Thursday, November 13, 2008

Is this how the future will be?

Can you imagine what it would be like to be frozen accidentally and then thawed out 1,000 years in the future. The entire world is different, robots are wandering around, there are one eyed women, famous people from your time who's heads were frozen are now alive and well but they are still just heads. Its all a little odd, weird, and it has to be lonely. That's in a nutshell what Futurama is all about just add in a quirky weird twist.

I'm not a huge fan of the main character, Fry. He is kind of an awkward geek and he never did anything for me, but Bender the wacky drinking robot is hilarious so when I saw that this DVD was about Bender it peeked my interest. Bender becomes obsessed with Dungeons and Dragons which leads to him getting committed to an insane asylum all the while his friends are struggling with the cost of rising fuel. Sounds vaguely familiar. heh.

Though it does feature a good amount of Bender I had hoped it would be more about Bender than about the other characters. If your a Futurama fan you will absolutely love it as you get to see Bender in the most outrageous trouble I think he has gotten into yet. If you have not yet seen Futurama you may have a little trouble keeping up.

Futurama Bender's Game
is available right now and you can pick up your copy over on Amazon!

I have three copies of Futurama Bender's Game to give away to my readers!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out Futurama Bender's Game and tell why you love Futurama!
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end Dec 15th at midnight!


Anonymous said...

My son loves it. Thanks for the chance.

rebbi511 at

Jenn S. said...

I love Futurama because it makes me laugh.


kids love it

Anonymous said...

its just so funny.

and the humor is understood by everyone, its a great show

jzagarjr said...

It's one of my dad's favorite shows. He would love this prize.

Erica C. said...

Bender makes me laugh!

mverno said...

it makes me laugh

abfantom said...

Because it is hilarious!

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

i love futurama is just great. there is smart humor hidden on almost every episode. just goes to show how much time and care was put into it just so could have a mouth-full of honey bunches of oats and then spit-laugh it all over my friend next to me on the couch. basically i loves it!

agordon10 said...

the charcaters are hilarious and i liked that it followed a continuing plot from year to year.

LadyBug-Kellie said...

We love Futurama! I love that Fry is in love with Leila. It is so cute! And hilarious!
ladeebug224 at hotmail dot com

dwarzel said...

I like the show's smartness--all those math and physics jokes.

dwarzel at

Unknown said...

i am a subscriber :)

Unknown said...

personally i have never gotten into futurama... but my son love em!

kygirl said...

My son loves it.

chromiumman said...

love how clever futurama is

Anonymous said...

I love this show!

Christine said...

My Boys Like This Show ~

mar said...

This is all my young grandson talks about - he loves it!

Carol EL said...

It's a very funny show that adults or kids can enjoy.

Abby said...

I love Futurama b/c my son adores it and I adore hearing him belly laugh in the other room!

ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

Anonymous said...

My boys like this show. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

It's a funny show.

wigget said...

i love katey sagal!

imjasonc said...

I like the voices, and how it takes place in the future.

Becca said...

I used to not like Futurama but I have been watching it lately and it is actually hilarious! They throw in so many things that people miss!

Fangirl Jen said...

I like the way the characters could be really awful to each other, but in the end they were still friends.

Fangirl Jen said...

I subscribe to your feed and your button is on my blog sidebar.

valerie2350 said...

love the show - makes me laugh. I like how they joke about our present day society.

judybrittle said...

My grandson loves it! I have never seen it before. This would make him happy.

judybrittle said...

I'm subscribed.

susan1215 said...

Great show

Anonymous said...

Well, considering that I have a thing for robots, of course Bender is my favorite!

Anonymous said...

I'm a subscriber!

Lynn said...

I love it because Bender cracks me up.

bosslady2898 said...

I love it because it's friggin hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Love anything Matt Groening does.

Anonymous said...

It is hilarious to watch.

miriama said...

No matter what mood I am in it makes me laugh.

FawnGeorge said...

My husband just loves it, he's eyes brightened up when I told him about this giveaway. He thinks it's so funny and he identifies with Fry. Actually he's alot smarter than Fry.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said...

a new look for cartoons

Maja said...

it's so funny and in your face

carriem72 said...

We love Futurama because sometimes you just need to laugh at nonsense!

Anonymous said...

I love Futurama because it is funny and really makes me laugh!!


Dave said...

Futurama is a classic. Always funny, sometimes rude and surprisingly charming at the same time. I am happy to see the series return with these DVD movies. Thank you for the give-away.

Finamoon said...

My husband would love this! We are Matt Groening fans!

websurfergirl19 AT hotmail DOT com

Ashley Collins said...

I love it that it is adult cartoons


Ashley Collins said...

i am a subscriber too


dwhogan said...

very funny

mogrill said...

Because Bender is awesome!

cdrury said...
bender is great and the humour is smart

Smooshy said...

it's hilarious!

jlafount said...

What is funnier than a suicidal, drinking robot

Kari said...

I never realized how funny this show was until recently, we love it!!

littlelatina said...

Fantastic show

Daffy Man!! said...

Bendor is the best!! I would love to win this!

Sierra Martin-Persi said...

