Friday, March 28, 2008

My baby can talk.. can yours?

We've been working on sign language for a few months now and these videos from My Baby Can Talk are wonderful!

There has been some recent press about how sign language used with babies may be linked to earlier reading skills and better social skills as children get older. Just recently a 17 month old from texas was seen all over the news as she was reading books that most elementary school kids struggle with. Her parents indicated they felt that her use of baby signs earlier in life had possibly helped her learn to read much much earlier than most children. If you missed that footage you can see it here.

One of the biggest benefits I have seen with my friends children that have used sign language early is a drastic reduction in crankiness. If your baby can TELL you what he or she wants easier there is less frustration in the day. Connor is not currently doing any signs but he does seem to understand a few of them and he does make a gesture we taught him for "all done" when eating. We still are working on signs of our own.. but the "more bananas" is the phrase we use the most as Connor would eat bananas all day long if he could.

Of all the baby signing products I have seen the date. My Baby Can Talk is geared the best for very young signers. Though the DVDs state 10 months and up.. I feel as if babies even younger would enjoy the videos and the great pictures and toys shown on them. Many of the scenes lack talking (other than showing the sign and repeating the word several times) and most of the images are virtually eye candy for babies. Connor especially loves the scene in the Baby's First Signs DVD of the dogs. (go figure)

You can buyMy Baby Can Talk's series of DVDs off their webpage as well as on Amazon.

The best part is I have a whole set of My Baby Can Talk DVDs for one lucky reader. Thats a $49.95 value!

To enter :
  • Leave a comment on this post. Go check out My Baby Can Talk and look all of their DVDs and all the great information about sign language on their site! Come back here and let us know something new you have learned about signing from their site! There is a really great dictionary of signs on the site too!!
  • No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end April 4th at midnight!


Anonymous said...

I knew that it can help children speak sooner but I didn't know that it increased their vocabulary. Interesting. katebeth45ATgmail

lace said...

This would be wonderful to win. I teach my nieces sign language. I agree with the site that babies who know sign are less fussy. They are able to communicate their needs and have people understand.

I love the online dictionary. I use another online dictionary from ASL but I'm going to bookmark this one as well.

Anonymous said...

I didnt know that the necessary motor skills for signing matured at 10M old- that was interesting. We too used this since we had our son and have loved signing ever since. Jenny M-

Anonymous said...

Also subscribed to the feed

Cassie said...

I didn't know that babies who signed learned to talk sooner.

Milk Mama said...

Wow! I can't believe that story of the 17 month old girl reading!!! My daughter only says a few words at 16 months. I can't imagine her reading full sentences aloud!

sarahmarie dot pemberton at gmail dot com

Bree said...

I didn't know that babies that sign often have higher IQs than other babies!

Anonymous said...

As a homeschooler, I am familiar with the different learning styles children can have but I never made the connection with sign language and how it can be that kinesthetic method. This adds another way of giving babies and young children the ability to remember information and retain it. So, as the website says, I'd like to help enhance my baby's memory. I've been waiting for the perfect time to start my 6 month old daughter. With these dvds, I'll have what I need. Kathy
bigfamily8 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Here is my link to my blog where you can see my post about My Baby Can Talk dvds.
Please enter me for a second chance to win. I am really looking to start this with my daughter and I'm hoping to win. Thanks, Kathy
bigfamily8 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Danielle said...

I never thought fussnies could be caused by frustration of not being able to communicate...however it makes complete sence! This would be great w/ my little one!


Jessie R. said...

I had no idea that babies can learn to communicate using sign language as early as ten months old! Thanks!

PhotoChick said...

I knew I would really want something like this, especially now that I know that they boost babies' self esteem & confidence, help them reach a higher IQ, and strengthens OUR bond! All the more reason for me to get these for my little girl (if I don't happen to win, that is!)

Thank You all SO much for such an awesome giveaway and for letting me take part. Much love to all and God Bless.

Laura said...

This looks fantastic! I enjoyed learning so much from the site- but the two milestones children go through (first sign and signing explosion), so similar to speaking but being able to do so earlier, is amazing. The ability to communicate and create a bond sooner, and with less frustration, is priceless! My husband and I practiced the word for apple! So much fun. Thanks for the giveaway!

laurachilton AT hotmail DOT com

lisa said...

This looks like a great video series! I learned that signing develops in a similar manner to spoken language, with a word explosion once they master a few basic words. I've wanted to teach my 7 month old to sign, but haven't tried very hard. Now I'm more motivated.

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

I would love these! I signed with my son (now 5 1/2) and I'm signing with my daughter (16 months) and both of them have loved it. I was interested in the "research" section on the My Baby Can Talk site - because although I have first-hand knowledge of how good signing is, I hadn't read any actual research results about it. Thanks for the contest!

Kari said...

I'd love to win this for my sister. I agree, I signed with my youngest and he did talk sooner.

