Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Movie Giveaway : Army Wives : The Complete First Season

I've heard so much about this series but never did manage to see it on TV, between school, baby and blog I rarely just sit down to watch TV unless its on Tivo and even then its a challenge to remember to actually Tivo something at all.

I finally got the first season on DVD and I am about two episodes in and I am so glad I decided to check it out. There has been a huge void in my life since my two favorite shows of all time went off the air (Sex in the City and Gilmore Girls) and though I can't really compare this series to either, it certainly has its own appeal.

I can't even imagine what it must be like to be married to someone who is called away on duty. Though I have had friends that lived it, it must be incredibly lonely and especially the mom's out there that live it with young children.. I'd assume it would be like being a single parent, only with much more worrying going on.

Speaking of which Connor is napping so I am going to go try to get another episode in.

Here is the official press release :

From the Producers of “Grey’s Anatomy” Comes the Critically Hailed Hit Series Starring Kim Delaney, Catherine Bell, Sally Pressman, Brigid Brannagh and Brian McNamara


On DVD June 10, 2008

BURBANK, Calif., March 14, 2008 — Since its June 2007 debut, Army Wives, executive produced by Mark Gordon (Grey’s Anatomy), has become the most successful original series in the history of the Lifetime Television network. Army Wives is a patriotic and thought-provoking drama about five military spouses who share friendship, secrets, home and heartache. Coming to DVD on June 10, 2008 from Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, Army Wives: The Complete First Season includes all 13 original episodes and exclusive bonus features including an un-aired storyline, deleted scenes, outtakes, cast interviews and more.

The show’s talented ensemble cast includes Emmy® winner Kim Delaney ("NYPD Blue"), Catherine Bell ("JAG"), Sally Pressman ("Shark"), Brigid Brannagh ("Over There"), Brian McNamara ("The O.C."), Sterling K. Brown ("Starved"), Wendy Davis ("Commander in Chief") and Drew Fuller ("Charmed"). Executive producer Katherine Fugate (The Prince and Me, Carolina) created the series based on Under the Sabers: The Unwritten Code of Army Wives by journalist Tanya Biank, who serves as a consultant.

Army Wives: Season One has earned critical approval for its unflinching portrayal of the lives of four women and one man married to career members of the armed forces. On a South Carolina military base, far from family and old friends, the five turn to each other for emotional support, companionship and advice, as their loved ones tackle the dangerous business of defending the country. Elegant, educated Claudia Joy (Kim Delaney) serves as den mother to a disparate group that includes Roxy (Sally Pressman), a raucous, fun-loving bartender; Denise (Catherine Bell), who is hiding a secret that could destroy her family; Pamela (Brigid Brannagh), a surrogate mother trying to solve a financial crisis and Roland, a psychiatrist whose most important patient is his PTSD-afflicted wife (Wendy Davis). Bound together by pressures familiar to many military spouses, they build a bond that sustains them through sacrifice, loneliness and unforgiving conventions of Army life.

Bonus Features

The DVD comes with an array of exciting bonus features, including:

  • Army Wives Gone A.W.O.L. -Bloopers & Outtakes
  • Missing in Action: Deleted Scenes
  • Hump for the Lump – For the first time, see a deleted storyline from the show with producer commentary.
  • Have at It with the Army Wives – A Q&A session with the cast of Army Wives featuring questions submitted by fans!
  • Have at It with the Executive Producers – Find out what it takes to create a critically acclaimed show, straight from the executive producers.
  • Wives on the Home front – Real Army wives and their own personal stories of life in the service.
  • Exclusive Episode Commentary – From executive producer Deborah Spera, creator/writer/executive producer Katherine Fugate, director Ben Younger ,actors Kim Delaney and Catherine Bell, and more.

Suggested retail price: DVD: $39.99 U.S.
Feature run time: 551 minutes
Rated: TV-PG

Technical specifications may only apply to feature
Aspect ratio: Wide Screen
Sound: 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound
Languages: English

Army Wives : The complete first season is currently available on Amazon!

I have two copies of Army Wives : The complete first season to give away to my readers!

To enter :
  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out Army Wives : The complete first season and tell us what you loved most about this series so far or what interests you most about it!
  • No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end June 25th at midnight!


Mary512 said...

I've always been interested to see how army wives manage it all. they are amazing women. Great giveaway, thanks!

