Sunday, April 6, 2008

I honestly have the coolest cell phone known to man!

Ok, ok.. Maybe my cell phone itself isn't the coolest cell phone in history, but the cover its sporting most certainly is! I have been a long time fan of Kathie Olivas art and though I still have not saved enough money for that original painting of hers at least I can look at her work every time I pick up my phone! I wanted this one so bad i could taste it.. one day.

Gelaskins makes it affordable and fun to display some of your favorite artists right on your phone, ipod, or laptop. Actually they are so affordable that you could change your mind about which one you like most pretty often! (keep in mind that Gelaskins are basically a vinyl "sticker" so if you remove it from your device there is no guarantee you can use it again.. though I've heard people do it)

Before using Gelaskins, I had a plastic snap on cover on my cell phone and though it did the job it was actually pretty bulky on what is supposed to be a super thin phone. When removed the cover itself was almost as thick as the phone. My Gelaskin not only makes my cell phone stylish and unmistakably mine, it protects my phone as well as that bulky plastic cover and it does not add anything to the weight or size of my phone. I purposively bought my phone for its thin profile and its nice to be able to protect it without ruining the whole reason I purchased it!

I cannot even count how many people have stopped me since I put my new cover on, everyone wants to know where I got it and what it is... or even sometimes who the artist is, which of course I'm more than happy to tell them about.

Along with cell phone covers Gelaskins offers some fabulous ipod and laptop covers. Though I do not have an ipod (and at this rate will be the last person in the US to get one!!) one day I hope to have one of my very own.. and as soon as I do I will be putting the Red Robot Leaving The City cover on it!!

I highly recommend you check out the artist list as well!

Are you one of those lucky people that has an ipod nano or know someones that does? Well I have three Gelaskin covers to give away to three of my readers! (Keep watching as we will be giving away more at a later date as well!!)

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Go check out Gelaskin's selection of covers. Choose your favorite and come back here and tell me about it. The three skins I am giving away is a secret so choose wisely as you may just get the cover you like most!
  • No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end April 13th at midnight!


mar said...

"From Dusk Till Dawn" is my favorite cell phone cover - thank you

mverno said...

nice product

Stacey Moore said...

would love to have a Stars and Stripes for my laptop!! thanks

Shannon said...


strawberry3d said...

i love your tri-state design

Superdumb Supervillain said...

are these only for Nano? I have a bigger iPod, so if it's only for Nano, please delete my entry.

I love The Provocateurs, good choice. The Swindlers is also great. My favorites are All in A Dream and Love You Every Moment. Too many choices!

Anonymous said...

backwoods is my favorite.

Cricket said...

I have been pining away for the Swindlers print by Kathy Olivas for my laptop. I would love to have one for my ipod as weel! I love love love her work.

toasters lie said...

The Flying Spaghetti Monster for the iPhone

windycindy said...

Decisions, Decisions! I finally choose the gelaskin called "Bookshelf!" Please enter me in your drawing. These really add a personal touch to a boring cell phone. Thanks, Cindi

Steph said...

My favorite Gelaskin cover is the Lizard Lounge one.

Unknown said...

Starry Night for the iPod Video. I have been oogling over this one for awhile, just haven't been able to afford anything special for myself lately. Thanks for the contest!


chromiumman said...

love the backwoods

Christine said...

the summer oasis is beautiful. i love the bright, vibrant colors and the way everything kind of melts together. cool giveaway! thanks for the opportunity to win.

Ann said...

My husband has an ipod nano and he plays golf so I would love to win the "golfer" for him. Thanks for the great give away!

Marissa said...

These are gorgeous designs! I like the Sudoku and Contortionist for an ipod nano... and I found several skins I'd love to have on my laptop!
Thanks for an awesome giveaway!
Marissa :)
md-sweeps (at) hotmail (d0t) com

Amanda said...

OMG!! I so want one for my 2nd gen Ipod Nano. I LOVE the summer 69 and the hibiscus!! I need somehting for my ipod really bad and these are way too cute!

