Thursday, March 13, 2008

Because I can never remeber how old Connor's Juice is....

I am going to be really honest here... and I hate to admit this, but no matter how hard I try I can never remember exactly how many Days Ago I opened Connor's juice. I KNOW your only supposed to use them for seven days but every time I open the fridge I end up questioning myself and in the end I am sure I have ended up throwing out juice well before its gone bad.

Enter the Days Ago timer. I actually saw these cute little gadgets for the first time when I was browsing a magazine in my doctor's office. I thought for a few seconds about how adorable they were and went along my merry way. A few months later I kept thinking about how useful they would be for this, or that, and you know I never imagined just how many things you could use the Days Ago Timers for!

I have the magnet versions on the outside of my fridge, one of which is counting down the days since I gave the dogs their heart worm pills (another thing I hate to admit I sometimes forget) and another one counts down the days since I opened that juice bottle.

The amount of uses for them by far does not stop there. You can use them in the fridge to time food or one of my favorite uses is on houseplants to keep track of how many Days Ago did you water that plant. If you have small children and a "caged" pet you could attach one to the outside of the cage to keep track of when to clean the cage too.

The possibilities are endless.. and I would love to hear about how you would use the Days Ago timers!!

Day's Ago is available on their webpage or on Amazon!

If you would like to have some Day's Ago timers of your very own I have a set of the Days Ago band attachment timers for one reader!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Go check out Days Ago and look at the diffrent timers available. Let us know what is your favorite timer style and how you would use it! A winner will be drawn at random.
  • No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
  • This contest will end March 21st at midnight! **Please note there was a previous typo in the contest ending date. **


My Trendy Tykes said...

OOOOOH of course I would have to say the PINK special edition ones!! PINK FREAK HERE!
I would have to use them on my plants (LOL) I never remember when to water or how long ago it was when I watered them.
I am also adding this contest to my "giveaways" section.



Anonymous said...

I like the "Band" version, I would love to use it for baby food and medicines
dansan826 at

lace said...

I think the band style would be the most versatile. We never use a whole jar of spaghetti sauce and never can remember when we opened it. So we are always throwing away half used jars.

When does this contest end? It says the 10th but you posted it on the 13? Just wondering.

jenna said...

The food versions are cool... we have mystery jars in the back of our fridge with unknown expiration dates. ha!

Anonymous said...

I like the magnetic ones. I would use is for baby food. I always have opened jars and can't remember when I opened them so it just goes to waste. katebeth45 (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

I have always wanted these!! My favorite are the band attachment, because I think they would work with more items that we use than others. Right now we would definitely use them on the juice and the pasta sauce. Who knows how many days those have been in there?! Once we have another baby, they would be sooo handy for baby food!

Jen Mc said...

I like both the band and the magnetic ones. I don't know about eveyone else, but suction cups just never seem to last for me.

I definetly need this for my tomato sauce jars!

noreen said...

I would use the band on the bird cage to remind my family to change her cage

Anonymous said...

I love the band and magnetic ones. What an ingenious invention! I would definetly use them for the eggs. They would also be useful for some fresh juices, shredded cheese, sour cream, hotdogs, bacon and cream cheese since you are suppose to use most of them within 7 days of opening. Let's face it, with a 3 year old active son and 15 year old daughter, remembering anything is a daily challenge. This really keeps the guesswork and useless waste of food to a minamum. With the cost of food nowadays, that's a really good thing!

Mrs. Aceto said...

I like the suction cup ones since it can be placed on anything but I also like the magnetic ones too - oh and the ones with the elastic bands are good too for bottles... I can't decide. All 3?

Anonymous said...

I would like the suction cup ones in pink. I would use it to put on leftovers, so I know when to throw them out.

mverno said...

no favorate like all that i see

Anonymous said...

the band style for leftovers.

Mary512 said...

I love the special edition pink days ago. I would use it for leftovers, watering plants, litter box, and for wine bottles. so many uses! awesome giveaway, i heard about these a while back and have been very interested. thanks!