Unknown said...

I love Army Wives! It is a fabulous sappy drama. There are not enough primetime shows like this on television these days. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

artmarcia said...

I'm impressed with how strong and self-reliant these women have to be.

Anonymous said...

nice thx for mentioning this, wouldn't have heard about it otherwise

louiseb130 said...

My son was in the army, so it was interesting to see things from this point of view

Anonymous said...

I've always liked Catherine Bell and look forward to seeing her in Army Wives. I have a soft spot in the heart for military families, and would love to see this show. I clip coupons for the Overseas Coupon Program so that military families stationed overseas can save money at the BX.

Anonymous said...

Hear great things about this series, but haven't caught it yet. Must see it!!!

Princess Golden Hair said...

The series is based on Tanya Biank's book, Under the Sabers: The Unwritten Code of Army Wives. her husband used to be stationed at Ft. Bragg. I used to date a guy who was also stationed at Ft. Bragg and with the 82nd. So it really touches home for me, since I was almost an army wife

susan1215 said...

I like that the series shows how women who have husbands in the military adjust to military life.

Sarah S said...

I have never seen this show, but I've heard so many good things about it! I think it would be interesting to learn what it's like to be an army wife.

Anna said...

It's interesting to me because it's about a group of women going through something women have had to go through for years; their husbands leaving them to go off to war. It's a very difficult experience I am sure.

Jessica Cote said...

I love Army Wives b/c it gives an inside to my and other military wives lives on a day to day basis. It's such a great and inspiring series!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this program because I have lived the life from both sides. I grew up as an Army Brat (loved the scene where the children had to be told why everything on base stops at 5pm) and my 1st husband was in the Navy (so I understand husbands being gone for extended periods of time and not knowing where they are and what they're doing). This show is VERY well written and VERY well performed!

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I love this show because it shows what sacrifices not only ourtroops but also their families must endure to keep America safe.
Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway.
I would LOVE to win !!

Anonymous said...

Although most of the story line is very fictitious...I still love the show none the less. I loved the secret 50's style wedding that was taking place with the youngest of wifes. It was a sad but very cute episode that I remember above all of them. My husband and I enjoy watching them and would love to have the first season to own because unfortunately, there were quite a few episodes we didn't get to watch (the normal electricity going out or being at the grocery story during the airing of the show for the week).

Would love to win!!!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen this show. But, having been a military wife, I'd like to see it!

Anonymous said...

You are on my sidebar and I just posted your contest on my blog also.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I just posted your contest and button on my blog, but I forgot to send the blog link. Here it is.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Actually, I never watched this show, but I think it is cool that they have a show about army wives.

Anonymous said...

ohhh I love Army Wives!! I missed season 2's opening though UGH!!!

I love how it shows the daily lives of women living on base.

Anonymous said...

I'm so grateful to those who serve our country! I'd like to watch soem of what goes "behind the scenes".

noreen said...

I found the story with Roxy's Mom. how Roxy gave her Mom yet another chance but would not give her anymore once she put the kids at risk by leaving them alone to go drinking

janetfaye said...

I like the shows female point of view and the insight into military life.

*Tanyetta* said...

I am a military wife. I can relate to this movie on so many levels. I would LOVE LOVE to win this. please pick me.

mar said...

I have not seen it yet, but the ads on tv look great!

RoyalCheryl said...

Army Wives is so heart warming. I'm so glad it returned. My husband and I watch it on Sundays at 10PM. Phenomenal show.

Anonymous said...

I like it because its inspiring and well-written. I also like Catherine Bell's character a lot. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I would have to say the courage and independence they display.



love the fact its really not fake situations

Kari said...

I've never seen it but would love to! thanks!

Unknown said...

I've never seen Army Wives (we don't have cable, we usually just rent from Blockbuster) but I'd like to see the series and share with my friends because I am a military wife (US NAVY).

Unknown said...

We are subscribed to your feed/newsletter

Unknown said...

Also ya'll are listed on my bloggy sidebar!

agordon10 said...

I haven't watched it yet, but I would like to.

Tami @ This Mom's Delight said...

My mom loves this show! This would be a great gift for her.

Becca Ann said...

I have not seen the show, but recently saw a commercial for it and would really love to watch it.

imjasonc said...

I like seeing how military families converse.

Anonymous said...