Amanda said...

I blogged ya here

Mary512 said...

i luv the 'peeking under leafs' skin. great giveaway, thanks!

Kari said...

The ragdolls

Anonymous said...

These are really cool. I would love "All In A Dream" for my 2nd generation Ipod nano.

Kira said...

I love the Farbstudie Quadrate

vboackle said...

i like the backwoods design.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

summer oasis

mogrill said...

I love the summer oasis! It is breathtaking.

Margaret said...

I really likethe Sunset in Venice.Its so pretty.And I love the colors.

Alice said...

hex appeal :0)

denyse said...

Mescalito Rocks!

Doreen said...

My Brother has an ipod nano so I could give it to him. Don't feel bad! I don't have one either! :) I like The Provocateurs, The Swindlers and the Guitar Hero one is pretty cool!

The Mom of 'em said...

I love Summer of '69.....or Contortionist

these are so cool!!!!

Doreen said...

I have you in my sidebar too!

Jessilyn82 said...

The one called "Growth" is really unique and cool.

bison61 said...

I like Spirit Of Medicine Lake

tiramisu392 (at)

Anonymous said...

I love the stars and stripes and the fish. So fun! Now we can all have cool phones!

DePro said...


Anonymous said...

My fave painting! Starry Night! The colors are gorgeous!
dansan826 at

Anonymous said...

Feed subscirber!
dansan826 at

DM said...

I like the Fuji 3rd gen ipod nano cover and the Farbstudie Quadrate laptop cover.

mom2boys said...

I really like From dusk til dawn.
These are some really cool skins.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Deb said...

My favorite is the Sunset in Venice - I'd love to put that on my iPod! :)

Added this one to my Contests page at

Kimberly B. said...

I have had Colin Thompson's Steampunk Ipod nano cover bookmarked for awhile now, so I was really excited to learn about this contest. Though there are many other gorgeous designs!

Samantha P said...

ooo, i looooove Lizard Lounge, i'm in love with Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas!!!

Anonymous said...

i really love lizard lounge!

Anonymous said...

for my ipod nano (3rd gen) i'm lovin the Hibiscus design. pls email me at yanyan_140[at]yahoo[dot]com if ever i will win

Dawn Alice Rogers said...

These are SO COOL! What a great product. I like all of the ones by Sorsdahl, especially the Spirit of Medicine Lake. So many great artists to choose from!

Erica G said...

Artist's Garden at Giverny is my favorite.

Heather said...

Wow! They are really breathtaking! I think my favorite is the Red Robot Leaving The City!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I have to choose a favorite? I *did* find myself keep coming back to Bookshelf by Colin Thompson - I think that would look wonderful on my Nano (which has needed a cover since I got it for my birthday last Fall :D ).

Email is barb at perfectlynaturalphotography dot com

Anonymous said...

I left a comment but it's yet to show up. I'll leave it again if necessary. This one is to say that I subscribed to your posts for the extra point. :D

barb at perfectlynaturalphotography dot com

Oops, just saw that the comment I left before must be approved. I trust it will be. :)

Anonymous said...

(PLEASE DON'T APPROVE THIS COMMENT... ) I just realized I subbed with a different email address - it's letsimaginate at gmail dot com, just didn't want to post it in the comments.

Anonymous said...

I love "Peeking Under Leafs!" Thanks! ( )

Tisa said...

So many wonderful choices but my favorite is "Mescalito"! I've bookmarked that site! Thanks! ~ :)

Anonymous said...

I love iPod skins: Artist's Garden at Giverny and
The Great Wave.
I also love the Mac Laptop (15 in) skin - Mescalito

Joanna said...

The ipod skin called "My Pop" is so colorful! Thanks for the opportunity!

Miranda said...


Megan said...

I like the colors in Spirit of Medicin Lake. Pretty cool!

Megan said...

I also subscribed to the RRS feed. Thanks!

soha said...

I love "from dusk til dawn" 3rd gen.

JenO said...

