Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ironman on blu-ray!

The movie I was most looking forward to seeing on my new blu-ray player was without a doubt the new Ironman release. It was actually one of two movies being released recently that convinced me that instead of getting a new kitchen table for my birthday, heh, I just had to get a blu-ray player instead.

Ironman does not disappoint in blu-ray, I recently did a review of the movie in its standard format and the movie itself is fabulous which for me is saying alot as Ironman was by far my least favorite Marvel superhero, but as far as Marvel movies goes this has been one of my favorite only slightly under The Dark Knight and you can't really blame me for picking Dark Knight just over Ironman as it was my favorite Marvel comic as well.

The video on the blu-ray version of Ironman is breathtaking, I felt as if I needed sunglasses as Tony made his way across the desert. Ever been outside on a very bright day and things are so crisp and clear it hurts your eyes and the world around you feels almost so real that its fake? (Am I the only insaine person here?) Well watching Ironman blow away the baddies in his first appearance in the movie while in the desert is one of those moments.

The real improvement is in the audio. I'm going ot tell you right now if you plan on watching Ironman in blue-ray turn your speakers down!! I say this as if your like me and you routinely have to turn your audio up to hear everything on a dvd you will vibrate the pictures off your wall and wake up half the neighborhood. Seeing as this movie is filled with planes, explosions, basicly everything you can think of that's loud, the crispness of the Dolby Digital 5.1 will make you appreciate what the boys at war go through.

There are tons of extra features on the blu-ray version of Ironman including a making of Ironman which is as long as the movie itself. I honestly didn't make it that far into it but if your a film geek you will be in heaven.

Ironman on blu-ray is available at Amazon!!

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Reading this make me wish I've gotten the Blu ray variant instead. But I don't have the setup for blu ray and had to settle for the regular HD.

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