Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ugly Dolls have arrived at the party!

™,® and © 2008, Pretty Ugly, LLC. All Rights Reserved

We sent out all the invitations weeks ago.. and finally the guests have started to arrive for the party!!

The Ugly Dolls showed up ready to throw down on the playground! I've been a huge fan of Ugly Dolls since I first saw one on a coworker's desk several years ago. I immediately wanted to snatch it up and take off running out of the building, but instead I just ended up making a sad face and asking if he would please part with him. Sadly the puppy dog face didn't work and up till now I've never owned one myself, though when I decided that Connor was defently having a birthday party online I knew I HAD to invite them! Something about their soft fleece almost pillow like bodies and the whole pound dog look they have going for them is heartwarming. With those big eyes you just wanna take them all home.

Ugly Dolls come in an array of great products including stationary, a card game, books and even clip ons.. but I think there is just something you can't touch with the plush Ugly Dolls, its immediately comforting to hug one!

Personally I am a huge fan of Big Toe, he's blue for one and a bit on the chubby side but he is always looking out for his other Ugly Doll friends. He's Connor's favorite as well and I am sure Big Toe will be looking after my little man for years to come.

Visiting the Ugly Doll web page is similar to entering your own little cartoon world. Super interactive there is lots to see and do, and a surprise with every click. If you have a few minutes its totally worth it just to visit them and wander around for a few minutes.

Ugly Dolls has been so generous that they donated several Ugly Dolls to give away. For this giveaway we are offering one

Connor's Birthday Bash is still underway. I will be giving away a Toodee Doll to one lucky winner. I may just have a bonus suprise giveaway for those readers participating in the birthday bash too!

To enter :
  • Leave a comment on this post. Go check out all of the characters at Ugly Dolls. Come back here and tell us which is your favorite and why you identify with them!
  • No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end May 1st at midnight!


Superdumb Supervillain said...

We have Ice Bat, Target and Cinco who are Roo, Daddy and Mommy respectively. Obviously we need an Ugly Doll to represent Jasper now... I'm thinking Poe or Chuckanucka...

Milk Mama said...

I like Gato Deluxe! I think I'd like one because my daughter needs a lovey for bedtime. I think it's easy to identify with a toy that doesn't "fit in" with the other toys. I'm sure we all have times in our lives where we feel that same way. ;)

sarahmarie dot pemberton at gmail dot com

Suzie Williams said...

I most identify with Chuckanucka because I too worry a lot.

Danielle said...

My daughter love peatco. I think she could use a new lovie for bedtime after many years of wahings our lovie is not looking very lovable


jenny said...

i'm hooked lol i would love to try to win one any one will do there so cute

Allison said...

I like the "Deer Ugly," probably because I'm a forest kind of gal. This would be great as a lovey for our son!

Anonymous said...

I like the Peaco. Reminds me of my daughter who is very shy around other people, but when she isn't around strangers she is a wild child. Thanks! Katebeth45ATgmailDOTcom

Jamie said...

For cuteness factor I love Big Toe, but personality-wise I am most like Chuckanucka...always worrying about something and a strange way of looking at life.

Anonymous said...

They aren't ugly at all they are kinda cute. And I like Babo most. It says he's curious and michievious.


Maude Lynn said...

I immediately fell in love with Ice Bat. My little girl has a weird thing for bats!

mar said...

Gato Deluxe is my favorite. I identify with them because to me they are honest and fun.

Molly said...

I like Wage because it looks like s/he is wearing an apron. I like cute little aprons too.

Anonymous said...

I have Babo but I would love Big Toe or Moxy. Ugly Dolls are my fave!

Anonymous said...

I like the ugly dog, though I prefer to think of it as an ugly cat. Gato deluxe is nice, too.

What an awesome website - so much fun!


Anonymous said...

We have the ice bat, I think our next choice will be son loves these little guys.

Anonymous said...

Babo is my favorite. My little girl is always saying she needs a "Best Friend" and I think Babo has got that covered! Thank You

Katie said...

I like Poe, because I too dream of Chocolate Ice Cream.

Kyra said...

We don't have one of these, woudl love to win one for my son. I'd pick Gato Deluxe, I just think he's cute, however, I think my son would pick Suntan Target because he has a cyclops kite that looks similiar that he loves!

Laura said...

It's a toss up... I like Babo because we share a dislike of certain birds (especially pigeons - dirty, dirty birds!). However, I'm also drawn to Plunko. As a former recruiter, I love a monster with connections!

Thanks for introducing us to the uglydolls, and my new favorite monsters. They are too fun! laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com

Panjo Kids said...

I like Abima - He's out of control! He’s got his hand in the cookie jar, and his mind on the next adventure... sounds like my 2 year old son!

Unknown said...