Mary512 said...

blogged ya:


windycindy said...

You did good! What a wonderful gadget you have found. This family has needed one of these for a very long time! I like the magnetic version.
I could use it in my gardening area to keep track of the last time I feritlized or sprayed my flowers. In the kitchen, it would keep track of opened applesauce jars, juice, etc. Please enter me in your drawing! Thanks very much, Cindi

heather h said...

These are sosososo clever! I am always putting frozen chicken in the fridge to thaw and forgetting how long it's been there. I know, I know, I need a better strategy, and Days Ago is it!

I think either the magnetic timers for the fridge door or even the bands to wrap around food would be awesome. Hey, I'm not picky, I just want to stop throwing money out with the rotten chicken!

Another awesome use would be to count down the days until I need to swap out the AC filters. We all have allergies, and we'd really benefit from doing a better job with this one.

I love it! I so want to win! My email address is in my blog profile.

Anonymous said...

what a great idea!! I love the pink ones and think it's a great idea for so many things, but love the fish tank idea!

agordon10 said...

the band seems the most versatile

mattie said...

I gotta go with the special edition pink cause that's just me! I first saw these on Oprah, such a simple but cool idea!

Hatch Family said...

pink for me!

Jan said...

Hmmm. I think those might be good for medications that I always forget to take. I'm not sure, but maybe the magnet would be best for that so I could keep it on my fridge for the countdown!

Sherry G said...

I would totally go for the band version of days ago. I've had these on my amazon wish list foreve and would love to give them a try. My primary intention would be to use them for babyfood, but I can imgagine it would be useful for leftovers too.

disarray at onebox dot com

mom2boys said...

I love the whole idea of these timers. My favorite was the blue timer and I could find tons of ways to use it. For leftovers, baby food,
also for dough mixtures...I often make my own bread. This would be great to win I also subscribed to your mailing list. THANKS!

Heather said...

I don't know if I want to know "how many days since". Yikes! I love the Special Edition Pink DaysAgo to support a great cause.

Teri said...

I also love the pink ones and I would use them for my plants & probably my milk in the fridge. I usually just give it the smell-test - ew!

Bree said...

I love the suction ones! I would totally use it for salso and tomato sauce! I can never remember hold old they are!

Unknown said...

The suction cup ones would be useful to me...I'd use them on the window above my plant shelf to remind me when I last watered.

Unknown said...

I like them all. My mother in law uses masking tape to write dates on things. I would love for her to have one of these for her birthday.

Anonymous said...

I'd use the suction cup ones to attach to the top of my rubbermaid containers of leftovers. I never can remember when I cooked what. :0) Thanks! ( )

Anonymous said...

The band style for leftovers please...these are so cool...great idea!! Thanks..

idahomom said...

I like the pink to honor breast cancer. Thanks for the chance.

ky2here said...

The band attachment is most versatile and therefore most useful to us.

Donna said...

I'd use the suction cup ones to attach to the top of my rubbermaid containers of leftovers.

Princess Golden Hair said...

wow is this a great idea or what. I could really use this on all our leftovers

Andrea said...

I like the magnetic days ago timer...and i'd keep it on my fridge and I'd also use it for juice...because he doesn't drink it really fast, so this way I can keep track of how old it is.

Marissa said...

Wow, these are awesome! I would go for the band type since I would use them to keep up with how long the baby food jars have been opened.
Marissa :)
md-sweeps (at) hotmail (d0t) com

Deb said...

I really like the magnetic ones - so many options for places to put it, but it would probably end up on my fridge. :)

Uniquely Yours said...

I would get your Suction DaysAgo (2/pack)for my leftovers. I can never remember when I put them in the fridge.

JenO said...

I like the band ones, my family never finishes a full jar of speghetti sauce, or apple sauce, etc. We do leftovers a lot so these would be great for that!
nifferjeno at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...


jennifer57 said...

I never saw these before. I'd use it on leftovers, etc. The magnetic is my favorite :)

Panjo Kids said...