I didn't have the chance to watch the first season, but the show is very good. Thanks for the giveaway!


denyse said...

It gives me such a great feeling!

Anonymous said...

a great Show Thank you For this sweeps.

NSMOM said...

I got sucked into the series late into the first season. I was so thrilled that they did the whoel first season in reruns (in order) after that so we could catch up.

I love the writing on that show. And it amazes me every show how they've done such a great job of casting (the kids look just like the parents).

Maureen (jnomaxx at hotmail dot com)

katylinvw said...

catherine bell is one of my favorite actresses (i'm a JAG junkie) and i just love the way these very different women develop such strong bonds in this show! it's definitely one of my favorites!

katylinvw (at) yahoo (dot) com

katylinvw said...

oh, and i added your button to my right sidebar! :)

littlelatina said...

I had never really thought in detail about the different lives of army wives before. It is an interesting and entertaining show

jennem said...

I read the book that inspired this series and loved it, but have yet to manage to see the show. I'm hoping to see it on DVD soon, if I don't win I'll netflix it.

pintolinda said...

I like the series because it is more interesting than a regular soap opera. I think the stories have more depth and are more compelling. I think it is also the right target with so many real army wives in our thoughts because of Iraq. Please enter me in the contest for Army Wives.

windycindy said...

I am always interested in women's friendships! The relationship these army wives have can be volatile, but they rely on each other to get through each other's circumstances. I would appreciate being entered in your prize drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

Anonymous said...

I LOVEEEEEEE Army Wives!!! I am so glad the 2nd season just started!

Anonymous said...

On my sidebar too!


maweisberg said...

i want to win

llinda29 said...

Heard great things about this series

slymommyof3 said...

I've yet to be able to sit down and watch a whole episode without one of the kids or hubby needing something. But, from what i've seen I really like this show.

kamewh said...

I have never seen the show but I have seen ads for it and it looks like it would be the type of show that I would enjoy. Thank you for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I've always been a bit of a late bloomer and didn't catch on to the show until the network was running a marathon recently - just before the 2nd season premier. Wow! the impact of watching several back to back has me hooked. The humanity and grace under fire of the characters is astounding. More, please! I didn't like the explosion - why do shows have to have those sorts of ER season enders???? It brought me out of the reality they so artfully created. Looking forward to the 2nd season.
merrymary55 at gmail dot com

mogrill said...

I love it because it is inspiring!

D. said...

would love to watch this with an Army wife friend of mine

FawnGeorge said...

I want to see this for Catherine Bell. I loved her in JAG another military show. I also like Kim Delaney. I've been wanting to watch this show but have not made the time for it. I would love to see it from the beginning.

carissaad said...

This is a great show and after listening to my family and friends talk about military life, this show is pretty believable. Thanks!

carissaad at aol dot com

carissaad said...

I'm a subscriber.

Lauren said...

Oh my gosh, I live this series. My husband is a Marine and is currently in Iraq. I love watching it because I can definitely relate.

Anonymous said...

I watch this every Sunday night. My son is a Marine in Iraq, actually I have 2 Marine sons, and I can relate to the struggles the women go through. I especially like to see how they portray the Colonel's wife as you don't get that view very often.

I also subscribed to your feed. Thanks!

Daniel434 said...

TRUTH. This is why this is a must have DVD and I sure hope I win. You can't make this stuff up even if you tried. Thank you and good luck to all. :)

Anonymous said...

haven't seen it yet, looks interesting... regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Anonymous said...

I was in service for 22 years and had to make several deployments. It was hard to leave a wife and daughter, but you have to go. My wife was did a great job. This shows how hard it is on the families. Would love to own.

kygirl said...

I have not seen the show but have heard so many good things, I would like to start watching it.

judybrittle said...

i just love to see how well they handle being army wives and their relationships.

Anonymous said...

like seeing military families converse

bevsclark said...

As a former army wife myself, I can totally relate to these women. There are many cliques, just like in high school. There is cheating, fighting, poverty and all the good stuff. There is also loyalty and faithfulness. You learn to rely on others and you learn to adapt to moving every few years. It is a good representation of the Army life.

Erica C. said...

this seems like a great show to watch with your friends!

Jennifer said...

I've only watched a few episodes of Army Wives, but I'd love to win so that I can catch up. I think it's a wonderful show highlighting the military. We need more shows like this on TV. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jinxy and Me said...

