Monday, February 18, 2008

Toy Review : Anamalz + Giveaway!!

Welcome to my new addiction! Anamalz are a new wooden toy distributed here in the US by Hape International.

Anamalz are designed in Australia and meets or exceeds American and European safety standards. All of the materials used are nontoxic including the glue! They are made from polished maple wood giving each Anamalz their own unique look so no two are identical which I love as every child gets their own special looking Anamalz, the character of the grain of the wood in my opinion gives the Anamalz a unique organic quality thats beautiful as well as a character all their own.

Currently available in 26 diffrent animals from farm to safari with more in the works they offer a large variety for play as well as a collectible aspect that appeals to me! Personally we would LOVE to have one of each.. (hey Connor's birthday is coming up!)

One thing I should mention, Anamalz takes care of Animals!! A percentage of each Anamalz purchased goes towards wildlife charities around the world.

Anamalz have their own music and theme song too.. I warn you now its addicting and I find myself singing it way too often. LOL Listen at your own risk (it may just get stuck in your head too).

Want them?
Ive started seeing Anamalz pop up at major retailers which is great news as I think finally people are starting to catch on to environmentally friendly and SAFE toys.. Ive also added the entire line to my storefront. You can also pick them up at Amazon!

Win them!
I have TWO Anamalz to give away to one lucky reader! One reader will receive a Crocodile and a Hippo!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Visit the Anamalz collection and tell me which Anamalz is your favorite. No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
  • This contest will end Feb 25th at midnight!


Unknown said...

crocodile and zebra- I'd love to see the black cow- it said coming soon as the daughter of a farmer=)

phxbne said...

The sheep looks really cute!

Re said...

I like stripey the tiger, and raffe, the giraffe..cute toys! great giveaway :)

Brenners said...

I love the little lion!!

Brenners said...

I added you to my sidebar! :~)

HilLesha O'Nan said...

The croc is too cute :)

Stacy said...

oh please gimme a zebra! lol. Sophia and I love these. They sell them in US right?

jenna said...

The giraffe is precious.

jenna said...

(I subscribed to your blog.) :)

Keket said...

These are so adorable! You just don't see these kinds of things enough for children.

Anonymous said...

Girfaffe is cute

nobluefood said...

I love the elephant!!!

mar said...

I would love to win the hippo! - thank you

Rachie S. said...

I like the sheep and the croc...thy are all so cute and I love the price!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the lion and gorilla

mverno said...

love the gorilla

Anonymous said...

I love Stripey the Tiger.

Kara said...

My husband loves monkeys and I collect hippos, so both of those run a close race for the favorite in our household!

KISSaholic4life said...

The pig is my favorite

Amanda said...

I really like the hippo, though I'm sure my son would love the giraffe best.


I love the giraffe.

Danielle said...

Rilla the Gorilla for my little monkeys!
dansan826 at

idahomom said...

Go University Of Memphis Tigers, so it has to be a Tiger.

Betty N said...

They are all wonderful! I love the Lion, crocodile and hippo. My youngest grandson would have such fun with them!

EDRing said...

Amanda the Panda is my favorite.

redron said...

The giraffe

Donna said...

Rilla the Gorilla for my little monkeys

peg42 said...

These are so adorable. I guess my favorite would be the Gorilla. But it was between that and the pig. So adorable. Thanks for offering this giveaway.

Jenny said...

I love the camel. You hardly ever see a camel in playsets!

Traumajunky said...

They are all super cute. I will have to go with the hippo though. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Each time I think I have found the one I like the best, then I see another adorable animal. If I had to pick just one, I really like the elephant.

Mommy Bee said...

I posted about the giveaway here:

Mommy Bee said...

Oh my goodness. These are so cute! Thanks for a great giveaway. My daughter would love the giraffe, but I think my favorite is the hippo.

Anonymous said...

We love the panda - so cute!

Unknown said...

The cow and the lion are SO cute. There are SO many to choose from, my son would love them all.

abond317 said...

Its a tie between the zebra and the hippo. Thanks for the contest!

pettyfan78 said...

I am torn between the Hippo and the Camel. Both are so cute I just can't choose =)

Danielle M. said...

It was so hard to just pick one. The reindeer is adorable. Thanks for such a great contest.

Mandy said...

I have to say that the pig is my favorite!! Those are sooo cute!!

Anonymous said...

I love the monkey and that part of the money goes to protect wildlife if we readers buy our own.

Unknown said...

