Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm going to blogher!

If you have been following me on Twitter you'd know that I'm totally excited to tell you guys that I will be at Blogher this July! I'm beyond excited and I have two very generous very fabulous sponsors that I can't wait to share with you guys. I had been toying with the idea of getting sponsors for Blogher for some time but I'm always careful with sponsorships. I'm really passionate that if a sponsor is sending me to a conference that I really want to represent products that I'm jumping for joy over. So I'm overly pleased to say that I found two companies that really get me excited and I'm really excited to share them with you.

The first is a product called Picture Keeper. After my experience loosing my Vado camera and being crushed over loosing Connor's videos that were on it. I've been crazy about downloading all of my videos and pictures from my cameras as soon as possible and storing them on my separate drive that I use mostly for safeguarding my media files. I can only imagine my terror if I woke up one day and my picture drive no long worked or even worst something happened to my computer. My pictures are by far one of my most treasured keepsakes and the thought of loosing Connor's baby pictures gives me nightmares. So when I heard about Picture Keeper I was really excited.

Picture Keeper is a small USB device that has to be one of the simplest products I've used yet. Plug it into your USB slot and it pretty much does everything else for you. Automatically it will start searching for your pictures on all your drives and it will copy and store your pictures for you in its internal memory. If you have multiple computers in the household like I do that's not an issue either. Just plug it into each of your computers let the program run and tada all of your pictures are safe. We used an 8gig model and I have a good 12 years of pictures on my hard drive dating back to high school. Mind you I don't have as many pictures as most people do but my 8 gig Picture Keeper easily saved all of my pictures and we still have a little bit of room left. So now the only danger to my files seems to be Connor as shortly after we saved all the files to the drive Connor stole our Picture Keeper and has stashed it in the house... possibly in the same place he stole my Vado? I didn't panic I just ended up buying another unit and this time I outsmarted the two year old and stored the Picture Keeper in the safe so now he's pretty much going to have to learn to be a bank robber if he plans on getting his hands on Mommy's pictures.

For those of you that don't know my very first real job was as a computer technician and to this date it still gives me a headache trying to explain or use backup software of any sort. Picture Keeper however is so easy to use that there is nothing to explain. I should note though that Picture Keeper is not just for your pictures. You can go into settings and tell your Picture Keeper that you want it to search for additional file types other than just pictures. I set mine to search for word files as well so all of my important documents were saved including all my college papers which is a huge relief as I keep most of those on my laptop and loosing them would cost me a ton of time and most likely my sanity.

The best part about this product is, it works no matter what your skill level is, and I won't have to explain to one more family member why I can't retrieve all their precious photos off their computer after the hard drive totally fails. That is not if they all get their own! If your like me and have a digital camera stuck to your head you owe it to yourself and your kids to protect your photos for the next generation and this is a fail proof way to get started! You can pick up your own Picture Keeper on their website.

Picture Keeper
has been awesome enough to provide us with a 8 gig Picture Keeper to giveaway to our readers! Keep watching as we release more exciting news about our trip to Blogher as well!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out the Picture Keeper and tell me what your currently using to back up your pictures if anything as well as how would having a Picture Keeper of your very own make things easier for you?
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • Let people know about the giveaway on Twitter with a link to the giveaway!
    • TWO extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end April 30th at midnight!


Ellen C. said...

I don't currently have any back up for my pictures which i know isn't the best move. Back up would put my mind at ease a little especially since my computer is going on 10 years old and ready to die at any point. Backup would make it easier to get pictures to my mother. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

Ellen C. said...

I'm a subscriber.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

barbara said...

I don't have anything to back up my pictures. this would be great so i don't lose any of the grandchildren photos. thanks for the giveaway and info.

barbara said...

I am a subscriber

Rosie said...

I have been worrying about all the pictures that could be lost. I could really use this!!
Great blog!

wigget said...

we currently are using an external hard drive by seagate, but it hasn't been backing up all our picture files for some reason. so this would be an extra helpful tool to make backing up picture files easier. plus, we'd like to have them backed up at my mom's just in case something should happen to our current files and backup device.