I didn't see the first season, but I have recently seen a lot of interviews with the cast and it really peaked my interest! I also blogged about your contest here:

Anonymous said...

I haven't gotten to watch it because it seems to be on when I'm not home. I've always wanted to see it because it seems like a good drama with an interesting plot. If I had the DVD, I could watch the show.

dwhogan said...

seems almost real at times

Christina, Mommy, Darling said...

I have not missed a single episode of Army Wives and I will fully admit I have cried every single episode for one reason or another! I have never been so excited over a show before...for me (I am an Air Force Wife), it hits the nail on the head on a lot of things and the military way of life. I can always picture myself in any of the characters shoes, this show hits home and my heart in a big way!! For the record I LOVE pamela but can relate more to Roxy!!

Julie Marie said...

I have heard several friends talking about it, and I want to see it from the beginning

bison61 said...

I have not seen this show but with Catherine Bell and Kim Delaney in it, it should be good

tiramisu392 (at)

Anonymous said...

What intrigues me about the show is that it's incredibly popular and getting rave reviews and I still haven't seen it. That kills me. I really want to!

Anonymous said...

I've never seen the show but its all I hear on the radio now.


Anonymous said...

I subscribe to your feed


Kat said...

Being an army wife myself... I can relate to "some" of the things from the show. Last year when my husband was deployed I never missed an episode! It's a great show! I can't wait for tomorrow's episode!

bemi said...

i love this show because it deals with real issues!

yellowlabs said...

I have heard this is a great show. I have not seen it yet, but would love to!

Belinda said...

My army wife friend has raved about this show. I caught part of one epsiode once, and I want to see more:)

Bree Wilder said...

I love this show! I have been addicted since the first episode. I love the strength of the women in this series. They are all unique and all have their own faults and strengths.

Alice H said...

I've never seen the show but I'm really been interested. I love shows that give a little window into a completely different lifestyle than the one I experience. Great contest! (

Anonymous said...

Things I loved about the first season: the son joining the Army, Roxy's son with glasses (isn't he cute) and really the whole concept as we're an ex-Military family.

That said I hated this season's premiere. I cried SO hard that I had a HEADACHE. :(

firemom at stopdropandblog dot com

Matt said...

I've never seen this show but I have a friend who's married to a guy who just got out of the army and I would love to watch the show!
byubabe14 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

My husband grew up in a military family and to me the series is like a glimpse into that lifestyle!! I have friends who live like that! For that reason, I can relate to some of the situations!

Unknown said...

I just started watching with Season 2, so I would love to get Season 1 to watch and see how it all started! I like the fact that we are so ingrossed in military with Iraq that it is fun to watch a different side of things, even if it is fictional!

blandmj said...

I enjoy watching this show because it shows not only what our military personnel endure, but also their families.

chromiumman said...

i love catherine bell in anything

Simply Sentimental said...

I LOVE this show, I TiVo it every Sunday and it's the first thing I watch on Monday when my boys are resting/napping..It's the best summer show...

melonkelli said...

I like Kim Delaney's past work -- I'd love to see this show!

masonsgranny59 said...

looks and sounds good!TY 4 THE GREAT CONTEST!!:)

Roxy said...

I've heard great things, so I'd love to catch up.

JenO said...

I've never seen it, but it sounds interesting. Hubby and I have a very good friend that has been in the army for years and is still single. Maybe watching these women deal with absent hubby's will help explain why...

BlondeBlogger said...

I've been wanting to see this series but just haven't had time to watch it. One of my favorite things to do is to put a DVD on my laptop after everyone goes to sleep, so I'd love to win this. My favorite thing is the drama, drama, drama! I love a good drama. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Anonymous said...

Army wives is great. Wish it had aired years earlier

sachidewey said...

I haven't seen this yet, but a good friend has been raving about it.

heaventrees said...

I like the interaction between the women and their support for each other. It's a nice change from all the cattiness on other shows.

mom2boys said...

I have not yet watched the show. I have missed it every time. I hear it's great though. Thanks for the giveaway!

bfox74 said...

I'd love to watch this show.

Anonymous said...

I am a 21 year old Marine Wife. My husband and I were watching Army Wives last year right up until he deployed when I was 23 weeks pregnant. I've caught a few more of the episodes but there's holes in the story since I've not seen them all. I absolutely adore this show and am totally hooked, and already obsessing over the second season. I posted an entry on my blog at, I would love to win this season!

