!
I like the Touchmaster game because it's like having my laptop games without the laptop!
hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com
Mechanic Master looks really great because it is something I think my hubby, son and I would all enjoy. Thanks for the great opportunity.
I am also a subscriber.
I like the TouchMaster2 becouse it has a variety.
Definitely Mechanic Master!! My son would go crazy for this game!! He loves to work with small tools and items and this game looks like something perfect for him! I'd never heard of it!
I'm a subscriber!!
I like TouchMaster 2 because those kinds of games are quick and you can play one while you're waiting for something. :)
Touchmaster 2 would be great! Thank you!
I'm a subscriber!
I like Touchmaster because it has a variety of games.
Touch master looks right up my alley! I love thinking games like that!
ajcmeyer AT go DOT com
awsome, i hadnt heard of this game. would love to give it a try.
got your button.
i would like touch master i like all the games especially bowling so fun
i am a subscriber
Touchmaster 2 looks like my favorite!
Mechanic Master looks like fun.
ktgonyea at gmail.com
Tetris is my favorite game, so touchmaster looks good to me. It seems similar & games I love!
I'm sure I would like Touchmaster 2 cause I like the card games on it! Mechanic Master looks fun, too...when my brain is in gear :)
I think I'd like Mechanic Master best of these two. It looks more challenging.
asfiled AT earthlink DOT net
I've put your button on my sidebar!
I'd like Touchmaster 2 because I enjoy card games.
Mechanic Master looks fun and different, I think it's something both my husband and I would enjoy.
I subscribe to your feed via Google Reader.
blogged it: http://thismommyhasanopinion.blogspot.com/2008/12/ds-game-giveaway.html
I haven't played either, but I think I'd like the Mechanic Master game better. I like doing puzzles, and this one seems like it is a game that requires a lot of brain power! Thanks for the great giveaway.
I love puzzle games. These games look like they would be fun to play.
I am a subscriber.
Touchmaster 2 seems like a game that I realy really enjoy -- looks like a lot of fun!
I picked Mechanic Master-I like that it is easy to play and a good family game
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
i tihnk my kids would prefer to get the aliens in mechanic master!
The touchmaster would be right up my alley, I love solitaire and games like that. On the other hand, my hubby would really like the one you're giving away, so that's pretty neat!
Your button is in my sidebar
I like Touchmaster 2 the most because I love mini games.
I subscribe.
Of the two, Touchmaster sounds like it has the most familiar games, so I'd probably pick that, at least initially.
My son got a DS for his 8th b-day in Oct. he flies through his games so fast I can't keep up, I am thinking he would like the Mechanic Master game as it might last him longer.
Touchmaster 2 cause of solitare
I like the Touch Master game because it has Cards, Action, Strategy, Picture, and Puzzle games. I love doing puzzles. But my son would really flip of the the Mechanic Master game because he loves to build things.
Touchmaster 2 looks great, a nice variety of games!
touchmaster because of the card games.
My granddaughter would love Mechanic Master, please enter me.
I liked Mechanics Master. I like games that require some work~
Mechanic Master- it would make me think!
Mechanic Master- it would make me think!
Mechanic Master- it would make me think!
Mechanic Master- it would make me think!
Mechanic Master looks like fun. I could fiddle with physics on my DS. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
I think the Touchmaster 2 would be fun.
Mechanic Master looks like it would keep my brain on it's toes! lol
Mechanic Master, this would be fun I think it has about 55 levels-the grandkids would enjoy this
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Touchmaster but they both look intriguing!
Mechanic master would be tons of fun for my son, and maybe help us all with logical, abstract thinking.
My son would love mechanic master since he loves puzzles
I think Mechanic Master looks like a great game. I would like to try it out because it looks like the kind of game you just cannot put down.
I would love the Mechanic Master so I can finally play with my son's DS, other than Mario!!
colesammom at gmail dot com
The Mechanic Master games looks like fun, I love problem-solving games!