The suction one would be my first pick- these would be so handy for us! I'm not very good at cleaning the fridge, but my in-laws who babysit often seem to think that anything in the fridge is fair game to feed my son, no matter how bad it smells!

Anonymous said...

the magnetic ones are my favorite...would give to daughter who has 2 little ones...thanks so much! :)

Lo said...

I like the suctions ones that go directly on bottles...this would be a PERFECT solution for expressed breast milk. I LOVE this idea. I may buy some. I hope I win, too. Thanks for the link!!!

imjasonc said...

I could use the one with the band for on my bird cage to remind me to clean his cage.


for my daughter sitting on the toilet

Leane said...

I LUV them all! I can think of a million and one uses for each variety. The magnetic or the banded ones would be great to have for the baby food jars. I always forget how long they have been open, and I will throw out the food. It makes me sick to throw away what might be good food (and good money).
Great giveaway!

Leane said...

Consider yourself blogged:

Thanks for another great giveaway Angela!

mousitch said...

Love the band style for my "special dinners" that dont go over so well!

Claire said...

I like the suction once....these will be great for baby food and especially for leftovers that are in opaque containers...i always end up forgetting when they are from an then i open them to a bad surprise!

Sundi said...

I like the suction kind for keeping track of leftovers and keeping track of watering the plants!

Ginny said...

I like the magnet version the best I think. My biggest reason for wanting one is for open jars in the fridge (like salsa, etc)

The Mommy said...

This is such a great idea. I would use it for all the leftovers that we loose track of in the back of the fridge. Or wait, I think I'd use it for the cat's litter box - to remind my husband how long it's been since he cleaned it. I would choose the suction cup kind.

sachidewey said...

I need this for the litter box - it's my husband's job and he's always claiming he JUST did it!

Jet'set said...

I'm with you on the juice! I never know how long it's been in there..I like the idea for the catbox that Mommy posted! It's a brilliant idea.
They're all great- the suction cup is the one I like best.
inalak at msn dot com

carissaad said...

I love the special edition pink. I would use it for leftovers in the fridge.

carissaad at gmail dot com

JaniceJ said...

I like the band style and would use it to remind me about medications and to water my plants, thanks for the giveaway!

Tyler said...

I would get the Suction DaysAgo pack because I would be using it on tupperware most of the time. I am trying to save money by using leftovers better, but I always am worried that I've left them in there too long, and I throw them out. This would help out sooo much!

Suzie Williams said...

I like the suction cup type and I'd use it to keep track of when the litterbox was last changed.

Meredith said...

I like the magnetic ones!

Brandy said...

I think the band style would probably be the best for me. I love all the home ideas it gave such as watering plants, changing filters, etc. What a neat idea!

Anonymous said...

We would use the suction ones for sure! My son always has juice, leftovers, canned fruit, etc and I ALWAYS forget! I've tried to write with a sharpie on it...but even that doesn't stay well on some surfaces! Thanks for the contest.

elana said...

i love the suction cup ones. i'm forever opening jars and cans and then forgetting how long they've been open. i have two year old twins so i'm getting more and more forgetful!

houseofeling said...

awesome contest! I would love to have the special edition pink one for myself...thanks!

Katsu said...

The suction one for leftovers!

Annette said...

These are awesome! The pink suction style is my favorite.

miriama said...

I like the suction pack because we always have a zillion containers in the fridge that are "how old is this?" foods.

Leanna said...

The magnetic ones are nice for baby food jars, but honestly I could use any of them. My husband is always saying, "Should I throw this out? When did we open this?"

leanna at benandleanna dot com

Anonymous said...

I love the suction ones! I like the idea of using it to remind about changing cat litter!


Ruth said...

I would love this for breast milk and other baby leftovers - we are always forgettign dates!

My fave? the bands days ago (liek blue best)


Nissa said...

So cool! I like the suction cup kind the best. I'd use one for the litter box(we never can keep up with who cleaned it when) and one(or more!) for food leftovers

Anonymous said...

ditto I like the band one

bison61 said...

