Saturday, March 8, 2008

What all did I need to do again this week?

Talk about being one to sometimes bite off more than I can chew, I'm notorious for not wanting or asking for help even when I need it.

The Do&Delegate.list from Buttoned Up helps me keep my ever growing list of baby and school projects under control as well as helps give me an idea of when I've just got too much on my plate and I need some help. Midterm and Final week is always a rough one around here (hence the slowing of posts lately), if I had only delegated a few of my tasks away I might have a few less grey hairs than what I accumulated over the last week.

Along with the Do&Delegate.list, Buttoned Up has recently added a line of mom friendly notepads for those of you that were a fan of the original .pad series, rejoice! Included in the new lineup is the Kidpack.pad, Babypack.pad, and of course my absolute favorite the Babysitter.pad!!! Kidpack and Babypack is especially helpful for babysitters, grandparents and even Dad when it comes to getting the kids packed and ready for wherever they may be headed. I have to admit I am pretty partial to the Babysitter.pad as honestly as a first time mom I don't even know what all I should leave for a babysitter so in many ways its more helpful to me just to plan out the information I need to leave for a babysitter or even the grandparents when I actually get the rare chance to go out!

The Do&Delegate.list is available at Button Up and on Amazon!

Would you like to win a Babypack.pad and a Pocket.doc of your very own? I have one of each to give away to one lucky reader.

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Go check out Button Up and look and look at their current line of products. Let us know what is your favorite product and why (or even how you would use it!). A winner will be drawn at random.
  • No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
  • This contest will end March 16th at midnight!


mrhodes said...

I love the TAX FILER, I could definitely use that come this time next year!

jenna said...

The Receipt Catcher looks like it would be right up my alley. I had no idea they had all these great products for organization!

Anonymous said...

I like the catch up pad! What a neat idea. This would be good just to have to fill out through out through out the day so that I remember to tell my husband everything that I wanted to tell him when he gets home. Thanks!
katebeth45 at gmail dot com

Donna said...

I love the TAX FILER, I could definitely use that come this time next year!

cluster77 said...

I like the shopping.pad because I always seem to forget at least one item off of my lists. It would also help organize me when I want to go shopping at different places


The Receipt Catcher.

Princess Golden Hair said...

that receipt catcher would sure be a lifesaver for me

Anonymous said...

I like the Collision kit, the Shopping Pad, and the BabyPack Pad... all would be handy for keeping me on track and prepared.
Thanks a ton!
Marissa :)
md-sweeps (at) hotmail (d0t) com

amwhiteh said...

I've long been a fan of the Life.doc. I think I need the tax filing sys, the receipt catcher, and the pet docs, too!

Mary512 said...

The tax.filer looks like an awesome product. It would come in handy this time of year. I would use it for filing all that tax junk and to get organized! Awesome giveaway, thanks.

Mary512 said...

blogged ya:

thanks again!

Danielle said...

Babysitter.pad for its intended use, of course!
dansan826 at

Kari said...

oooh, the receipt catcher. I totally could use that :) Thanks!!

vboackle said...

i like the receipt catcher because it could help me stay organized and have peace of mind.

sweetsue said...

I would use the homework pad for myself. I have a tendency to write my assignments on anything handy, and then having to hunt them down.

Mrs Mac said...

My life is such a mess i could use the life.doc... it's a target you say... hmmms i'll have to try to remeber that... perhaps i should also get an errands list which i'm at it....

jennem said...

I need Life.doc. It concerns me that my husband doesn't stay aware of our accounts, IRAs, insurance, etc. I would love to have it organized in one safe place.

Anonymous said...

The Valuables.doc to inventory every in my house.

Leah said...

I like the Valuables.doc. I was attending to some life insurance issues a few days ago and realized I need something like this to keep important papers organized and very accessible in case of emergency.

Anonymous said...

The Valuables DOC. is well...invaluable!

windycindy said...

Hi! What a wonderful contest. I really think the "Delegate&Go" organizer is for me. There are doctor appts., ortho.appts., school functions, dental appts., sports practices and games, et. Please I need one of these! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks very much.....

Anonymous said...

Great stuff here

edq143 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

This is cool. The filer is what I like.

Anonymous said...

thank you for the great contest

enter me please

pethof (at) gmail (dot) com

I prefer the receipt catcher

Unknown said...

My hubby is the quicken nazi and he makes me save every receipt. I would love the receipt catcher. That would help me be organized!

jennifer57 said...

cool :)

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

I am a little confused by the whole thing... maybe because I am so disorganized, organization tools don't make sense? I would like to try it out but I especially liked the CrossitOff. list. That I understood and need.

mom2boys said...

I would get the receipt catcher. It's
something I know I would use everyday. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would love a recipt catcher! Boy would that help all my shopping trips!! Thanks!

Bree said...

I love the Tax.Filier! It would help me stay organized for tax season!

Anonymous said...

Receipt Catcher: this would be great because I just started serious couponing/competitive shopping and want to keep up w/ my savings, but the receipts keep getting away!

