I've been pretty busy the last month testing out a big care package that Circle of Friends sent over for Connor. I'm usually pretty excited to try out new baby bath products but this particular line of bath products has had me on my toes as its just about all I can do to keep myself from stealing them for myself.The first set of products we tried out were the Little Doc's line. Connor has struggled with childhood Eczema since he was born and up till very recently he was having some really bad outbreaks on his ankles and elbows. It had even started creeping up his legs and I started getting worried. I've struggled with Eczema off and on my entire life though most of my outbreaks are usually on my arms and since my csection with Connor I have new outbreaks on my stomach which I find odd. We have been using the Little Doc's line anytime there is even a hint of an outbreak and its really great as it does not irritate or make the flair ups worst. It's also really great if your having really itchy dry skin as it really does calm itches. I swear by the cooling spray lotion as it really was my only relief during my last outbreak on my stomach which has to be the itchiest place for me to get an outbreak at least. Connor seems to enjoy it as well as he will pull at his socks when he is having an outbreak as they irritate his ankles and it seems if I sprayed him down really good and let it dry before I put his socks or shoes on he will go about his day like nothing is up.
Circle of Friends offers a host of other bath and skin products as well all of which smell amazing, so good in fact that you will find yourself wanting to taste them but believe me I don't recommend it. Connor did try a good taste of the Buddy Bar Strawberry Soap and from the look on his face I'd say it doesn't taste the way it smells. heh. It does however in fact smell like something you would love to eat and it leaves your kids smelling quite tasty. I am absolutely in love with the Strawberry Buddy Bar and the Shampoos smell wonderful as well, I have to admit I've used them myself on several occasions.
I have to say though the one product that I have to almost forcibly keep myself from using as we'd have to buy a new tube once a week is the Tanner's Tasty Paste. Being a girl who swears that anything other than mint flavored toothpaste is gross I was a bit apprehensive about trying the Vanilla flavored tooth paste. I decided before I put in Connor's mouth I would try it myself and I had to think twice if I wanted to share it with him as its amazing. It smells and tastes like vanilla ice cream and you'll find yourself wondering if your actually even cleaning your teeth. I can honestly thank that toothpaste for training Connor to brush his own teeth as though he is only 18 months old he will stand in the bathroom and brush his teeth like a big boy just to get some of the Tanner's Tasty Paste. I have to actually pick him up and carry him out of the bathroom when we are done as he would stand there all night waiting for more.
While your over there if you have some older kids on your shopping list or are just looking for something unusual. The Ouchies - Teen-Ages band aids are printed band aids that everyone in the family will flip over.. even your sixteen year old purple haired punked out trolls that live in the basement (ok I only say this as I was one...) wont be able to resist them. In fact you may find that they disappear a little sooner than you'd expect as they may just find a reason to use them. Oops... I scratched myself with this crayon, I guess I need a Ouchies.... um no I didn't do that.. heh or did I?
You really must head on over to Circle of Friends and check out the whole line of products.
Circle of Friends is giving away one reader their own Circle of Friends gift to try out. One lucky reader will walk away with the Silly Sac Fish Gift Set of their own!
To enter :
- Leave a comment on this post. Tell us which Circle of Friends product you'd most like to try!
- Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
- Please US entries only.
- To get extra credit :
- For an extra entry :
- Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
- Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
- One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
- This contest will end Nov 30th at midnight!
i like the shampoo
My kids would all love the Sudsy Sponges, mostly Chehn's Mandarin Orange Sudsy Sponge.
The product names are so darn cute! We'd love to try the Natasha No Tearski Raspberry Shampoo.
Thanks for the chance!
treflea4 at gmail dot com
I'm a suscriber via Google Reader.
treflea4 at gmail dot com
Abebi's Safari Detangler, my daughters' hair is unruly
Sudsy Sponge Assortment with Display
Mix of Fun, Soap-Infused Bath Sponges!
all of them :o)
I'd like to try the Tanners Tasty Paste Bannana Bling flavor. Thanks. Charlotte
I like the All-Star Collection under the Gifts Category! These are such cute ideas!!