My newest favorite Anamalz is the Polar Collection. It has the seal, the penguin, and the polar bear. I saw them at Target and they were only $15 bucks. I think it is great that places like Target are carrying these kinds of toys (making us mama's who want only the best in toys for our little ones) easily accessible. Hopefully the more exposure toys like these (and Plan Toys and Melissa and Doug for example) get, the more educated parents will become, in turn saving our world's children from suffering unnecessarily.

Phew, didn't mean to get on a soapbox. What I meant to say was,

"Count me in!!!"


Anonymous said...

This is tough. They're all so cute, but I like the horse best, then the spotted cow.
I've blogged you here:

granny68 said...

i love the lion and giraffe, but if my grandkids see them they'll want them all!

Rockin' Mama said...

I like the horse!

aharris007 said...

my 3 year old has a learning and speach impairment, the thrapist uses things like this to try to get him to communicate, these are wonderful...I like the monkey and the giraffe

Mystnrayne said...

The lil' lion is my fave. =))

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the gorilla.

Julie said...

I love the elephant.

Postmarks Online said...

I'd choose the elephant, even though I'd like to have them all. My significant other is a retired zookeeper. We both greatly admire elephants and have conflicts about whether or not it's the right thing to do to keep them in captivity. Our city zoo lost its only elephant this year due to old age (she was the oldest in captivity). We want our only niece to receive meaningful gifts from us that will help her develop a deep empathy for all animals.

Anonymous said...

I think the giraffe is adorable!

vboackle said...

the panda is so cute.

agordon10 said...

my daughter would love the horse, it is so cute

sweetsue said...

These are all wonderful. If I had to choose a favorite I would say the black ram.

etrnlone said...

gosh, they are all so cute. but i really like the giraffe and elephant

miriama said...

alligator but it was hard choosing. What about the hippo? And the lion? LOL

misternat1 said...

count me in - nice big tote

Unknown said...

omg, the crocodile is the cutest!


jennem said...

I'm always a sucker for a pig!

jennem said...

Blogging bonus entry:

tatertot374 said...

The crocodile is adorable. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

The sheep looks really cute!

imjasonc said...

The elephant is my favorite.

Lynde said...

I like the Hippo & the Koala-Would love to see a Penguin!


Jessica said...

I love the crocodile.

I can't wait to sttart seeing them in stores especially the box sets.

Anonymous said...

The lion is too adorable!

FrequentReader said...

The cow is just too cute!

ksbald2 said...

I love the elephant

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

I am a huge Gorilla fan

kdkdkd said...

they are all very cute, but I love the elephant

jenny said...

how cool i would just love to have one for my kid as to what one i like the best well thay are all so nice

carissaad said...

The lion is my favorite.

sherryp said...

love the lion

Anonymous said...

I really like the Giraffe and the black Ram

edq143 at yahoo dot com

Jen said...

Giraffe, Hippo, and Gorilla are my favorites! I also love the Anamalz music CD, too!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh we are a RHINO LOVING HOUSE! How cute is that?

Kelley said...

They are all so cute. I would have to say the crocodile...or the lion.

Anonymous said...

The hippo is my favorite... but they're all really cute.

Maude Lynn said...

I love the pig!

Heather said...

My six year old picked the horse. Those are cute!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Always a big fan of giraffes!!!



lace said...

These are adorable. I adore Raffe, the giraffe.

Mrs. Aceto said...

I love the hippo and the cow. One should wonder why I am drawn to the two chubby animals... I choose to ignore this.

Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

LOVE the cow and the giraffe :)

a! said...

I've had my eye on these for awhile. They are so cute! The hippo is, by far, my fave.


Thank you!

PS said...

I think the cow is adorable, but my son, who is peeking over my shoulder saw the crocodile and started screaming that he was captain hook! So I guess by default we like the croc...all the more reasons to play peter pan!

Bree said...

I love the giraffe! Too cute!

Tammy said...

I like the sheep.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the lion!

denise.fahl at

Anonymous said...

My nephew would love the giraffe or the monkey! I've got a Michigan address ready for you! ;)


kristen said...

I love the elephant!

Jenna said...

Love the lion and the giraffe! We're so into wooden toys.

megret7 said...

I would have to say the giraffe. We are big giraffe fans around here. ( meg dot wilson at gmail dot com )

pierce said...

hands down the giraffe is my favorite

Leane said...

My FAV animal is the giraffe (or "Raffe")!

