Saturday, August 2, 2008

Caveman Smash!!

Its ironic that we got the Clash of the Cavemen in for review from the History Channel. I just finished out a biology class in the spring where the subject of evolution almost started a riot.

I think I was still in elementary school when I first saw a rendition of what a "caveman" or Neanderthals would have looked like and I was totally fascinated. Just to even imagine that there were other "humanoids" other than our current species seems baffling to me. That leaves so many questions, did we evolve from the same species, if so how closely were we related? If we evolved from diffrent species how does that happen.. could it happen again? Seriously call me a weirdo but questions like that will completely keep me up at night.

The History Channel's movies have always been great but their use of CGI is getting better it seems with each release. The Clash of the Cavemen combines live action actors with CGI Neanderthals and the combination is almost flawless. I wonder how much longer it will be before we even need actors! Its really a great glimpse into what it must have been liked when the Neanderthals and the Cro-Magnon's worlds combined. Its also a great way to introduce your kids to the Neanderthals in a non cartoonish, realistic way that will really keep their attention. Its always great to be learning without realizing your learning!

It still makes you wonder though with two species so simular, did the two species interbreed are there still little bits of the Neanderthals living and walking within us right now. I secretly wonder this when I see guys walking around with just unusual amounts of body hair. heh.

Here is the offical description :


In the ice-ravaged wilds of Europe, circa 25,000 BC, it’s a tough time to be alive. Freezing temperatures grip the planet as the peak of the last Ice Age takes hold. Food is scarce, massive predators are on the prowl and a range war like no other raged between two species of primitive man. In a unique moment in the world's history, these two species -- Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon (Homo sapiens) -- competed for resources and for a permanent spot at the top of the animal kingdom. And this July, the epic battle that determined the course of human history comes to rich life with CLASH OF THE CAVEMEN, one of the most lavish and expensive productions to date from HISTORY™.

A cinema-quality documentary that dramatically reconstructs prehistoric life like never before, CLASH OF THE CAVEMEN unveils evolution in action, as Darwin’s theories are put to the test in this cataclysmic fight to the finish viewers won’t soon forget.

The Clash of the Cavemen is available on Amazon!

I have one copy of Clash of the Cavemen to give away to a lucky reader!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out Bitsy Bear and tell me what Bitsy Bear product is your favorite, and why you think my Bitsy Bear should come live with you?
  • No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end August 31th at midnight!


Amanda said...

Hubby has been interested in this. sign us up please.

Peggy said...

I think the Bitsy Bear is too cute!! I like them all but my favorite is the Pink Bitsy Bear.
Count me in to win

misty said...

You accidentally put the Bitsy Bear info on this post, and I'm not sure what question you want answered now... but I can tell you my man loves The History channel and he would love this. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

planetmisty at gmail dot com

misty said...

I am also a subscriber.

mar said...

The pink bitsy bear is my favorite. The bear should come live with me beacuse I love her. I think this is the wrong post though. thank you


love the history channel and as far as bitsy bear I like the pink one.

mverno said...

just send it don't bend it

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win the DVD. I find the subject very interesting. My favorite Bitsy Bear is the pink one. I'd have a hard time deciding which granddaughter to give it to.

Brian M said...

I just showed my daughter the Bitsy Bear website and she loved the pink one. I think it should come live with us because it would receive all of the love that it deserves from my little girl.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a very interesting movie. I look forward to winning it.

Sorry everybody else, but its my turn.

abfantom said...

I would like to win this. Please enter me.

Brn2lisn said...

We no longer have cable, and therefore do not get the History Channel any longer. My husband would be particularly interested in watching this. This would be perfect for our DVD collection. As far as the bitsy bear the pink one is also my favorite, I also like their swaddle wraps.

agordon10 said...

The pink bitsy bear because my daughter would love it.

toasters lie said...


Anonymous said...

I really like the new Miss Mary Rockin Onesies! I love the red color and that they are made of 100percent organic cotton! Only the best and safest for baby!

I'm not a mom, but I give a lot of baby gifts to friends and relatives, so I enjoy seeing these unique, safe gifts at a reasonable price!!

I clicked on your link "About Bitsy Bear"....It was cute what you said something about "Babies deserve to wear lots of color, not just pink or blue...sometimes it's a mango tango day!! Spice it up a little with color, nice!!

I like your pink Bitsy bear with polka dots on the arms, she should come live with me to add some Bitsy Bear Charm to my life!

Thanks for the colorful website! I'll keep you in mind for upcoming baby gift giving!

ArkieRN said...

I love The History Channel.

That Itsy Bitsy Spider onesie from Bitsy bear is way cute.

Anonymous said...

I subscribed to your mailing list. My Bitsy Bear comments are in another post.
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

Trendy and reversible apron, also love the history channel. I want to cuddle the bear.

ginnyswe at gmail . com

Fangirl Jen said...

thanks for the chance, I missed this when it was on T.V.

Anonymous said...

I love it.
Count me in.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hope I win.

Belinda said...

Hey Angela, I'm thinking the Bitsy Bear requirement for this post is a teeny typo - lol! I'll just say I love the History Channel and this documentary sounds amazing!

Belinda said...

I'm subscribed via email:)

marleenandlouie said...

All productions from the History Channel are so well done, I am anxious to see this one. Thanks for the chance.

Dove420 said...

I like the black ribbon with blue polka dots as far as the etsy bear is concerned. And the History Channel is one of my favorites. So I would love to add this DVD(CLASH OF THE CAVEMEn) to my video library. Thanks

Sharon said...

