You might remember my review of the BusyBodyBook last year. That same BusyBodyBook is still sitting on my desk as we speak and I use it daily to keep track of my school assignments, blog posts, doctor appointments, and even our family get togethers (which lately are quite often) .
The weekly grid layout of the BusyBodyBook continues to be one of the most useful layouts you will find in a mom friendly organizer. With five separate columns to fill out you customize your BusyBodyBook any way you please. I currently use my five spaces for my : daily events including birthdays, doctors appointments, errands to do, blog posts due, and the last one is the wish list of things I would like to get done. I only wish I actually finished that last column more often.One of my biggest complains last year was with the cover of the BusyBodyBook. The design of the book itself is similar to a spiral notebook and though I prefer it bound that way as you can fold it over to see just the page you want, if you are constantly dragging it in and out of your diaper bag (or school bag in my case) the cover gets pretty worn fairly fast. Well the 2009 edition added a great super thick new see through cover on the front and back of the book which will protect your BusyBodyBook from the wear and tear of daily life. Otherwise the design is exactly the same, which we have no complaints with as I absolutely love the layout of the inside of the BusyBodyBook.
You can get your own BusyBodyBook directly from their website or on Amazon!
BusyBodyBook is giving two of our readers their own BusyBodyBook in their color choice!
To enter :
- Leave a comment on this post. Head on over to BusyBodyBook and tell me which book you would choose if you won!
- No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
- Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
- Please US entries only.
- To get extra credit :
- For an extra entry :
- Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
- Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
- One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
- This contest will end July 11th at midnight!
Although the polka dots are fun, I love the striped one that you've shown the best. I lurve me some stripes.
I like the Dots
I LOVE this idea - it would make my life so much more organized! I would choose the Dots, Aug-Sep book.
Extra credit: I link to your blog
homeschooling 7 kids I'd really need 2 of them :)
but I'd get the stripes one!
I like Floral. Very pretty.
Mosaic is cool.
I love the Floral Busy Body book, although all the designs are great.
I'd love to win the Weekly Grid Busy Body Book Aug '08 to Sept '09 in the stripes! This would be so useful now that I'm working from home!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love that Grid Fridge calendar. I would so use that! I also love the green dotted planner. All their stuff is da BOMB!
love the floral design
Thank you for this giveaway. I would choose the Mosaic book. I could really use help with getting organized. This is a great idea. Thanks.
until this year I used to get by on post it notes posted everywhere. now I can't live with out my planner, this book looks great! i love the floral, but the dots is great too, i wouldn't need anything til next year. great contest!
karissag at gmail dot com
thanks happy birthday america!
If I were lucky enough to win I would definitely choose the Retro Dots Busy Body cute and busy looking.
I like the Mosaic!
gotta go with the polka dots
Hi, I would choose the Grid style in Floral! I would buy the Sept.2008-
Sept. 2009. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway. Cindi
I like the Aug 08 to Sep 09 Dots. I've been wanting one of these, I hinted to my hubby for it as a bday gift. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
planetmisty at gmail dot com
I am also a subscriber.
I would choose the Jan-Dec 2009 Mosaic. Thank you for the contest.
The floral is so pretty! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I'm having a contest here
The polka dot one is super cute! I love organization!
I also subscribe to your posts!
I love the mosaic version. The pattern is fantastic.
Extra Credit--I am a subscriber...
The Funky Flora Busy Body Book is our fave!
I would like the dots organizer.
I'm a subscriber
Wow, I could use this. Love the stripes.
Also a subscriber. Thanks.
The organization and layout sounds terrific; with 5 different columns. That's part of the reason I don't like traditional calendars, because things should have their own categories.
I would love to begin the new year with a mosaic BusyBodyBook and throw away all those scraps with notes saying "get a calendar".
Thanks so much!
Seven Dogs and A Baby in my sidebar!
Thanks Angela and Connor!
I really like the Retro Dots for this year, or the Floral for next. I could really use one of these!
Thanks for the giveaway.
love the dots design
I would choose the Mosaic book. It would definitely help in keeping my family life organized.
Would definitely choose2009 BusyBodyBook Personal & Family Organizer: Funky Floral
Busy Body-really do love this. THANKS :)
love to win the Weekly Grid Busy Body Book Aug '08 to Sept '09 in the stripes!
I'd pick out the floral one, I think they are all so nice though. I blogged about your contest here:
This is fantastic! i would choose the busybody wall calendar for sure for 2009. Thank you so much
the floral book is my choice. with seven children, a homeschool schdule, a self employed hubby etc i could use an organizer and all i have is a huge household binder- not easy to take along with me!
here;s the extra credit comment :)
i added you to my sidebar- on the left!
The floral design is nice thats the one I would pick.
I love the mosaic one! I may have to buy the fridge planner~
I am excited because now I am subscribed to the blog!