Suction one for my large fish tank, for feeding time

tiramisu392 (at)

Anonymous said...

These are great and the possibilities are endless for a forgetful mom like myself...I love the magnetic ones. I'd use one to help me remember when to change the Brita filter, and maybe even to tell me how long since I've last been woken up at night by the kids so I could prove to my husband once and for all how sleep deprived I truly am!
sanna1999 at verizon dot net

Becca said...

I'd go with the band Days Ago to use on baby formula that I've mixed and stored in the fridge.

Timster said...

I would have to say the PINK special edition ones!!

Tammy said...

I think I would get the most use out of the band ones. My use would be to replace the furnace filter, I always forget to do that.

seahorses4us said...

What a great invention. I'm so bad with keeping track of dates and how old things are. I like the Magnetic DaysAgo! I would use it when storing left over food in the frig.

Erica G said...

I would pick the suction timers for the baby food and the food my mother-in-law cans!

Sylvia P said...

i think i'd get the band daysago so i can wrap it around my cheese, i always forget when i opened it and i find out just how old it is when it's already in my mouth, ewwww!

Samantha P said...

i'd definitely use the suction daysago to put it on my tuperware to see how long leftovers have been in the fridge. great product!

Anonymous said...

thank you for the great contest

enter me please

pethof (at) gmail (dot) com

the magnetic ones to go with my little food containers in the fridge

Annie said...

OMgosh, this is great for the breast milk, juice or anything!! I love them!! I want to have one on everything in my fridge and counter!! LOL

I love that they have a pink edition! I like those!

Anonymous said...

Im also a subscriber!
dansan826 at

Anonymous said...

I like the suction style. Using it for my dogs heartworm/flea meds would be great. Love that idea!

FawnGeorge said...

The Magnetic Days Ago Timer. I would use it on the fridge for when we cook meals. Also when I need to change the Finches water.
Thanks for bringing the timer to my attention, we could use it for all kinds of things. I'm excited.

Julie Donahue said...

I would probably like the suction cups to put on leftovers to remind me how many "days ago" I put them in.

Lisa C. said...

what a wonderful idea!!! especially for breast milk or baby food... i love the pink one lol..

Jinxy and Me said...

I like the band style. I would use it on soy milk in the fridge

Anonymous said...

I think I'd go with the band style and I'd use it for my egg beaters cartons. I always forget when I've opened them!

yellowlabs said...

Love the pink!

Anonymous said...

I like the Special Edition Pink DaysAgo and I would use it for leftovers and most things in my freezer.


Anonymous said...

The suction ones seem the most versatile!

/\Heather/\ said...

I'm going with the suction bands, and i'd use them FOR SURE in my 'fridge. Everything goes in there to grow hair and turn green. These would be put to good use on everything in that cold box.

Brooke said...

I would use the suction bands for the leftovers in my fridge. I can never remember when I made food. This could save us a lot of money and grief!

masonsgranny59 said...

I like both the band and the magnetic ones. i would use it for juice and leftovers.

Anonymous said... imagination can go wild many days ago...I'd have to have several to help keep up on home projects...I seem to start but don't get back to them. This would be a great reminder. The band or magnetic would both work.


Terri Dell said...

I would have so many uses but the main one would be as a reminder for my daughter to change her cats litter box. I would get the suction cup style for that.

Anonymous said...

The suction style is my favorite. I would attach one on the fridge for leftovers, food, wine etc. and one in the garage for oil changes and other auto maintenance.

Doreen said...

Love the band and magnetic ones! Great for keeping track of when we take our meds or whatever!

Anonymous said...

I like the magnetic ones

Taryn said...

I'd use the suction ones for my leftovers. Its so hard to just cooke for 2 adults and 1 toddler we always have leftovers!

Anonymous said...

I need the suction timers. My fish, Mister Pointy, is supposed to eat every three days. I think that I sometimes over feed him.

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