Superdumb Supervillain said...

I keep meaning to make a DVD with all the pics that have been on my computer since Jasper was born but haven't gotten around to it... and he'll be two in July! I have almost 4000 pictures slowing down my hard drive, so the 8GB Picture Keeper would be fabulous for me. Especially since I checked their FAQ and it is, indeed, Mac-compatible!

I am hoping to get to BlogHer, too, and would love to meet you there. I booked my hotel, registration and airfare, now all I need to do is come up with some sponsors...

VickieB said...

I was backing up to CD, but finally got some DVDs. Just did a backup last week.

The picture keeper would be great because it is so portable and can be used across multiple PCs.

mverno said...

would be a good way to keep photos

Anonymous said...

I do not use anything now to back up my pictures - but after reading your post, I realize how important it is! This would really come in handy.
Thanks for the fun giveaway :)

VickieB said...


malleycc said...

I don't use anything to backup right now. I really do need somthing this sure sounds easy to use and would really help backup my system.

Anonymous said...

right now I just use snapfish for backup ... and that's not a very good plan, really. Having one of these would make me feel much better about how safe my pictures are

Sara said...

We use an external hard drive but my husband and I each have a laptop and each one have some pictures and some duplicates. It is a nightmare to sift through each hard drive and "collect" all the pics to place on the external.

Andrea Hatfield said...

I do not have anything to back up my pictures on. This would be so great to have with 7 years of pictures on my hard drive. It would make me breathe easier too!

Andrea Hatfield said...


Anonymous said...

I am currently using nothing to backup my pictures. It's because of my computer, but I just don't want to buy a new computer while this one works in most ways.

Highlander50 [at]


don't backup pictures- oh noes
and this would help me organize a little


congrats on going to blogher- have a blast


valerie2350 said...

have a flash drive, but it isn't very user friendly - this sounds much better!

Stefanie Hartman said...

Hi, Would love to win this. I do not have a system of backup for our precious family pictures. This would be very helpful to protect our pictures. Thanks and many blessings, Stefanie Hartman

Anonymous said...

I like that this has no software.
I put my photos on a cd.
This would be really cool and probably would be given as a gift to my bro that has a new baby :o)

Anonymous said...


lfhpueblo said...

I went to picture keeper. At this point I'd probably only need the smaller one, but it would be nice to have the larger one for pictures and for other files. I could store all the files/story I researched and keyed about my husband's family history. I have his family tree on his father's side traced all the way back to the 1600's. I typed this all out for our son, and some other relatives, but it would be nice if this major and very interesting work was not lost.
I have no back up systems currently.
I truly need this, and hope I win.
Good luck to all. If I don't win, I hope I can talk hubby into buying this. I need things that are easy to use as I'm not techno saavy.

lfhpueblo said...

I subscribe via email.
lfhpueblo (at) msn (dot) com.

Madonna said...

Currently I burn all my pictures and videos to cd. It seems like since the digital camera came along I rarely have actually photos so I would hate to lose the digital ones of my grandkids.

Shelly Leatham said...

I don't currently have anything to back up my pictures, but I need something badly! If I had the Picture Keeper, I could quickly and easily keep my photos in one place and print them when needed!!

Shelly Leatham said...

I am a subscriber!! Thanks again!

Princess Golden Hair said...

the Picture Keeper would help me save treasured one of a kind phots that are on my laptop. i desperately need this.

teechbiz at gmail dot com

Kristie said...

I back up my pictures by burning them onto CD's. We actually don't store any pics on our computer.
I love that the Picture Keeper can store so many pics in one spot! I'm always going from disc to disc looking for pictures.

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

peg42 said...

This picture keeper is such a wonderful idea! We currently don't use anything to back up our photo's and I've been really wanting to find a product that does just this. I especially would love to back up my photo's now, since we recently lost my Mother in Law and I now realize how photo's are basically unreplaceable.
Thanks so much for this giveaway.

peg42 said...

