Where's Spot? and other stories features six adorable Spot episodes where Sally and the viewers must look to find where Spot is hiding this time. It reminds me so much of my own three year old who insists on hiding from me practically everywhere we go. I only wish I was as calm looking for him as Sally is, as I've more than once broken down into nearly a screaming fit when trying to find Connor in department stores only to find out he is hiding right in front of me under a clothing rack.
Included on this dvd are Where's Spot, Spot's Lost Bone, Spot at the Playground, Spot Goes to the Park, Spot finds a Key, and Spot goes Splash!. As well there are three bonus episodes Spot's Bath, Spot's Umbrella, and Spot's Treehouse as well as a cute dvd game about shapes and colors and a really cool feature where Eric Hill reads his super famous "Where's Spot?" book. All in all the entire dvd is about 30 minutes long which makes for a great afternoon windown dvd to watch or a good before bed dvd as it's very low key. Connor has to watch something every night before bed but I have to be careful what he watches as not to get him rilled up right before bed. This dvd is a great solution!
Where's Spot? and other stories
Disclosure: I was given a copy of Where's Spot? and other stories free of charge, we were not compensated for this post in any other way. My opinions and comments on items we review are always my own and are never influenced by sponsors.
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