Sue Farrell said...

I'm anxious to see Catherine Bell's character develop more independence now that she has her own career.

Jennifer said...

I heard this was a great show and it looks really good when I see the commercials for it on Lifetime. The problem is I never get a chance to watch it when it is on. I need a TIVO or the dvd set so I can watch it when I find the time! Thanks for the contest!

Trish said...

my brother isin the army so i like seeing life from the perspective of army life.

jlafount said...

How can you not be interested in watching Catherine Bell?

Helen said...

I love this series! I'm looking forward to see the characters delve into their characters even more this season!

Jinxy and Me said...

Although I haven't seen the show, I saw several interviews with the cast recently and now I really want to see it!

Anonymous said...

I think it would be very interesting to learn what it's like to be an army wife.

Bonnie said...

I saw an artical about this show , I think it was in TV Guide, now I'm Jonesen to see it.

azrosebud said...

I find Army Wives very interesting. I have a brother in law serving - and it really makes me think about what his wife is going thru - it's a phenomenal show.

Fae said...

i love to see army life from the perspective of the wives.

Anonymous said...

I didn't get to see Season 1 of Army Wives but my best friend RAVES about this show! Would love to win so I can get a chance to see it. Thanks!

proudyaya04 "at" yahoo "dot" com

Christy said...

Not only do I love the relationship between all the characters, but I like how it portrays some of the heartache of watching someone you love being shipped off to fight for our country.

Anonymous said...

I AM an Army wife, and even though I haven't seen the show yet, but I've heard great things about it.

Anonymous said...

I watch this show all the time. I love that each of them have totally different lives and yet are so bonded to each other because of their one common bond, being married to army spouses

Anonymous said...

I love how it deals with a topic that other shows don't want to deal with

Amber said...

I haven't seen many of the episodes, but I have enjoyed the ones I have seen. I enjoy the friendships and bonds that the Army wives have! Having been a military wife myself, I can really relate.

mommyof3inva at yahoo dot com

yyeres said...

well i have not watched this show yet so i am interested to win this dvd to start watching episodes, look interesting. thanks for the contest

klp1965 said...

i have not had the chance to see this :)

donnav said...

I have not had a chance to see the show yet, but would welcome it on DVD to watch when I have the free time. I'm sure there's stuff I can relate to as my husband recently retired from the military.

Anonymous said...

What I Loved Most About This Series It Shows What Military Wives Go Through On A Day To Day Basis While There Husbands Are Seving In The Military.

Anonymous said...

Love Army Wives; many thanks; so in depth at life both in a personal and within a professional nature. many thanks SW

Cindy said...

I think the fact that these woman are so independent and seemingly can handle any situation. They run their homes, and are great at it! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Kim Delaney is magnificent!

Anonymous said...

I have not seen this yet,it loooks sooo good,id love the dvd's!!

patty said...

love the show

patty said...

love the show

Babalu said...

I haven't seen this series, and would love to check it out.

mrstrooper said...

I heard this show was good ... I'm very interested in seeing it!

Anonymous said...

Love the show and would love to win the DVD

calgirl said...

I like Army Wives because it shows how difficult a soldier's family has keeping the home fires burning.

Anonymous said...

We are retired military so I would love to win this. I have not been able to see any of the episodes as I have had to work so many nights.

Donna said...

I haven't got to see it yet, but I want to.

Anonymous said...

I had seen previews for this show and wanted to see it, but we don't have cable. :( This would be awesome!
dansan826 at

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have not missed a single episode of Army Wives and I have watched reruns of the reruns. I REALLY do like this show. It's one of my 3 shows I must see each week. What a wonderful giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!

Rockin' Mama said...

I'm most interested in the wives' personal stories of life in the service.

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I think both Catherine Bell and Kim Delaney are terrific actresses. The Amazon description made me want to check out the show. I hope I win so I can catch up.
I blogged you on A Contest Blog at

Renee said...

I have a watched a few episodes, but seems I never get to sit down on that night. I would love to win though - to gift to my daughter. My daughter is an army wife - when she was home visiting she fell in love with the show (she is much like the spunky wife on the show, LOL) but hasn't be able to watch it as she is based in Germany.

Thanks for the chance to win!


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