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
My daughter would love all of the Sudsy Sponges.
rebbi511 at peoplepc.com
Abebi's Safari Detangler sounds nice
safari detangler thanks please enter me! MRS.MOMMYYATGMAIL.COM
I'd love to try the
Splish Splash Shampoo.
I would be interested in trying the Lice Free Zone/Lice prevention products. Sounds interesting.
I'd love to try the Natasha No Tearski Raspberry Shampoo.
I definitely need some Teen-Ages bandaids. What a hoot!
And I'd love to try the Lice-Free Zone products. All of them!
I subscribe through Reader
love to try the Splish Splash Shampoo
I would like to try Ana's Banana Sudsy Sponge.
count me in to win
Splish Splash Shampoo sounds like something my little grandsons would love,they like taking baths,thanks for the chance
I have a daughter who always needing a bandaid for something. I would like to try their Ouchies: Teen-Age Girl Bands
I would love to try the Little Docs - Cooling Spray Lotion on my son's skin condition.
emmas preswim conditioner- no more green hair hopefuly for blondies=
subscribed to feed
I wanna try the Ana's Banana Sudsy Sponge!
I'd love to try the Little Docs - Cooling Spray Lotion as both of my little girls have suffered off and on from eczema. This sounds like a neat product to have on hand for those instances.
Thanks for the entry.
I'm a subscriber!
Thank you
Niklas' Mint Chocolate Sudsy Sponge
Sudsy Sponges would be great for the kids.
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I would pick the emmas preswim conditioner because my oldest son has white blonde hair so this would b great for him! Thanks for the chance to win!
I am a subscriber :)
I could really use the Abebi's Safari Detangler. My daughter has long hair and we fight tangles every morning!!
I am a subscriber!!
Thanks again
Chehn's Dragon Dance Conditioner and those bandages look awesome!
my son has a bandaid obsession! i would try them for sure.
I'd like to try the sudsy sponges!
i would love to try the Lice-Free Zone Duo
I would love to try Little Docs for my granddaughter. Both her and my daughter both have eczema and this would be great. Thank you!
judybrittle at aol dot com
I love the All Star Collection. Would love to try for possible gift ideas for Christmas
All the little docs products for eczema!
ajcmeyer AT go DOT com
I'd like to try the T-TAN-VAN-Tiny.jpg
Tanner's Tasty Paste - Banilla Bling
for me!! Not the kids! MMM Banilla
the Little Docs - Calming Cream sounds wonderful
My daughters would love to try any of the Bubble Baths and either the Niklas' Mint Chocolate udsy Sponge or the Susie's Root Beer Sudsy Sponge. These sound like really great products, thanks so much for the awesome giveaway!
I am also subscribed, thanks again!
Maya Papaya Leave-In Conditioner
the frog gift set it cute!
I love those visors to keep the suds out of little ones eyes
There is so many products to choose from that look great but I especially like Tanners Tasty Paste Bannana Bling flavor.
Id like to try the mint chocolate buddy bar. I'd probably be tempted to taste it too. lol
I would love to try the Yodel-Ay-He shampoo. How can you beat something with such a cute name that smells like chocolate?
courtpaige at gmail dot com
The little Docs products because my granddaughter has such issues with her skin and eczema.
Definitely the Lice Free Zone products (shampoo, conditioner, styling gel). Every single year there's an outbreak at one of my kids' schools.
the silly sac fish is so cute! I also like the ouchies teen age girls bands!
your button's on my blog :)
the Splish Splash Shampoo sounds great!
Oh I would like to try some of their detangler. We are still searching for a good one.
I would love to try the Little Docs products.
websurfergirl19 AT hotmail DOT com
Any of the eczema stuff would be great. Both of my kids have eczema!
Splish splash shampoo! Thanks!
The fish gift set is darling. I also like the chocolate lovers special.
