Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dymo Labelmaker makes organizing fun!

The new Dymo LetraTag Labelmaker is my new one label maker army against clutter and the disorganization that is plaguing my house. I'm not sure about you guys but the combination of college stuff, baby stuff, toys, a whole closet deticated to review items, and just household goods is completely clogging my life. I have stuff stashed underneath my desk, in hallways, basically in every room of the house minus the bathroom which still seems to be holding strong on being clutter free.

Its driving me bonkers!!! The real question is when exactly do I have the time or energy to organize it all, or at least organize it to the point that It actually looks organized, as honestly it is "organized" heh but some random guest would just find my organizational style just plain sad. Connor's Aunt was just recently down and she tried to organize my DVD pile and almost gave me a heart attack as it was actually in order, heh, though she thought it should be in alphabetical order it was actually organized by giveaways ended, giveaways claimed, unclaimed, and to be done. Needless to say I ended up having to redo the whole thing. Don't even get me started as to what happens when Connor gets his little mitts on one of my piles.

Well at least with my new Dymo LetraTag Labelmaker I can get Connor's things in order as a start. With a huge selection of label types you can pretty much label anything in a flash. Some of the label types you can choose from includes iron on, metallics, plastic tapes, paper tapes, and even super neato magnetic tapes. Personally I am as excited about those magnetic tapes as I am the iron on ones, and call me immature but its sorta fun to make silly statements to put on the fridge with them. If you really wanted to you could even make your own magnetic word set!

The Dymo Labelmaker comes equipped with WYSIWYG or "Wizzy Wig" meaning what you see on the screen is exactly how your label will look. As well you can change the font from normal, bold, italic, outline, shadow, and vertical. This gives you tons of options and that online view is really important as the last thing you want to do is print something you don't want as no label ribbon is super cheap, my old label maker did not have such a big viewing screen so I can not even tell you how many labels I've wasted over the years.

My favorite feature of the Dymo LetraTag Labelmaker is actually one of its storage options. If you buy the LectraTag Plus model which is available on Dymo's website it comes with a magnetic storage holder which will allow you to store your label maker on the side of the fridge on on the side of your file cabniet! I seriously need to upgrade just to get that holder! I seriously hate having to dig and search through every drawer in the house to find my label maker especially lately when I'm sending Connor off on a play date with one of his cousins and I want to label his sippy cup as they have the exact same one.

The Dymo Lectratag is very affordable selling for $19.99 to $29.99 depending on if you go with the base model or plus model. The labelmaker itself as well as its labels are available at most major retailers including Wal-mart, Target, Staples, Office Max and Office Depot. You can also buy it online at Dymo's website!

I have a Dymo LetraTag Labelmaker to give away to one of our readers including a ton of labels! Its easily a $50 value!

To enter :

  • Leave a comment on this post. Check out Dymo LetraTag Labelmaker and tell me how you would use the Letratag to organize your life!
  • No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end August 15th at midnight!


FawnGeorge said...

I would use the Letratag to organize our office. We would label several of our storage draws. Also we would label our Music and DVD when they are being borrowed.

Sara G said...

I have so many bins and storage containers with stuff in them. But I always have to open them up to see what it contains. THis would be great to mark each container and know what's inside. THANKS!

phxbne said...

I would label all my mysterious plastic bins

phxbne said...

I subscribe to your feed

lorimo said...

I would label anything and everything including all of the school supplies going along with my son to third grade.

Anonymous said...

Oh my where to begin first... I would use the label maker in my office, pantry, storage area and more! I have always wanted a label maker. It looks like several days of fun!

Deb said...

I would label - everything! :) Honestly - my oldest loses so many things, and I've been known to leave sippy cups everywhere from the library to restaurants and stores, so this labelmaker would be a huge help! :)

Deb said...

I'm adding this one to my Contests page at my review site -

janetfaye said...

I have a large food storage stand with slide out bins that needs to be labeled.

I also have a lot of clothing and holiday storage containers that need to be labeled.

I think I could find a ton of stuff around the house that I could use this on.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I blogged your giveaway

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I would use it to organize all of my teaching files that are packed away for when I go back someday. I could also use it to help label all of the items in my bins in the basement.

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Stacey Moore said...

i would so love to have one of these for my classroom!!
moore.g at

Anonymous said...

I would love to label the inside of my cabinets telling my husband where things go. He tries to help by putting things away but when he does I loose things.

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to your feed

Anonymous said...

To label all my son's drawers so I know what's in them before I open six different ones trying to remember which has his school shorts in it.

krisindam at mac dot com

Kelley said...