I identify with Peaco because I am a dancing MACHINE!!

hello DOT scarlett AT gmail DOT com

Meredith said...

I like Gato Deluxe because he reminds me of a cat my mother made me when I was a kid and I wouldn't allow him on the bed at night because he was scary and looked like a martian!

phxbne said...

I like Babo and Ice Bat

Anonymous said...

Right n ow, I relate most to cute little Ox! I just had eye surgery so I only have one good eye at the moment too! :(
dansan826 at

Anonymous said...

Also a subscriber and side bar holder! :)
dansan826 at

Ann said...

My son's favorite is Ox, and funny enough that's a bit like him too, his ears don't always listen either ;)
My little girl would adore Ox as she likes to pull on the ears! Thanks for the great giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com

Anonymous said...

I've never seen these but they sure are ugly, so I guess any of them could be my husband

Ann said...

Forgot to mention is the post that I subscribed to your mailing list.

Dumaurier said...

We have OX in two sizes, he's just a happy little critter just like my son.

Anonymous said...

I most identify with Chuckanucka because I too worry.

Anonymous said...

Babo because he is a loyal friend!
Stephanie V.

agordon10 said...

I like Tray, he reminds me of the simpsons three-eyed fish

CJW's folks said...

OX - I feel a bit off balance and I imagine he must too.

maeflower said...

They have a great site. I like Babo because he looks like me toddler when he whines.

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

I like Abima.. it reminds me of the way I feel when I'm feeling ugly. LOL!!!

Molly C. said...

I would love to win Puglee. I can identify with her, because she is so darn smart, even though she doesn't mean to be. :)

noreen said...

Peaco because even though he is shy he loves to boggie in the water. My girls love to dance and love water so he would love our house. TooDee would be great too since he ask questions all the time as do my girls.

melonkelli said...

Ox, because I'm a good listener.

mverno said...


Anonymous said...

Peatco is cute!

elana said...

it would have to be ice bat. i kind of need someone to think i'm cool since my kids don't!

(i emailed you my email address!)

peg42 said...

These are adorable. I like Abima the best. Hate to say it, but this one reminds me of my youngest son, always getting into trouble. These are so cute. Thanks for this giveaway.

jdine said...

I like Ice Lodge Icebat because I like to ski and we like snow!

Mary512 said...

I like Pugly because he's super smart. Great giveaway, thanks!

Mary512 said...

Blogged ya:
PS I forgot to say, I identify with Puglee because I think I'm pretty smart too. haha! Thanks again.

divrchk said...

I love Peaco because he likes to dance underwater.

S. said...

Ox is darling. That's how my mom use to write love and kisses to me in our birthday cards each year. And we love hugs and kisses. What a fun website!


windycindy said...

How funny! I love the introduction to their site. Then, they come down the conveyor belt when you look at them.
I am kind of partial to "Babo's Bird." The books coming out about them is something I would like to see! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks,Cindi

B+C's Mom said...

Oh, I like Gato. I like that the ugly dolls have re-appropriated the term "ugly" and made it a good thing.

julie said...

Babo the ugly bird...he hates birds and I am not particularly fond of them ever since a childhood incident of a bird bite...He is too cute

snowmermaid said...

Moxy is the best fun-lover and caretaker. Sounds like me!

Reiza said...

I like Ice Bat. I identify with him because I too am a ninja who steals other peoples' food. But shhhhh, it's a secret. :-)

I don't know if it counts as identifying, but I love that he's a bat who lives in the freezer. Because where else would a food-stealing ninja bat live? :-)

art-sweet said...

I identify with Abima who has his hand in the cookie jar!

Heather said...

I love Peaco. Shy on the outside and wildman on the inside. Cute!

Ginny said...

I like the Ice bat, seems to fit my personality the best :)

Anonymous said...

We received Big Toe as a shower gift and it was the first thing to make my son smile. I would like to get him Target too.
hetz-junk (at) hotmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

abima- because he has a sweet tooth=)

Unknown said...

subscribed to the feed

chromiumman said...

i like ice lodge ice bat, because he looks like me - pasty white... with wings... hmmm

EatPlayLove said...

Moxy..because my daughter's personality is so vibrant!

Jenna said...

Jeero's my favorite. We both think life is pretty complicated and just want a hug.

Anonymous said...

I have always been told that I am a loving person though I do need a little in return to keep myself goin'

for thatm I am SO ox! haha!


Anonymous said...

Im probably BigToe, Im always stressin with school but it'sa gonna pay off in the end! I hope..

Jessie R. said...

I love Big OX and Little Uglys - OX! Darling! I like him because that is what I look like after a day at work! Plus, I always borrow thing and forget to put them back! Thanks!

toasters lie said...