Anonymous said...

elizcosta AT hotmail DOt com

I can see how signing can help with vocabulary, I use some signs (the few I know) in my ESL's probably the vocabulary that helps with the reading.

Cop's Wife said...

We did a little sign language with our second child. I need to start up again with our third. It was so rewarding when he could communicate his needs before being able to speak.

The 17 month old reading... that was amazing news to me!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting

jenny said...

oh how i love to win this vido for my little one so that she may talk too its realy good for a chlid to know singing thanks jenny9675309 (A+)y*H**(d@t)c0m

mverno said...

that babies that sigh talk sooner would be great for my grandson's development

Risha said...

I did not know that signing helps with social interaction. I also learned the signs for apple, bath, blanket and bubbles!

Side note: your son and my daughter share the same birthday! she will be turning one this year as well.

Anonymous said...

My son has autism and these tapes have been FANTASTIC in helping him learn sign language. See the post on my blog at about how this specific video helped him say "Mommy" for the first time (at age 6!) The most fabulous sound I have ever heard. Would love to win a new set of DVDs as one of ours has died from being played too often and we check the others out from the library on a weekly basis! Everyone should try these with their child - they can really surprise you with their skills and intelligence once they can express themselves!

Anonymous said...

See the post on my blog at about how this specific video helped him say "Mommy" for the first time (at age 6!)

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

My little guy wants to talk so badly. Adding baby sign to the mix would help him to be lest frustrated (as mentioned on their website).

Thanks for the great giveaway!

The Angel Forever

Anonymous said...

I love the video dictionary that is on there.

Superdumb Supervillain said...

I've never even thought about teaching my kids sign language but the videos on the site make it look much simpler than I imagined. I like the video dictionary of signs feature, it's very handy.

Jeanne said...

I love the on line dictionary. i want to start signing with my son-i had a friend who did and it was so helpful for their whole family.

Erica C. said...

I knew that signing help babies vocalize but didn't realize how fast it worked!

agordon10 said...

Says babies who sign have higher IQ's, that sounds good to me!

ydsddd said...

Would love to win this for my nephew! He'd love it

michelleelizabeth8 said...

I had actually never heard anything about using sign language with children to develop vocabulary and vocal this is very new to me! It seems like a great idea and I would love to win a dvd to check it out!

Uniquely Yours said...

Babies do talk with their hands before they can speak. Sign language was the only thing that kept my sanity when my daughter was little.

susan1215 said...

I didn't know that babies who signed talked sooner

Anonymous said...

I love that sign language babies have less tantrums! Woo hoo! Sign me up! LOL!
dansan826 at

Anonymous said...

I am also a subscriber!
dansan826 at

chromiumman said...

i didn't know a baby's motoring skills matured so quickly

Marissa said...

That's incredible! A 17 month old that can read due to her parents signing with her... I didn't realize how helpful signing could be for your child, but it makes sense that your child wouldn't get as frustrated if they can communicate in other ways before they start talking.
Thanks for an amazing giveaway!
Marissa :)
md-sweeps (at) hotmail (d0t) com

Marissa said...

I also signed up for your mailing list.
md-sweeps (at) hotmail (d0t) com

Melissa said...

Wow! I didn't know you could start so soon!!!

Anonymous said...


Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I would love to share this with the young mothers at my church

Sd said...

I'm amazed at the 17month old that can read I know that has alot to do with how bright the kid is but I'm sure signing helped a lot.

The Jones' said...

I did not sign with my son and he learned to talk really early so I would like to give it a try with my daughter who is at the perfect age to start to see if it is true that they talk sooner if they learn to sign.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that babies that sign often have higher IQs

JenO said...

I hadn't thought about the fussiness of babies being because they are frustrated at not being able to communicate, but it makes total sense! Thanks for sharing!

nifferjeno at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

That babies are truly smarter than many of us think...thanks for the great contest

idahomom said...

I think anything that teaches your children is a great idea. Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

Babies can sign before they are ready to talk. This has certainly been true with our son, who tells us eta, more, hot and other signs and doesn't really talk yet!

ce613 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

That babies can sign before they can speak.

imjasonc said...

I learned that communication can eliminate frustration.

Anonymous said...

didnt know that the necessary motor skills for signing matured at 10M old- that was interesting. We too used this since we had our son and have loved signing ever since.

Becca said...

My daughter just turned 1 and she knows a handful of signs. I've checked a couple of signing DVDs out from the library, but most of them seemed geared toward older kids. This one sounds perfect for babies her age. I found the article about how babies learn to sign very interesting. As it mentions, several of my daughter's signs looked very similar at first, but are becoming more distinct as her coordination increases.

Unknown said...

This would be great for my little guy he is 1 almost 2,

Lisa C. said...

i would lov this.. we planned on signing with my daughters.. this would be great... they're almost ready for us to start... and i was amazed at the 17month old reader... wow

Dr. Dolly (@drdolly) said...

i'm teaching my 5 month-old a couple of signs, even if he can't do them yet. i'd love to learn more words and better ways to teach him...maybe a dvd is the extra i need. thanks for the contest...i learned from the baby talk website that signing increases IQ...that's a topic i've been fascinated with since he was still in utero. i'm a chiropractor with a focus in pediatrics/pregnant moms...this may be a great option to share with my patients in a lending library in my clinic.

