The First Adventures of the Incredible You
by Custom Made for Kids
by Custom Made for Kids
I think I have a new addiction to personalized children's items especially books. What is more special than sitting down to read about... well yourself!?! I know as a kid I would have been so excited to have a book about me, it would have made me feel like a celebrity.
The First Adventures of Incredible You is a great customizable storybook. The story itself starts with your babies birth and then talks about all the wonderful "adventures" he/she will get to explore. Every page has customizable aspects to make each book uniquely your own. The most unique part I have seen vrs some of the other customizable books is this book would work perfectly for a non traditional household. Every aspect of the names of the characters in a babies life can be changed to whoever is most important in your life (not just the traditional mommy/daddy aspect), I even included Melos (Connor's chihuahua!) in ours as he is a HUGE part of our life.
Honestly the only real drawback that I found with this book is I wish the "dedication" at the front of the book had more room to write a note in. You can choose who the book is from and a small dedication title but there is no space to write a special paragraph or two.
Want one?
Hop on over to Custom Made For Kids and start customizing one for yourself! The cost is $32.95 and I assure you its worth it!
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