Gato Deluxe, because I own a Gata Deluxe.

Kari said...

We have ugly dolls! I love them!! We have Ice Bat, Moxy, Toodee (both sizes) and an ugly worm. I would love Chuckanucka, for myself, lol.

Anonymous said...

Ice Bat rules!!

Darlene said...

We like the green Ugly Worm. He's so green! Eco friendly for sure. Helps out the composters alot! My daughter thinks he's the cutest worm she's ever seen. And I have to agree. :)

Anonymous said...

The worm and the pink dog are sooo cute, but they all are really endearing-

Meagneato said...

I like Jeero because he looks worried and needs to be loved.


I like the Jerro as he reminds me the most of my daughter as she loves just hanging out with her parents (she's only 4).

susanstewart said...

I chose Toodee because something about his demeanor (the way he stands and his big eyes) reminds me of me. Then I read the description and found out that he's super nosey (even without a nose) and realized he really is like me! I'd love to win one of these for my daugher who collects odd dolls/stuffed animals (the ones who need a home). Thanks!


Ice Bat. Cool on the outside but warm on the inside!

Anonymous said...

I love Big Toe,thanks for the contest,these are too cute to be ugly

ladyxmess said...

I like Big toe & Toodee. Toodee because he reminds me of my daughter & Big toe because he's just so cuddly looking.
Thank you for the contest!

etrnlone said...

twhat a great site!
count me in

etrnlone said...

what a great site!
love Puglee

Doreen said...

I think I can relate to Cinko because 1, he's one of my fav colors: chocolate & he's afraid of the water! I don't go in the Ocean!! LOL Would love to win one of these darlings. Gotcha in my sidebar! purposedrivenlife4youATgmailDOTcom

Rockin' Mama said...

Suntan Target is AWESOME!!! I am olive-skinned so I tan like a beauty! : )

Happy B-day Connor!

kevnjacks said...

I really like Cinko b/c I can't swim! Haha! But I think Ox is really cute, though not at all like me. What a fun giveaway!

mom2boys said...

My son loves Ice-bat and he loves
the color blue. I'd love to win one for him. Thanks for the great giveaway!


lawyergirl said...

I love the ugly worm. I'm finishing up law school - so I identify with someone hoping to use power to do something wonderful

boobles2 said...

I love them all, my granddaughter would be happy to get any of them

Anonymous said...

I love Moxy. I love the color...and the EARS! Thanks!

Marissa said...

Hmm... it's a toss up between Pugley and Poe... one gets good grades while the other is dreaming of chocolate ice cream. They both sound like me! :)
Thanks for a fun giveaway,
md-sweeps (at) hotmail (d0t) com

Anonymous said...

I like Target because he is the grandpa of the Uglydolls and brings wisdom and foresight. As a grandpa myself, I can relate to him the most.

Anonymous said...

I like Deer Ugly, because he seems sweet and shy but wants to see the world!


Anonymous said...

I like Ox because he's a little mischievous just like myself, but he also likes giving hugs and kisses.

Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is Abima. He's afraid of the dark and so is my grandchild, so they would be perfect for each other.


Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

I like Chuckanucka! Why? Because that is the coolest name in the world! And, because he needs a safe home, with my girls!

vboackle said...

i like chuckanucka because i too am in a tizz all the time.

Anonymous said...

I think I'd have to pick Poe because I have big dreams too.

houseofeling said...

I luv ugly dolls! By far my favorite is the fat green guy OX......

I think it's funny as a mom to day "go get your ugly baby" ha! Great giveaway.

FosterMommy said...

I have a soft spot in my heart for Bop 'n' Beep. That's the Ugly Doll that our foster daughter picked out when she was with us, and we had it in her crib everynight and sent it home with her. So when I see that doll, I think of her. :)

Unknown said...

Plunko is my favorite - he seems so self-sufficient, but he needs love too!

ecky said...

icebat is my favorite at the moment though it changes all the time!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Abima. I still remember when my Grandma told me years ago that my arms are long like a monkey's. A girl just doesn't forget something like that. And my daughter's favorite color is red. beccachristensen at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My son has Gato Deluxe and LOVES it. I personally like Poe and Secret Mission Icebat. I have a bat obsession!!

Anonymous said...

I have included my blog for you to check out too...

Chuckanucka is my favorite and I relate to this doll so well because I'm fearful of everything too. I always get out of bed in the middle of the night to check that I locked the door a few hours before. I'm afraid of flying, driving long distances, boats, water...the list goes on. This would be the perfect doll for me.

Anonymous said...

How funny are these! I love Tray because she has 3 brains and likes to eat!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My very favorite "ugly" is Peaco. I am also shy but love to dance, though I have never tried it in water. Also I like him because he is man enough to wear (or just be) pink.

Unknown said...