Leanna said...

I need the receipt catcher. I keep track of my spending with a wad of receipts on my kitchen counter and in my purse. Not cool.

Tyler said...

I could probably use ALL of them, but the Pet.doc really caught my eye. When we moved, I spent 2 days trying to find all the vet records for my two dogs - it was such a hassle, and I never found everything. This would be a place to keep that and grab it when needed!

JenO said...

after our LONG visit with the tax guy this year, I think we need the tax filer NOW so we can start gathering receipts for next year!

Kristen M. said...

I like the idea.pad. My husband jokes that he is always finding my scribbled lists around the house.

Chantelle said...

I actually already have the Life.doc and the Collision.kit but I see thet've added more products since I bought those. I really like the Tax file. its such a great idea. I would definitely put any and all of the products to good use.

Teri said...

Awesome giveaway! I think that the Valuables.doc seems invaluable to keep track of everything in your home in case of fire, robbery or other damage. Take care!

Ruth said...

I love the travel prep pad - boy would this come in handy!



I love all their products. the receipt catcher looks very helpful

Heather said...

Since it's tax season I have to pick the TaxFiler!

Anonymous said...

I love the receipt catcher! What a great way to keep receipts organized for later reference.

bison61 said...

two things i liked the errand pad - I write down everything. and the receipt catcher, a good way to organize all my receipts instead of tossing them in a drawer

tiramisu392 (at)

Holly said...

wow, the Tax.filer certainly would have been helpful a few weeks ago! we use a similar briefcase but with no divisions so it gets pretty messy...

Amy W said...

First off, I love making's a hobby of mine :).

And the Tax.filer would help us immensely as my husband is self employed and we need to get our act together...we didn't file last year's taxes until October, pathetic, I know!

Kate said...

The errand pad and receipt catcher are adorable. I'd love to win!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

I love the Valuables.filer. We have talked about taking inventory of our household goods, just in case. I think this would be an excellent tool to get that accomplished!

Great find!

Unknown said...

I love the life.doc...would come in handy!

Ginny said...

I've always wanted to try these products. The life.doc looks great & so does the receipt catcher. The valuables one looks good as well but wouldn't need till I had some to put in there, lol.

heather h said...

I love Life.doc. These are so neat, and I've seen (and drooled on them) at Target. Life.doc has a space for everything to help me become more organized, er, to become just plain organized. I'm not a prize-winner in the organization department!

Anonymous said...

I love the shopping.pad. We're always making additional trips to the store because we forgot something! This would help us stay organized.

Uniquely Yours said...

I would get a CatchUp pad. I feel as though I never get anything accomplished.

aharris007 said...

I love the Life doc

This would be great , put all of your important doc, social security cards, birth certificated, life insure, auto policies, and maybe put it in a saftey deposit box, so it is safe!!

Please enter me!!

Anonymous said...

I love the valuables.doc and actually a handful of other things as well. They really know me!

Leane said...

I would LUV to have the TAX.FILER!!
It says it is "A Filing System that Takes You from W-2's to Completed Returns with Sanity Intact", if they can keep that promise it would be a miracle-worker, and that is exactly what I could use (more Sanity!)
Their whole line is useful and desirable!

Leane said...

Consider yourself blogged:

Thanks for another great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Valuables filer

Anonymous said...

Tax Filer, could really have used it this year!

Anonymous said...

I like the Collision.kit. In case I have a accident I want to make sure I get all the right information.

dolls123 (at) gmail (dot) com

carissaad said...

I would like to have the valuables.doc so I could have a record of my valuables in one place. Thanks!

carissaad at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Having several dogs, two babies and a more than full time nursing job, I could really use this!

Miranda said...

life.doc It what i need in my hectic life right now

masonsgranny59 said...

Tax.filer™ looks very handy to help a person get organized.

sewingmema said...

receipt catcher - my husband is anile about receipts and this would really help me!

Brooke said...

I like the receipt catcher, especially because it lets you pile the receipts

Anonymous said...

Homework pad-yes I would use it to keep up with all of my daughter's school assignments. With the amount of schoolwork being organized is essential.

Anonymous said...

life.doc for me

mrstrooper said...

NothingElse.pad...I carry a too do list and nothing ever seems to get done off the list!

Anonymous said...

the tax filer :)

Terri Dell said...

I like Dates.2Remember because I am always forgetting birthdays

Erica G said...

I would start with the Life.doc system. That file is such a great idea. If there were an emergency (fire, hurricane, etc.) that would be the go to book to take with you!

egreca [at] hotmail [dot] com

houseofeling said...

the babysitter.pad would have to be the most useful to me. I work inside the home, but still get babysiters to come over to help. this pad would be really helpful in my daily life. thanks!

Anonymous said...

The Life.doc is something I should seriously consider purchasing! Thank you so much for offering this wonderful and very useful giveaway.

Donna said...

I like the Life.doc.

lilyk said...

My favorite product is Life.doc, because I have a lot of things to organize.

lilyk said...

I subscribed to your mailing list.

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