Dove420 said...

I didn't know children as young as 10 months could learn sign language

Shannon Smith said...

I learned lots of new signs. Can't wait until my baby is old enough to start using this.

Mary512 said...

I didn't know that babies who sign tend to have higher iq's. great giveaway, thanks!

Mary512 said...

blogged ya:


JeansandTs said...

My Granddaughters would be perfect for this program!! I would love to win it.

Sunshine Mama said...

I learned that you should always say the word when you sign it. I did some signing with my kids, but these videoas would help take it to that next step.

Sassyfrazz said...

We have been really getting into signing with ASL in our family! This is the first I have seen the my baby can talk DVD's with a sample. I like that they have classical music in their DVD's, and they offer multiple visual images, sounds and perspectives helps babies reach an important milestone in language development.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Julie Donahue said...

I hadn't heard before (but it makes sense) that children who learn to sign don't go through the "terrible twos" as much as ones who don't sign.

Unknown said...

We have been teaching our son signing. I just learned that it can actually strengthen a baby's IQ.

tesashel said...

Wow, this is amazing. I had no idea about this. I would love to win this for my new nephew, so he will be able to sign that he wants to come to his Aunt's house at an early age! :)

Jen Mc said...

I learned that "Your baby is likely to learn the signs that you are teaching even if you do not seem to have her attention.". I'm trying to teach my son some signs, but so far, nothing. I never think he actually looks at me when I sign, but I guess you never know.

Erica G said...

I learned that babies that learn sign language end up having a larger vocabulary.

mogrill said...

I didnt realize babies could do sign language

retellingstories said...

My one year old knows a few signs, and I can't wait to teach her more!

Erica said...

Hmmm, interesting the claims that signing helps babes interact socially. I truly wonder if this works. A friend of a friend has had success.

Suzie Williams said...

I was interested to read that there are two milestones a child will reach when it comes to signing. We only reached the first- her signing her first word back to us. I taught her milk by signing it every time we nursed. She'd always do it back to me when she wanted to nurse and while we were nursing. Unfortunetly we got lazy with the signing and that was the only sign she ever did. She'd 2 1/2 now. I have a 1 month old that I'd really like to spend more time on teaching, as I wish I had done with my daughter. She's behind in her speech and I feel if I had taught her to sign more maybe she wouldn't be.

arbrashears said...

I learned that sign can actually help your baby attain a higher IQ! There are many other benefits that I love (like enhanced communication between parent and baby and less frustration for the baby) -- but this fact was a new one for me...a pleasant one at that! I've always wanted to try this. With a new baby at home, the time is perfect...please enter me!

arbrashears at msn dot com

kamewh said...

I learned that babies who sign have higher IQ's!
Thank you for a great giveaway!

Sarah said...

We're just getting ready to start learning signs with our six-month-old son, and I'm looking into a lot of different programs. I knew sign language helped deter the crankies, but I had no idea of all the long term benefits like raised IQ and improved social skills. Makes me anxious to get started!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that signing could advance a child intellectually. That's fascinating.

Anonymous said...

I'm also subscribed to your email.

calgirl said...

Communication is essential. signing really helped my son when speaking was delayed. He really blossomed once he started signing and other family relaxed knowing that he was not delayed in other areas.

Anonymous said...

I learned that babies probably won't start signing back until 10 months. I had thought it was when they waved bye bye and was getting frustrated that my 8 month old wasn't picking up on any of the signs I'd been doing! I could really use some help with these videos!

Brooke said...

I learned that babies who sign in gage in more sophisticated play than babies who don't.

mommysweeps said...

Love the online dictionary and the DVD sounds great!

I blogged on this, link here:

carissaad said...

I'm amazed by the seven month old who can read. I think it's great that signing can reduce fussiness.

carissaad said...

I forgot to tell you I subscribed.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea the impact of of learning to sign. My son is 9 months old this would be the perfect dvd for my family.

Anonymous said...

I learned from the Baby Talk website that it can actually strengthen a baby's IQ. There are so many benefits to signing, it makes total sense to spend time learning it and teaching it to our children/grandchildren. I have a mental image of having noisy, active little ones in a "quiet situation" and being able to correct them without saying a word!!! Priceless!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Taryn said...

I learned that sign language will improve children's verbal language also.

Donna said...

I learned how to sign "more".

masonsgranny59 said...

I learned that babies who sign have higher IQ's!

lilyk said...

I learned that American Sign Language is the fourth most common language in the United States.

Qtpies7 said...

Learning baby sign is something I would love to do with my kids! I wish I had known about it 15 years ago when I had a learning/speech delayed child. The years of frustration and heart ache that would have saved!

I had not heard that it helped with early reading. Very neat!

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