Secret Mission Icebat for sure...he lives in the freezer and can protect my ice cream with his Ninja powers.

Anonymous said...

I love Abima!
Probably because he looks kind of scary but actually its very me,lol :)

Anonymous said...

jeero i can relate to

Anonymous said...


cdrury said...

Deer Ugly as I am happest in the woods!

bison61 said...

Chuckanucka would be my pick-because I worry about everything and everyone

tiramisu392 (at)

miriama said...

Peaco or Moxy. I can never decide between them.

littlelatina said...

i love Red Ice Bat, Poe, Bop n Beep and Ox. They are so great and my kids love them.

silverbele said...


Anonymous said...

My favorite is Moxy.

Moxy looks the way I feel most of the time, especially in the morning.

Plus, my ears are weird and stick out , too.

ky2here said...

Abima looks like a relative - I'm not specifying which one.

frugallm said...

I love Gato Deluxe!

Steph said...

My favorite is the Ice Lodge Icebat. I relate with him because I live in an Ice Lodge (well, close enough to an Ice Lodge, I live in MN). I think all the Ugly Dolls are great, they are alot like all of us...unique.

Unknown said...

I like Big Toe best.

Momnerd said...

These are so stinkin cute! I have to admit my favorite is Big Toe because he's just so cute I can't stand it but the two runners up are Chuckanucka and Ox. My kids want them all now that they saw them over my shoulder.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love Bop n Beep because it reminds me of my kids and their names sound like something my kids would use.

Samantha P said...

Puglee is the cutest, i'm glad i don't have to chose if in, i'd want all of them!

sachidewey said...

I love Wedgehead! Poor thing - his head is a wedge!

Susan W said...

I love Peaco. I identify with him because like him I am very shhy.
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I would love to win!

Jinxy and Me said...

I would say Peaco because I am generally shy, but can break out and have fun.

Sherry G said...

I LOVE Big Toe. He is by far the cutest. I always make fun of my husband because of his out of proportion big toe. So, I guess my husband would identify with this character more than I would :-)

disarray at onebox dot com

Anonymous said...

Peaco, she's shy and pink! Most people think I'm shy and I love pink!

Anonymous said...

I blogged about the giveaway here:

Lisa said...

I love these dolls! I like them all, but I am going to pick Chuckanucka as my favorite. I'm not sure why. I think it is the bucked teeth that make him endearing to me.

Anonymous said...

Puglee is the cutest, he's the cutest little dog i've ever seen, i wish he was real!

orchidfae said...

I am like Chuckanucka, I worry waaay to much!

Brooke said...

I like the Ugly Ghost. With so many kids of all ages, I sometimes feel invisible - only coming out at bedtime.

carissaad said...

I like Peaco. We're both shy on the outside, but not the inside.

carissaad at aol dot com

pitaharmon said...

I like Abima. He is just like my kids.

masonsgranny59 said...

Big Toe

masonsgranny59 said...

Big Toe

Anonymous said...

Definitely Ice-Bat. I love bats, and this little guy is the coolest!

Heather D.
hmdilorenzo (at) aol (dot) com

calgirl said...

Gato Ugly is cute/ugly gray cat with fangs like my cat.

Anonymous said...

I like Abima, my son does as he pleases yet still manages to look cute while doing it.

klp1965 said...

moxy looks like my motherinlaw ;)

yyeres said...

I identify with Jeero the most because it reminds me of a stuffed animal i used to have. thanks for the contest

Sandy M said...

It's a tossup between OX and Peaco. I've wanted one of these since I first saw them several years ago. Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

these are absolutely adorable. A couple of are oddly like me but I would have to pick chuckanucka- I am way too much like that. Really made me chuckle :)

camper223 said...

I like them all but something about moxey makes me feel he is lonely and needs a friend to carry him around.

Amanda said...

I like Tray, but they are all cute.

Amanda said...

They are so ugly, yet so cute! Our favorites are Abima, Big Toe, and Cinko.

KristenH said...

Secret Mission Target is my favorite ugly doll. I love the design and colors of it. I also can relate to the doll since Target is one of my favorite stores and I'd always have something to remind me of Target if I had the doll. Not to mention I like the fact that Target is the older wiser doll. I can relate to Target in this way because I am the oldest family member and I want people to come to me for advice. Plus, the doll as the grandpa figure reminds me of my own grandfather who is no longer with us. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.

Tracey said...

I identify with chuckanucka the most. Im a mom that worries about everything under the sun. Im neurotic , a little crazy, and happy to that way.

Sunshine Mama said...

Cinko is great. I love the three eyes.

Starshine3 said...

I like Deer Ugly- I can identify with him living in a nice quiet forest, because I like peace and solitude too ^^ Thanks for the giveaway :)

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