I'm a subscriber.
Thanks again.

Mikaela said...

Great idea! We currently burn our pictures every 3-6months to DVDs and store those in the safe. The picture keeper would be great since it stores SO many all in one place.

abc123 said...

Right now, I don't back them up, but I know I really should. With another little one on the way, we'll be taking even more pictures and I would hate to lose any of their baby pictures.

Anonymous said...

Nice prize to win.

jffryclough said...

right now we have negatives but no back-up on computer

clc408 said...

I don't even own a camera, but this would be a great gift for my niece and her family.

Anonymous said...

I currently use an external hard drive, but this looks so much easier!

Pamela S said...

Unfortunately I don't have ANYTHING to back them up so desperately need something.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Currently I have nothing to back up my pictures. I just bought a dslr camera this week and now I am looking for something...this looks fabulous!!

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Fangirl Jen said...

I haven't backed up my photos. This picture keeper would give me a back up device and a way to share my photos with family and friends.

Fangirl Jen said...

Your button is on my sidebar.

Anonymous said...

i don't really backup my pictures, although i do have them on facebook, so i could get copies if i download them again--- i'd love to have this to backup my pics, i know i need to but i never get around to it!

autumn398 (at)

Unknown said...

All our photos are in picture boxes! This would help so much to have a backup and easier filing of pictures!

Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

Sunnyvale said...

Currently, I don't have a back up.

Anonymous said...

I'm just backing up all of my pics in CD's. It takes awhile - I would love to have an easier way to back them up.

Sky said...

I have my pictures saved on two memory sticks. I'm so afraid that I'm going to lose them though, or something is going to happen to them. It's such a PIA to search through pictures. I've tried to keep them in folders and fairly well organized, but there is one picture I can't find. It was a family picture right after we brought the baby home from the hospital. I was holding Miss Pea at 3 days old, Johnny was sitting in between his dad and I and Brand was holding on to the puppy...who was trying to get a lick in on that baby!

Makes me sick I can't find it!! A PictureKeeper would probably save me a lot of time!

Sky said...

Tweet tweet!

Unknown said...

I don't use anything to back up my pictures which really worries me since I have my wedding to my daughters birth pictures. I could really use this bad.

Unknown said...

I follow on twitter now and tweeted. still don't know how to link but my user name is 1amypugmire.

Unknown said...

I subscribe.

The Regulator said...

Honestly my family is terrible at backing up pics! They are basically just all on the hard drive which has cost us a lot of money two or three times. This would help us in the future if our computer crashes again (and I'm sure it will) lol

Carol EL said...

I don't have anything. The prize would save me from losing a lot of pictures.

Carol EL said...

Yahoo reader subscriber.

lmurley2000 said...

well i have a cd made of my pictures when i have them develeoped and i have on cd case that i keep them in. thanks

JeansandTs said...
I use USB flash drive sticks to store my picures. They are all full right now. My computer is getting too many photos on it. It would be great to get some of them off and onto this Picturekeeper.

Dawn said...

I currently put my pictures on cd's but this device would be so much easier to use and much more portable than a big stack of cds.

jayne said...

When I back them up I use a CD-but i always forget to do it!!

andrea v said...

i haven't backed up pictures for about a yr I've seen this before and really want one.

daveg0929 said...

I keep saving my photos to cds and losing the cds. The Picture Keeper would hold all my photos and make ir easy to share with others.

Leane said...

I don't have any backup system!! AND, to make things worse, I just recently lost a hard drive......the laptop died!! IT took all of our precious pics and data with it!! I have a new hard drive, but I have to save up $ to send my old hard drive off and hope I get some info retrieved from it!

I would love to win so this doesn't happen again, it is very tragic!

Picture Keeper is so small and handy, I bet it would be really easy to remember to use!!

Leane said...

I subscribe to your mailing list!

I think the Picture Keeper is a super giveaway! We recently lost all of our pics when our hard drive crashed, so this would be a perfect time to make sure we start keeping a backup!