Love the Rockin Onesies...thanks
also...subscribed and your are on my sidebar.

denyse said...

What a great prize, count me in!

dwhogan said...

pink Bitsy Bear

Jenn S. said...

We love the history channel around here. Sounds like a wonderful, interesting documentary.

Nikki said...

These are just cute! I like the Pink Bitsy Bear.

maweisberg said...

i want to win

reddon30 said...

The History Channel is amazing, the produce some amazing filsm...and I would love to own this one!!

Anonymous said...

My stepdad loves the history channel. Would love to win this!

Stephen Saunders said...

hope your monday was awesome.

windycindy said...

Hi, I like the "Bitsy Bear Tag Toy!"
Please enter me in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

Smooshy said...

enter me!

rbauske said...

Bitsy Bears outfits would look great on a little Neanderthal...

Christi S said...

I too am puzzled as to why we're looking at Bitsy Bear for a History Channel video, but hey, I'm all for it! I like the Bitsy Bear Apron in chocolate lollipop!

Christi S said...

I subscribe to your feed, too!

toughturtles said...

Rockin’ Onesies

janetfaye said...

Swaddle wraps are my favorite.

I think your Bitsy Bear should come live with me because I have a toddler grandson that will play with her.

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I blogged your giveaway

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I am a subscriber.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

yyeres said...

my favorite bear is the pink one. also, the cavemen dvd looks great. the history channel has some amazing programming. thanks for the giveaway

Belinda said...

I like the bitsy bears.
1bmore @ gmail . com

Dani' said...

My kids are a bit older so I will let the Bitsy Bears live with the little ones. I'll tell you what does want to come live with me, that reversible apron in "al fresco" print!
The dvd wants to come live with me too so here is my email solta(at)hotmaildotcom

littlelatina said...

Great enter me

Anonymous said...

I like the blue bitsy bear. And the DVD looks interesting, too.

Anonymous said...

I'm Not a blogger but enter me anyway!!
kadia3 at yahoo dot com

Eryn said...

I'm not going to post about Bitsy Bear, even though it's ADORABLE, and I feel in love with the Swaddle Wraps (crumb, I just DID talk about him lol) but I will tell you about my husband's reaction when he saw this give away.

He said "OH! Wow! I would watch that, don't enter anything else, just win that one!" lol I think he's a bit excited. It's fun to see him excited over something.

Eryn said...

I'm a subscriber to your blog, thanks for all your hard work you do on BOTH of your blogs!

bevsclark said...

I like the brown bitsy bear. I would snuggle with it while watching the Clash of the Cavemen dvd!

Anonymous said...

I'm a geek for History Channel series. I really enjoyed Life After People so this seems right up my alley. (And the brown Bitsy Bear is especially adorable, I would pass it on to one of my little cousins.)


Anonymous said...

And I'm subscribed to the email feed.

Millie said...

My kids love anything dinosaurish and I think they will also dig this dvd. Thanks for the chance to win!

Millie said...

I am a subscriber as well

Anonymous said...

Not sure that it was meant to be that I was supposed to put my favorite bitsy bear, but I really like the pink one.
As for the DVD, I'd love to win it. The History Channel is great.

Michele said...

Not sure if this is the right place to comment since your post was about the Clash of the Cavemen.

As for the Bitsy Bear, I like the Pink Bitsy Bear the best, and she should come live with me because she would get so much love from my little niece, and my niece would get so much joy from having her in her life.

Michele R.(CA)

Anonymous said...

please enter me!

wigget said...

i love the itsy bitsy rockin' onsie! your bitsy bear should come live with us because my youngest still wants to put everything in his mouth

Anonymous said...

good prize

Karen said...

Bitsy Bear is too cute !

Anonymous said...

That is adorable.

bison61 said...

my husband watches the History Channel all the time and I would love a Bitsy Bear for my new granddaughter, the pink one, she would take good care of it

tiramisu392 (at)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would like to win!

klp1965 said...

i love the green bitzy bear your bear should come live with me cause im bearrrrrrrrrrrrry nice :)

madangle said...

my son would love this movie

ky2here said...

Duh Bares will be a big hit in our home.

Tig said...

Wooo Hooo Make me a winner!

yellowlabs said...

Great DVD. Thanks for the great giveaway!

jodene said...

I'd love to win this one!

Anonymous said...

I love the bear with the yellow and pink polka's just so girly! It should come live with me because I would give it a good home and love it very much!


Jim W. said...

Anything history related is great to watch.

Anonymous said...

The combination of Bitsy Bear and this movie is confusing me but I like the pink bear and this movie along with the History channel rocks!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe too.

Jinxy and Me said...

History Channel has such great shows. This looks really interesting!

Anonymous said...

Cavemen and Bitsy Bear collide :)

Anyway, Bitsy Bears themselves look adorable and very chewable.

c81280 at hotmail dot com

judybrittle said...

I would love this for my husband. He would really enjoy it. Ok now my favorite is the brown Bitsy bear.Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this DVD. I love the brown bear. I have a granddaughter waiting to be bear's best friend .

Anonymous said...

Pink Bitsy Bear; my niece Hannah would adopt it.

Anonymous said...

I Like The Brown Bitsy Bear And He Should Come Live With Me Because He's

Anonymous said...

I'm On The Email List.

Anonymous said...

I'm On The Email List.

Samantha P said...

this sounds interesting!

Donna said...

I like the Pink Bitsy Bear

haomom said...

hmm, pink bitsy bear if that's the right answer...
this DVD looks great,

masonsgranny59 said...

thanks for the contest!:)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the History Channel.

Anonymous said...

This looks cool!

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