{My favorite song, though, is the Horse Song!}
The Anamalz toys look great, I love that they are not plastic, and they have such a large collection available, it really encourages the imagination.
I even love their website.

S+C said...

I love the giraffe. Also can't wait to see the moose...

Anonymous said...

Have always loved monkeys.

Becky said...

I like the lion and the giraffe.

Superdumb Supervillain said...

I like the gorilla!

bison61 said...

I liked the giraffe the best

tiramisu392 (at)

Leah said...

They're all adorable! I like the lion the best. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

The gorilla

Mary512 said...

I love the elephant. thanks for the great giveaway!

Mary512 said...

blogged ya:

thanks for the entries!

Stephanie said...

Love the cute giraffe and the sheep! Fun animals to play with!

windycindy said...

These cute animals would be so much fun to win. I am about due for winning on any site! The bear is my favorite if I have to pick just one! Please enter me in your drawing.

Genevieve P said...

Those are so cute! If I have to pick a favorite, I think it'd be the rhino, but I agree--I want the whole line!

gjgille said...

I love panda and giraffe!

JaniceJ said...

These are so cute, I like the cow and the sheep the best, thanks for the giveaway!

.Dee Lish said...

I loved them all but I think my fav was the cow. So adorable!

Anonymous said...

I like the lion.

HollyG said...

The pig and the hippo were my favorites. My son likes the cow the best. Too Cute!
hdspencer At Yahoo dot com

Owner said...

the crocodile is SO CUTE!!!

Owner said...

blogged you!

Ashley said...

The hippo is too cute, but the giraffe, cow, and donkey all tie for second place.

Anonymous said...

They are all cute, but I love the hippo the best!! Thanks...

Jameson's Mama said...

The elephant, the giraffe and hippo are super cute!

Anonymous said...

The lion is my favorite!! Thank You for giveaway.

Denise said...

I love the giraffe! My twins would each get one this way! Thanks!

Robinc said...

Right now the crocodile is my favorite, but they have a polar bear coming soon and I love polar bears :-)

Lolly said...

i love the lion and monkey!! so cute!

Beverley said...

Rilla the Gorilla!

Unknown said...

I love the giraffe!

Anonymous said...

We just bought the giraffe at Target last week while shopping for a bday gift for a friend! It is so adorable! It is sitting on my desk and it is great to play with while I am on the phone or just thinking of my to-do list. Would love to build my collection - they are so adorable that it is easy to want them all!

Pennies In My Pocket said...

OMGOSH these are sooooooooooooooo cute!! I love the little pig! So cute! I also love the giraffe....the price is great, too.


MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

I like the brightness of the lion and the surliness of the rhino... thanks for a great contest!

Katie said...

I really like Rambo the Black Ram. These are hilarious! My kids would totally dig them!

jojoanddash said...

I would love to see the polar set because I think the penguin or the polar bear would be my fave but out of the ones I saw I like the reindeer and the koala the best.


I like the elephant

Stacey Moore said...

ella likes the cow like on papaw's farm!! thanks

Becca said...

I think the giraffe and the sheep are the cutest, but it was hard to choose!

Crystal said...

I like the gorilla and bull because they are relatively unique. My daughter would LOVE the crocodile as she's totally fascinated with crocs/gators these days.

Anonymous said...

My granddaughter will love the croc and the hippo.
They look so soft.

Jet'set said...

Okay! So we'd like them ALL! What we need is a new giraffe though... The current one lost his hoof in a motorcycle accident!!! Love animalz!

Julie Donahue said...

Love the giraffe!!

R and K said...

I'm liking the pig, although I bet the moose will be great when it comes out.

jenny said...

i love them all i hope i win the givaway

Anonymous said...

I love the kangaroo! Gee, if I win...would I really have to give them to my granddaughters??! Ha!

Mike said...

My fave is the Gorilla, it's the only one with a belly button!

Unknown said...

I think my favorite is Raffe the giraffe :) Thanks!

Chantelle said...

I love the monkey! He is too cute!

Anna said...

I like the gorilla!

Anonymous said...

I love the Lion and the Hippo best...too cute!

Anonymous said...

crocidile hippo and zebra. the three animals my kids don't have

jdine said...

Amanda the Panda is my fovoriye.

Kristie said...

My husband and I raise cattle, so of course the cow is my favorite. :)

Ellie said...

The lion is my favorite!

Dawn Alice Rogers said...

oh, I have loved these Animalz for a long time! my favorites are the camel and the crocodile. so cute!