Leane said...

I have your button in my sidebar and I have the Birthday button at the bottom of my page!


Great giveaway!!

Colo12 said...

very cool product. luv to win.. cool site

Unknown said...

I lost a ton of irreplaceable pictures last June when my computer crashed (some of my brother's wedding pictures). Now I've been saving some on cd's, when I remember.

This would be the perfect safe-keeping and organizing tool and help speed up my computer, I'm sure, since I wouldn't have so many pictures on my hard drive.

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I'm a subscriber

I also tweeted:

shel704 at aol dot com

Valancia said...

Subscribed! skyxsky27(at)

Valancia said...



Unknown said...

I back up to a 160gb external, but I would like to have another for my husband's laptop.

Denise S. said...

I download pictures onto a photo ordering site like Snapfish and consider that my backup for now. This would help me to keep everything together and organized in one place.

Annette said...

I don't have a back up right now...well, other than a million disks lying around. I back up to disk quite often because my laptop has died way too many times for me to trust it.


Annette said...

email subscriber

jen said...

I really do not use anything so this would really be nice to win.

Coupon Clippin Mommy said...

I currently back up pictures onto CDs. This would help as I don't have the time to keep downloading them to CDs as often as I take pictures!

Coupon Clippin Mommy said...

I tweeted about the giveaway here:

Anonymous said...

I just tranfer to cd's... this would make my life a whole lot easier b/c it would save me from having to *buy cds, transfer the pictures, then store ALL the cds somewhere (and there are a lot of them!)

Anonymous said...

I've often thought about what would happen if this computer died with all my pics on it!!! UGH! I'd love to have a picture keeper!

jlafount said...

I just keep them on CD and DVD media

Alex K. said...

I have two hard drives that i keep copies of my pictures on. A picture keeper would make it easier to locate my pictures and I wouldn't have to use space on my hard drive to keep pictures.

Chief Family Officer said...

Congratulations on getting to go to BlogHer - have a wonderful time!!!

My husband uploads the best of our photos online, and then periodically burns CDs with all of the photos. I have nothing to do with it, but Picture Keeper would make it so I could actually be responsible for backing things up!

Thank you for the giveaway -
cfoblog [at] gmail [dot] com

agordon10 said...

I put them on my hard drive. The picture keeper would be a much more secure solution.

Nickolay said...

I currently just keep them on my hard drive and do not back them up. I should start though

Unknown said...

I keep our photos on the hard drive of our Mac but I don't think DH has backed them up for probably a year. If I lost them, I'd cry! This sounds so easy to use that I could do it myself!
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Suz said...

I don't currently back up my pictures, but I need to. The picture keeper would be perfect for me!
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

Miranda Ward said...

I have an external hard drive

mogrill said...

I just burn them onto CD's and put them on my Snapfish account. Thanks for the chance.

stupendousdan said...

I back up on an external hard drive. Picture keeper would make things easier!

Anonymous said...

I currently upload my pictures to a photo website for backup, but it makes me nervous. This device would make my life easier because it would give me a tangible backup.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I have no back up. Would make my life easier if I finally did and could live with less worry.

JasonP said...

I am using an old IDE hard drive, not very reliable. This would be nice.


bargaingirl said...

My computer crashed last month and I lost all my pictures that I had saved on it, which were a lot of pictures. This nifty device would have been nice to have and would have saved the day. Thanks for the great giveaway!

trishden said...

I'm embarrased to say I don't have any backup of my pictures at the moment, this would help me as I am technically challenged and this looks easy. I could do this all by myself. Thanks for a great giveaway!

trishden said...

I'm subscribed to your Rss feed in my yahoo. Thanks!

trishden said...

I tweeted on Twitter here:


Jennifer said...

I have had two laptops crash and lose all my photos. This sounds like a great idea.

Marianna said...

I don't currently back up my pictures - scary! They're all digital! Having a Picture Keeper would give me GREAT peace of mind!