The Maya Papaya hair conditioner
I'd like to try the Splish Splash Shampoo.
I would like to try the Lil Rinsers.
babychooch (at) gmail {dot} com
Emma's Pre-Swim Conditioner would be great during the summer since my 4 kids love to swim!
Splish Splash Shampoo
The Sudsy Sponge - Ana Banana
Ana's Banana Sudsy Sponge looks cool.
I'm a subscriber.
I would love to try Leilani's Halakahiki Lotion. Thanks!
Sorry to sound like a slacker, but that Tanner's Tasty Paste sounds great! I really do need some more incentive for better brushing and this sounds like one. Oh wait, this is for kids? *blush* :)
hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com
Little Docs Starter Kit
I would love to try the Ana Banana shampoo for my son! thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
My favorite is the Niklas' Mint Chocolate Sudsy Sponge!
I like the sound of the Tanner's Toothpaste in Banilla Bling. I hate mint toothpaste! My kids would like it too, along with the RootBeer Roundup Shampoo. Then they would smell like Root Beer floats, right? LOL!
my favo to try would be the 3 piece trial kits for boys and girls.
I could really use the Abebi's Safari Detangler
My son's not quite a teen, but I think he'd get a kick out of the Teen Bandaids. He's a bit too big for Diego and Thomas, but not quite ready for plain tan. :)
I have your button on my blog.
Sudsy Sponges would be great for the kids.
Berry Bath Deluxe Collection Lunch Bag.
i also think my son would flip for the Ouchies.... they look cool!
i am a subscriber
thank you
Ana's Banana Sudsy sponge is one I'd like to try!
Would love to try the Lice Defense Shampoo
Your button is in my sidebar
id love to try the Tanner's Tasty Paste
I'd most like to try the no-lice leave in detangler.
mint chocolate suddysy sponge is something id love to try my son loves mint choclate chip and and also the root beer shampoo is realy cool.
i like the splish splash shampoo.
My daughter would love Abebi's Safari Detangler.
these are so cute, would like to try Teen-Ages bandaids.
I like the Ana's Banana Sudsy Sponge
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I also like the Ajit's Savran Shake Banana Shower Gel. Thank you
my daughter would like the safari detangler, she hates the tangles in her hair!
I like the bubble baths, especially the Lachlan's Shamrock Suds (pear scented). Yum.
Bubble bath and shower gels
Tanner's Tasty Paste!
I am a subscriber
Abebi's Safari Detangler's looks great. My niece has long hair and this detangler could make combing her hair a bit more plesant.
Thank you for the nice giveaway.
Would like to try the emmas preswim conditioner
ardy22 at earthlink.net
Maya Papaya Leave-In Conditioner. Thank you for the great giveaway!
I would want to try the Little Docs Cooling Spray Lotion.
My daughter loves bubble baths, so we'd love to try Ajit
Ajit's Savran Shake Banana Shower Gel. Thanks!
I love the moose gift pack!
I would like to try the Little Docs Cooling SPray! Thanks!
I'm a subscriber!
My favorite is the Sudsy Sponges, enter me please.
Love the sudsy sponges, especially Hans' Blueberry.
jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
I would love to try the Tangy Pineapple Detangler or the Coconut Pre-Swim Conditioner. They both would be great for our children. Thanks for the chance to win. ecghick@yahoo.com
I want to try the root beer sudsy sponge.
I am also a subscriber.
I'd like to try the Ajit's Savran Shake Banana Shower Gel!
I'm subscribed!
My daughter would love to try the Hans' Blueberry Sudsy Sponge
I'm a subscriber
I would like to try the Lala's Leaping Lemur Banana Lotion. I have trouble getting my son to like lotion on his arms and legs, the "grown up kind" he is not a fan of.
I'm a subscriber :)
I love the Natasha No Tearski Raspberry Shampoo :)
My kids would like the ouchies.
I put your button on my blog.
My daughters would love the body lotions.ashlyn@chuparkoff.com
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