Dana Lynne said...

My college mascot is the kangaroo, so that would definitely be my choice!

The Saunders Family said...

love the hippo!
mom2maria at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like the elephant the best.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So many, so cute--but it'd be the HORSE for me.

holly K said...

I like the elephant and the horse! These are cute. I also like the crocodile! cookiecutter AT hotmail DOT com

moushka said...

They are so darn cute, I want one of each! But if I had to pick just one I really like the Monkey!

Andrea said...

The elephant and giraffe. Too cute! Please enter me to win!

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said...

I blogged about you here!

Anonymous said...

My hubby loves these and wants to get them all for our son... I like the giraffe and the look on the hippo is too cute... wiicked13 @ yahoo dot com

Cherie said...

I love the crocodile!!

JenO said...

I currently have a thing for giraffes, altho that elephant is awfully darn cute too! and the pig, and the monkey, and the... ;)

mousitch said...

I love the little lion

valmg said...

The elephant is so adorable! I'd love to win it for my niece.

Anonymous said...

Great toys. My son likes the pig. Blogged you at

megan said...

The lion and the gorilla are adorable.

Andrea said...

I love the is so cute!! :)

Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

oh these are all way too cute! I love the little black ram named Rambo!

Tally said...

Ooohh.. I've seen these! I like the elephant. It's cool to have a trunk.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love the gorilla!

Mary_Freebies == internationalfreebies AT

debiwelbon said...

I of course love the gator as I am a gator fan!!

Anonymous said...

I like the crocodile. so cute!
katebeth45 at gmail dot com

ecky said...

the crocodile is really cute!!!


Unknown said...

They are all so cute, but I would have to say I like the lion or the kangaroo the most!

Anonymous said...

how adorable! i would love to win this for my daughter!

Anonymous said...

I love the monkey, elephant, and pig. So adorable! I'm glad to see we are moving back to wood toys... it brings back that sense of nostalgia.
md-sweeps at hotmail dot com

Jennifer McNichols said...

Actually, my daughter LOVES hippos and I think it's my favorite. I'd love to win this for her!

Meredith said...

The ELEPHANT is too cute!

stacey said...

The horse is adorable! How could I resist it after hearing the horse song? :) Thanks!

Sundi said...

I really love the hippo -- it has such a cute face! My kids would adore these!

Lo said...

They're all absolutely adorable. My favorite is a toss-up between the cow and the emu, I love both of their facial expressions. And I had never heard of an echidna before, so I learned something, too. Thanks!

lev53211 said...

i love the Giraffe (Raffe)- too cute!!!

Anonymous said...

The gorilla and donkey are adorable!
beki 3 at hotmail dot com

Jennifer said...

The Echidna is my favorite one, but I would love any of them for my son. :)

Jennifer said...

I love the hippo, horse & pig the best! But, I think they're all super-cute! I'd love to win these for my nephew, so please count me in!

Jennifer :-)

Jinxy and Me said...

The lion is SOOOO cute!

supermax said...

would love any of them for my son

huspaint said...

The lion, shepp and rhino are my faves. But I have to go with the horse as well, as I own 6 of the real ones... But they are all beyond cute!!

Anonymous said...

I love the goat. When my son was an itty-bitty, he made "goat noises", so we called him "Goat Boy". I've a soft spot in my heart for goats. :)

JC said...

The elephant. I think my son would get a kick out of his nose.

jodene said...

I love the elephant!

Allison said...

The giraffe! I love the bendable neck!

Unknown said...

The hippo is beyond adorable...the elephant a close second!

Anonymous said...

thank you for the great contest

enter me please

pethof (at) gmail (dot) com

the hippo is my favorite

Erica G said...

I like the crocodile because it looks most like the Florida gator!

egreca [at] hotmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I love the giraffe and so would Alison

The Mom of 'em said...

my favorite is the hippo...but the elephant is a very close second.

Samantha said...

I can't believe how cute these are! I can't wait to see them in stores. My favorite is either the giraffe or the camel, but my baby's favorite would be the lion!

yellowlabs said...

The giraffe is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

I love Ele the elephant. So funny since i'm a proud member of the alabama crimson tide!

kitnlov said...

This was so hard to decide which one I liked best. They are all adorable, but if I have to pick just one "best" then it would be the giraffe. He's so darling!

mgster said...

all adorable, but the giraffe! He's got to be my favorite. Good luck to ME! :)

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