Pretty Momma said...

Awesome! Just knowing it's on a seperate device would make my life a heckuva lot easier!

mountainrailway at gmail dot com

Pretty Momma said...

You're in my sidebar!

Jessilyn82 said...

I currently just keep all my pics on my USB drive, this would be amazing to help me organize everything!

In Everything said...

I have my favorite photos on my blog and flickr but everything else is on my computer... I always get a little freaked out when my computer acts up... worried that it will crash with all my photos!!

A Picture keeper sounds GREAT!!

Lois S said...

I use my roommates computer, she's made an area for me to store my things on and she does all the backing up for me, on Shutterfly, Photobucket and CD. With this I would have something portable and that can be reused.

Lois S said...

i subscribed in Google reader

Lois S said...


Anonymous said...

We keep our most important pictures on the camera and on a disc but it really isnt a great plan or convenient

Anonymous said...


Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

We currently put photos and such on an external harddrive which is a pain since it is on another computer. This would be so great for me to do solo. Thanks for the opportunity.

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Subscriber :)

tsslug said...

I back up my photos to CD's.
God bless

tsslug said...

I am a email subscriber.

IE Mommy said...

Sadly, I don't use anything. I know, I know...just dumb!

Thanks for the fun,
The IE Mommy

Katrina said...

Right now I am not backing them up and it worries me. I would hate to loose them. This would be perfect for me because with a new baby I need to start backing them up.

tiacarter said...

a hard drive

Karen said...

I'd love this for back up.

ktgonyea at

Mommy Daisy said...

We have an external hard drive that we sometimes remember to back our pictures up to.

Anonymous said...

My husband stores them on the server. Somewhere. I have access to them on our family website, but I always wonder if that's a permanent solution.

Anonymous said...

just have a big hard drive but anything better and less bulky would be nice

Venus Montoya said...

Right now I'm not backing up, but I know I should after my friends computer just crashed and she lost all of here pictures, music everything!

Anonymous said...

I use online backup services like Mozy to back up my photos. But I only use the "free" services and have several accounts where my pics are backed up. I don't particularly like storing my important files online, but they are free and in this economy, free is good.

lilbabypug said...

I have my pictures all over the place, on sd cards, still locked in the camera, in several locations on my computer. I could really use this product to keep all my photos safe and secure in one location that I can easily access. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

vboackle said...

i hav eno backup for my pics and would be devastated to lose them.

heaventrees said...

I am not currently backing up my pics and I know from experience that can be a disaster.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't currently use anything to back up my pictures. This would make that so easy to do.

dn6511 said...

I have 4000 pictures to backup, this would help

A said...

In theory, I'm using an external hard drive to hold my pictures and other important files. In practice, I really don't back up my information as much as I should. The Picture Keeper seems much easier to use than having to find the external drive, plug it in, and then pack it back up when I'm done with it.


A said...

I'm an e-mail subscriber.


Ken said...

Currently I manually store pictures temporarally on an external drive and permanently on CD. The Picture Keeper could lessen my headache. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

denyse said...

I still haven't backed up my pictures. This would be a fantastic way to not only back them up, but to show them to others also.

Anonymous said...

I have nothing but my PC to back up my photos and that is not too safe. At least I would have a safer place

weblynx at

ky2here said...

I'm not using anything and yes I know how foolish that is.

Cassy said...

I dont have any backup and this would be grand to have for all my pictures, especially the ones I put on eBay. wombatspurple[at]

Anonymous said...

we were just saying last night that we need to back up our pictures some way, so this is what I need!! I could probably almost fill up the 8 gig :)

Anonymous said...

subscriber :)

Anonymous said...

your button's on my blog!

SeahorseLady said...

This is great! I currently use CDs to "back-up" my pictures which is dangerous since the CDs can get scratched or broken. This would be so easy to use and less likely to get damaged and much easier to store.
Thanks for the great giveaway.

Amy L said...

I don't have a system for my pictures, so I would love to win this. I have pictures on 2 computers, on CDs, on 2 digital cameras...I need help!