I would like Sudoku for my laptop, very classy. :)

Kim said...

These are so cute. I like the Alkaline.

Anonymous said...

I really like Bookshelf, especially as I am a eacher and use my nano in the classroom!

elizcosta at hotmail dot com

Reiza said...

From Dusk Till Dawn is my fave. Love the colors.

Anonymous said...

From Dusk Till Dawn and Summer Oasis for nano 2nd generation. Those 2 are just awesome. Enter me please

sandyy456 said...

My favorite is Artist's Garden at Giverny

SeahorseLady said...

These are fantastic! My oldest son would totally flip out for one of these and I know that he would pick "The Scream" as his 1st choice but would also like "Music Castle", "Psychci Wars" and "Fish". I think they all are great looking.
Thanks for introducing me to their site.

Anonymous said...

My daughter has an iPod Nano and I'd love to get the "Just Cause You Feel It" design for her.

Anonymous said...


Sandy said...

Love that TriState...these are cool

Panjo Kids said...

I love "ragdolls". What a great idea!

kristin said...

The "Enternal Embrace" one is HOT!
I would love to have that one!

3mnkids said...

they have alot of really cool ones. Its hard to pick just one. I guess I would have to say I Can't Get Them Out Of My Mind is my favorite

ezmerelda said...

Many cool choices, but I would love to have Robo for my husband's Ipod.

Anonymous said...

The "Stars and Stripes" makes me stand up & cheer, as does this contest. Good luck to all!

Bebemiqui said...

Summer '69 and Suduko would have to be my favs, man they have a lot of great styles though!

Anonymous said...

Loved the monkey one. I have always loved monkeys.
thank you

Donnie said...

The site was really different and I could see my sons drooling over some of he skins which showed a lot of "skin"(ha) but I prefered something pretty so I chose the skin called "Lesson". Thanks.
Martha W

Jinxy and Me said...

I like the Backwoods cover

JOYVEN said...

can't decide which I like best - its between Backwoods and the Provocateurs

Anonymous said...

I like "The scream"
Count me in to win

cdrury said...

Would love to win this - thanks!!!
From Dusk Till Dawn

Unknown said...

Contortionist - Would love this for my iPod - thanks for the contest.

Anonymous said...

These are awesome colors

Anonymous said...

I could spend at least an hour looking through there and still not deciding on one but I do like the Stranger and Starry Nights a lot. However, I'm not done looking.....I have a new obsession with those. Thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

I like the sunset in venice cover!

Sarah said...

I like the deal breakers 15" PC laptop cover


ladypawnbroker said...

My favorite is the Dragon for the ipod video.

Anonymous said...

I like the Backwoods!

Anonymous said...

I love the "growth" skin, it is so beautiful!

ryanmcg said...


masonsgranny59 said...

Summer Oasis

Terri Dell said...

Just Cause You Feel It

Anonymous said...

I love the Dave grandson will love it!

klp1965 said...

love the backwoods :)

Anonymous said...

All In a Dream

Brooke said...

I like Endless Summer alot!

Anonymous said...

Love them all; how does one make only ONE decision while doing income tax. but may I have it for contortionist. May thanks and best of luck to all who enter.

off2europe said...

I love Red Robot leaving the city. After a great season of Sarah Conner Chronicles, I want to remember it on my ipod.

ldrnc2000 said...

I like "The Great Wave"!

Anonymous said...

love Ragdolls

carissaad said...

I like Artist's Garden at Giverny for my phone. These are so awesome and MUCH better than what you can buy at the mall.

mrstrooper said...

The Great Wave would be great for my husband.

Timster said...

"From Dusk Till Dawn" is my favorite cell phone cover.

Anonymous said...

Very Cool! I like sunset in venice for my laptop.

yucca72(at)yahoo(dot) com

Hetal said...

anything will be good.

Unknown said...

Tea Party laptop cover

hammielover1 said...

The Growth cover is hot!

Anonymous said...

I love the colors of the cell..bright nice easy to find

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