My son loves puzzles, so he would love mechanic master
Mechanic Master looks awesome!
WoW my wife is a complete puzzle nut and this would be a great valentine gift see she's a puzzle solver not a flower collector so yea mechanic master would be great for her DS.
touchmaster looks like so much fun!!!! after all, life would be so bland without the feel of things.
Mechanic master would be my favorite because my son loves contraptions.
I'm a real puzzle girl so Mechanic Master looks right up my alley! Thank you!
id love the touchmaster it has 20 different fun looking games
im a subscriber :)
Touchmaster looks like I could play it over and over.
touchmaster, because it has lots of mini games to keep me interested!
Mechanic Master because it is not a shoot em up game but one that would build inteligence.
mechanic master looks like more a challengeing game
ardy22 at earthlink.net
Touchmaster especially because of the solitare game which is a fave of my daughter's, although they both look very cool, indeed!
Touchmaster 2 because of the mini games and solataire.
I'd like to try Mechanic Master. It is different from the other games I play (usually puzzles), related but more dynamic. I want to teach my brain some new tricks. Thanks! theprophecygirl(at)hotmail(dot)com
Hard choice. I love mini games, but I think I'd like Mechanic Master for all the problem solving.
Touchmaster 2 sounds much easier and therefore more my speed....lol. Thanks! :)
Touchmaster 2 but only because I have not played Mechanic Master yet. It looks like something my daughter would really enjoy!
Mechanic Master because it looks more challenging.
Mecahnic master looks interesting to figure things out.
Touchmaster 2 looks fun but I would have to go with Mecahnic Master because it looks much more challenging. Thanks!
braaisjo at gmail dot com
I like Touchmaster because of the fun variety.
I like Mechanic Master. It looks like more of a challenge.
Touchmaster 2 is my favorite because the games seem more relaxing and easier to play. Thanks!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I'm a subscriber. Thanks!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I think I'd like Touchmaster best, although both of them look fun!
Mechanic Master looks like fun. my husband would love this game and he hasn't had any luck finding anything he likes yet.
I havn't heard of either of these games yet. My kids just got their ds's for christmas so we're still new to the ds games available. Both games look like they'd be cool :)
Touchmaster is one I would like to try, because the reviews are good, but it is hard to understand what the actual game is.
My favorite is Mechanic Master because there is so much going on at once
Touchmaster would be my pick! the games seem more along the lines of what I enjoy! Plus, if I had to draw for Mechanics Master, you can forget it!!!!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
Mechanic Master looks great! Nice to see some adult games on here!
touchmaster because it looks like a fun challenge
They both sound like fun. I think I'd like Touchmaster 2 a little better. I love playing mini games.
I would love the Touchmaster 2. I love playing mini games that don't require much time. garrettsambo@aol.com
Mechanic Master looks amazing! I love all the cool things you can do...like using gravity shifters to change the direction of gravity and laser pistols and mirrors to cut things. Brilliant! : )))
Thanks so much for this give~away! : )))
I also subscribe! : )))
Mechanic master looks so new and unique that I would love to try it!ashlyn@chuparkoff.com
Mechanic Master looks fun.I really enjoy puzzle games.
I think Mechanic Master looks the best because it's so unique!
Mechanic Master
Mechanica Master because it sounds very challenging...and I love a good challenge!
Mechanic Master would be great...my son likes these linds of challenges
Mechanic Master is my first pick because of the Mouse Trap games & other puzzles that it has. It is awesome for us adults too.
I must admit I love them both & they are both on my wish list!
I subscribe!
I follow u too!
The touch master looks fun
I am a subscriber.
I like the touchmaster 2. I like that it has 20 different games to play so it would be appealing for everyone. I like the mini games, would be good for me and the kids!
I am an email subscriber
I love Touchmaster 2 because it looks very fun!
I subscribed to your mailing list.
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