Thursday, March 20, 2008

Marchin online for a good cause

Are you in the movement sweeping the world?

This is not something I normally blog about but I thought this was something that was worth wild to share with you guys. Though in no way do I have a lot to share myself as I am a struggling student and mom, but when I can, I love to help other Moms and especially other little ones out there. Without a little help ourselves sometimes I wonder if things would have turned out differently for Connor and I.

Million Mom Picture Page is a direct way for Moms to donate to charities and the service pays out 100% to the charities that you choose. The best part, with your donation you get a free membership to ConnectingMoms as well which for you guys out there that want to get into reviewing products has a great section for you to sign up to be chosen for product reviews!

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip. I'm always looking for ways to give back!

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