Melanie said...

Sadly, I don't have a backup.
I keep them all on my computer and hope that they stay safe., So having this would really come in handy.

Jill said...

I used to burn my pics to a disc ever few months, but then I got lazy. I learned my lesson when I lost 6 months of pictures and 3 years of video when my computer was infected by some nasty bug. The Picture Keeper would make it so easy to back up the pictures that I would have no excuse not to do it.

tutucuteforme (at) hotmail (dot) com

idahomom said...

I currently make a disk.

Meet the Browns said...

I use Flikr to back up my photos, but it is a paid yearly subscription. I would love to have a handy gadget like this one!

Katie Brown

chromiumman said...

we back up on a flash drive

NASCAR Race Mom said...

I checked out the Picture Keeper. Currently, I am using CDs to back up my pictures. The Picture Keeper would make things much easier because it would be so much faster.

Unknown said...

I burn to cds i would love to have one of these tho it would make getting pictures from family members easier

Anonymous said...

Right now, I put my pictures on CD to back them up, and I have Cd's all around the house, so this would be perfect to keep them organized and in one spot. Thanks for the giveaway.

Sarah Z said...

Right now I am not backing up my pictures I worry about it - this would help me because I would have pics in 2 spots!
believedreamcourage (at)

Nanette said...

I burn my photos to discs just in case something happens to my computer.

dvice12 said...

We aren't using anything to back up now so this would be a huge help

Unknown said...

Talk about dream come true! My pics are currently in my camera- sad. I have no way of properly displaying them unless I print all trillion of them and stick 'em in photo albums! Ugh. Not gonna happen, which is why I'm crossing my fingers that I win this techie cool gadget! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

This is great, I keep buying SD memory cards, because I don't have room on my computer. Thanks.

Sonya said...

I currently back up onto an enclosed hard drive, but it's a pain to maintain. Picture Keeper would make it much easier for me!

Anonymous said...

Linz said :
I dont have a back-up for my pictures and I will cry BIG tears if I should loose the photos so I really, really need this give away.


Diana D said...

Our grandchildren are big into the games. I'm sure they would love this one. Thanks for having the wonderful giveaway.

dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

AmyLynn said...

Currently we do not have anything to backup our photos. I would love to win this to back them up...I really need something. 4 months ago my computer crashed and I lost everything (luckily we had another computer so I can do my homework on and get online). Thanks for the chance to win!

AmyLynn said...

I subscribe.

suzie said...

I am currenlty using CDs and DVDs to back up my photos. Thanks for the opportunity to win a great device.

idahodad7 said...

I burn a CD every couple of months.

wendy wallach said...

I am not using anything ( and I should) and it would make it so much easier and make me feel better about the safety of my digital pics if I had this.

madamerkf at aol dot com

pitaharmon said...

My daughter says she copied all my pics on the computer to cd's to save them, but she didn't label them and I have no idea what idea what is what!

Sheila Hickmon said...

I currently do not use anything to back up my picture thought I know I should. I lost 2 years of pictures last year when our computer got a virus. Having this would make it so easy I wouldn't have an excuse not to back them up! Thanks for the chance! hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said...

I subscribe! hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

luckichicka said...

I have all my pictures on my desktop computer and my laptop. That's how I "back up" my precious photos. This would be great! Thanks

Hetal said...

I don't back up. Generally, I take prints, do scrapbooking and rest in albums. but I lost my computer last year and lost plenty of pics from our best trip of Utah. Picture keeper would be a great help.thanks

covercover said...

I use external hard drive for backup, but this is still very handy since it finds photos to backup by itself!

Anonymous said...

I currently have NO way of keeping my photos, so this would be a lifesaver.

Jayme Isaacs said...

I Back Up My Photos On CDs So This Would Come In Handy And It Would Be A Lot Easier To Back Up My Photos

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm not backing up now, but know that I should because I would be so upset if I lost my pictures!

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm subscribed to your RSS feed.

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