I would choose the 2009 BusyBodyBook Personal & Family Organizer: Mosaic
Busy Body. It just looks cute and helpful.
carissaad at aol dot com
Mosaic. Thank you for this nice giveaway.
I like the August '08 - September'09 BusyBodyBook Personal & Family Organizer; Retro Dots
Busy Body. This would be great for my daughter who is in 10th grade.
They're all cute, but I'd go with the floral design!!!
I love these books! The Mosaic one is great
the weekly fridge grid pad has gotta be my favorite- between nursing school and my job- and my dhs two jobs and our 2 year old- its tough to coordinate!
I like the Floral, great design!
The mosaic is cute but so are all the others,im going to be keeping my grandchildren while my daughter goes back to work so im going to need some help,thanks
I would choose the Aug-sep book in stripes. I have three kids and a a full time job. Between keeping track of my schedule and theirs, I always miss something. Having a place to write it all down together would be handy.
i like the mosiac.
jan-dec. 09
blogged ya
Wonderful mom tools! I'd choose the Jan-Dec 2009 floral, I like my organizers to encompass one calendar year:)
I'm subscribed via email to your feed:
I love the dots! Thank you!
I would love to have the Jan-Dec 09 Floral BBB. I have a BBB in the past and they are the only planners I would buy!
I SOOOOOO need one of these! My husband and I were just talking about how badly we need to put together a family calendar. I really like the dots book and with it starting in August that would be perfect! Thanks for the opportunity!
I love the stripes! I'd choose that one.
I subscribed to your feed.
I would choose the Mosaic Weekly Grid. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
I think the Weekly Fridge grid could help save me alot of aggravation in the future!
the august 08- september 09 in retro dots is lovely!
The Mosaic is my favorite - but I need the Dots to get organized SOON
Perfect! I was just telling my husband the other day I need to get a book like this, I had one four years ago and that was the MOST organized and stress-free time of my life! I would choose the Mosiac, thank you so much!
The retro's my favorite color. Thanks!
I love the polda dots August '08 - September'09 book. These books are the best!
The Mosiac is nice
The polka dots from the August-September one is adorable!
I would love the stripes (Aug-Sept) for when my 3 kids return to school and my lazy summertime is over!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
i would choose the floral jan-dec design
the jan-dec floral is so pretty. I really need this in my life. so many places to go with the hubby and 2 kids.
thanks for such a cool contest
I'll pick the polka dots
tiramisu392 (at)
Retro polka dots
I like the mosaic.
I'm not the only mama juggling school? Keep at it, we'll be done before we know it! I love the Funky Floral Busy Body planner.
I would get the blue stripes, I love it! Thanks!
Grid style in Floral
My daughter loves polka dots. So, I would choose that one. Thanks for the chance to win!!
I love the floral design!
I'm also a subscriber.
I like the stripes, that's the one i'd pick!
I would pick the '09 Mosaic style. This looks wonderful! Thank you!
guessing dots, wife not here to ask..
on the sidebar for that extra entry at
I think I would have to pick the Mosaic.
Definitely have to get the fridge grid pad to keep up organized.
I love Retro Dots!
Thanks :)
I need to be more organized. I would choose the floral, jan to dec.
Dots would be my choice for the upcoming school year
I love the polka dots and the green background. What a great contest.
I am a floral person ,so the Jan-Dec would be my choice. I love the large squares ,enough to write on and it looks so pretty.This would keep me on my toes,count me in to win
The polka dots look great to me! Thanks!!
2009 Mosaic
If I win, Iwould like to get the Weekly Grid Journal in Floral. Thanks for the contest.
The '08-'09 Stripes book would be nice! Thanks for the contest!
I like the mosaic, jan-dec 09 design.
Mosaic is pretty!
The Dots, August2008-September 2009.
The Weekly Grid from Aug-Sept. is PERFECT in stripes.
I like the stripes best!
i would choose the August '08 - September '09 BusyBodyBook Personal & Family Organizer: Blue
Busy Body :)
I would pick out the floral weekly grid. There are four of us so some times its hard to keep track
I really like the Floral January to December pattern.
I would pick the 2009 BusyBodyBook Personal & Family Organizer: Mosaic
Busy Body. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Funky Floral Busy Body
hkgandhi at
I like the mosiac best. You are right, it looks like a great format. kristie2 (at)
August-Sep 09 Dots. Our house caught on fire a few months ago and our calendar burned along with it, so I'm sort of lost now without one... of course most places aren't still selling 2008 calendars.
I really like the look of the Busybody book... I'm a homeschool teacher so I'm in the process of making the lesson plans for the next year, this would help me coordinate when to get supplies!
Polka Dots for me.
I would choose the Funky Floral.
Love the polka dots followed by the stripes; many thanks
I love the striped one that you've shown the best.
i love the floral!
sundaygirl at gmail dot com
I love the Funky Floral book!
I subscribed to your mailing list.
current subscriber for extra entry
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