I miss Futurama so much.. it was such a smart funny show. I wish they'd just bring it back to TV isn't of making all these mini-movies.

Rockapink [at]

Anonymous said...

love the show...thanks for the great giveaway

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I love Futurama because it is something that both my husband and I agree to watch together :)

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I also subscribe to your feed :)

Jenna said...

I love it because it is so funny!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jenna said...

I subscribe!

redfuzzycow said...

i love futurama cus it's my kind of humor!

Literary Winner said...

I love Futurama because it's kind of a wacky look into the future could be like, but with some 21st century humor thrown in (courtesy of Fry).
hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

The Boys & Hubby love the Show, it would be great to win this Game ! Thanks bunches :)


The humor is just perfect.

Anonymous said...

I have yet to see Futurama, believe it or not, but would love to give it a shot!
dansan826 at

Anonymous said...

Also a subscriber!
dansan826 at

Anonymous said...

I love Futurama.

Unknown said...

I love Futurama because it's got hilarity -and- heart. I still haven't fully recovered from the episode with Fry's dog.


Unknown said...

I'm subscribed.


tsslug said...

very funny show
wpuld like to win

Anonymous said...

I hate to admit it, but yes, I am an adult who loves cartoons! There. I said it.

bison61 said...

I'm not a huge fan - but my son is

tiramisu392 (at)

justicecw said...

Love it because it is funny!

justicecw said...


TWrider said...

looks like fun

Kelly said...

my daughter likes to watch it

Anonymous said...

I love Futurama because of Fry & Leela!
ashlomb at yahoo dot com

betty R.~Simply Southern said...

the math jokes and son likes it..

merry christmas

denyse said...

I'm hooked on the humor:)

Ken said...

I like Bender. He's everyone's favorite dysfunctional uncle robot. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

Unknown said...

I love the professor's wacky inventions...smellasscope?! Hah!

Unknown said...

I subscribed to your feed

Anonymous said...

Futurama is a truely funny adult cortoon show.

ky2here said...

I love how they took 'dungeons and dragons' and made something fresh and funny.

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I think Futurama is hilarious, it always gives me a chuckle when I am having a bad day!

Anonymous said...

It's comforting to know that the world will still need delivery men/women in the year 3000!

Anonymous said...

What a great gift!

Annie said...

This is on my son's Christmas list. I love their "Xmas" specials - so funny!

bison61 said...

I don't watch this but my son does-he'd love this

tiramisu392 (at)

Anonymous said...

Leila is HOT!!!

celsfelder said...

I love this show and so do my kids

Jennifer said...

The remarks that Bender makes are just too much!

jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (d0t) com

Anonymous said...

It gives me a good laugh!

ardy22 at

Vanessa Sue said...

I love this show! I love the satire, the dry adult humor and Bender is just too funny!

Vanessa Sue said...

I am also an email subscriber!

klp1965 said...

my son loves this show i prefer dr phil but anything for him :)

yellowlabs said...

It's a funny show!

Beeb said...

I'm so out of touch, I've actually never watched this show, but I know several people who just LOVE it, so I would love to win it for them. :)

Thanks so much!

supercoupongirl AT

Anonymous said...

Love this show. Hope I win!

Trisha D said...

i lvoe that i can watch it with my kids!

Jinxy and Me said...

This show is so funny!

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm also subscribed to your RSS feed!

KristenH said...

I love Futurama because the animated characters and premises of the episodes are great. I especially like watching it because of Katey Sagal who I just adore as Turanga Leela. She is great as the voice of that character. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

futurama is very funny. Thanks for the chance to win.

/\Heather/\ said...

Bender is hilarious! When that brick came out of him? Oh, I laughed for days. I'm *still* laughing!

/\Heather/\ said...

I subscribed to your rss feed.

Lobbyman said...

I love Bender. He is so rotten I can't help but laugh.

Lobbyman said...

I have subscribed. Thanks!

Bandbabe said...

I would love to be able to give this to my husband. He records all there shows.

dvice12 said...

I like it because of its cynical humor

AmandaK said...

About a year and a half ago, I had no idea what Futurama was. My sister got me to watch it- now I don't miss an episode. It's hilarious!


One_fine_day said...

I love Futurama I was so sad when they stopped making new episodes and canceled it. I mean what other show has floating brains taking over the world. My email is

Angela said...

I love Futurama. It is clever and silly. I'm also a huge fan of Katey Sagal since the Married With Children days.

Anonymous said...

I Love Futurama Because Its A Very Funny Show

Anonymous said...

Im A Subscriber

Anonymous said...

I love it because it is one of the funniest adult cartoons out there

weblynx at

Anonymous said...

It is clever!

masonsgranny59 said...

my kids would heart this:) ty 4 the awesome giveaway and entry!:)

Samantha P said...

i like how one minute it could be totally stupid and humorous and the other it could be very smart humor~

Samantha P said...

also a subscriber!

37 Questions said...

I love Futurama because i love everything Matt Groening does! Thanks for a great giveaway!
jjdragonfly [at] gmail [dot] com

cman said...

We are huge Futurama fans in this household. Rarely a day goes by where we don't watch at least one episode either on cable reruns or on DVD :)

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