I have a huge walk in panty in my home- which I love! Lately I have been reusing/ recycling old coffee cans instead of buying more plastic.. It would be great to be able to label all the cans.

I can be a littel 'green' and organized...which to me is a good compromise.

Anonymous said...

I need this labelmaker to organize my bookshelf and all my product review stuff! I would make labels for the section of the shelf where we keep library books, a section for books I need to read and review, a section for DVDs to review, and a section for giveaway copies!

table4five at gmail dot com

misty said...

I would label all my crafts boxes, everything in storage, leftovers, folders, and receipts and such. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

planetmisty at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness~ I really need this! with 7 kids, I am always striving to get organized, especially with homeschooling. plus with 5 girls, sometimes I have to mark their clothes when they have matching shirts. this would be so great in the bathroom and kitchen so that everyone puts things back where they belong :)

Adrienne said...

I just found out my daughter is pregnant with twins. I would use this labelmaker to help her two year old identify things that were hers and things that are the babies. And it will give me something to do while waiting for them to arrive.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is nothing like the old labelmakers of yesteryear, is it?
I love the fact that you can change the fonts, since I have a font fetish. :)
I would use this baby to organize my CD, DVD collection AND use it to label all of Emil's schoolwork I just can't bear to throw away. Maybe if I organize it by date, it will be well received when I deliver the truckload to him as an adult.

Anonymous said...

I would organize my filing cabinet, label my magazine boxes, photo boxes, light's endless!

Aliogator said...

I would use it to organize my studio. If I had a label maker I would label the outside of each drawer so I know what is in it. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

TinaW said...

I would use it to label all of my boxes (and boxes and bins and sheets) of art stuff. tinawittmer(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

i really need this label maker. I am trying to organize everything. I have 4 kids and all their school stuff and medical info. Plus I need to label all of our bill stuff too. I am also trying to better organize all my 1stopmom stuff. I can pretty much use it for everything.

bacon74 at 1stopmom dot com.

Leane said...

We just moved, so I feel like every cabinet in the kitchen should have a label on it, so we can find things easier.

Labelmakers are great! Especially for helps them learn to spell and read. I would like to label his clothes drawers soon and get him ready to dress himself.

Thanks again for some really great giveaways.

Leane said...

So do you have to be a new subscriber for the extra entry? I would luv the extra entry, but didn't want to clog up the comments.
I subscribe!
I luv it!

Anonymous said...

I would definitely use this for all the bins of toys we have. We can't have all the toys out or there wouldn't be room for people! As it is we have to open each one to see what is it in!

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Unknown said...

I would start with labeling all my daughter's school supplies, even her jackets, boots, hats & mittens.
Then I'd tackle my beading / craft area. Next I'd move to my pantry and finally finish of by letting my hubby label the office. Whew. That's just the start.

ArkieRN said...

I would use the Dymo LetraTag Labelmaker to organize my coupon folder.

ArkieRN said...

I've blogged about this. Go to to check it out.

CanCan said...

I would label toy bins, files, storage boxes, and dry goods storage! This would rock my face off!!!

onlycancan at hotmail dot com

Dana said...

I would label the playroom closet. My husband has a hard time knowing where things go when monitoring cleanup time :) And one of my little ones is starting K and learning to read - it would be a great help labeling sight words around the house!

Belinda said...

I woul totally use this to organize our computer area - hubby and I share this space . . . disaster!

Sarah S said...

I would use this to organize all of our baby/kids stuff. It would be so so helpful!!

Anonymous said...

I could label all of the plastic storage bins that are filled with clothes, bedding, bath stuff and toys my kids have outgrown.

Peggy said...

I could organize everyones items,having 4 children I would like to add their name to their stuff, I would also organize all my computer /office items so I can have everything clean and neat. Count me in

Jen D. said...

I think I would start with organizing and labeling all of my kids stuff, then move onto everything else in our home. After I finished up at home I would bring the label maker to my classroom and label everything there as well. What a great give away.

Anonymous said...

I'd use it to label my daughters things for school. Right now, I am just using a Sharpie.

EB said...

I would love to use it to organize my closets!



Anonymous said...

I would use it to label all my kid's back to school supplies and to label all my pots and pans that I lend out to people when i send them meals. It would also be helpful to label bins in my attic and bins in my closet. My email is as I don't blog.

Anonymous said...

I would use it to label all my cooking ingredients and all of my little collectables.


Anonymous said...

There are a few ways I would use it:

1. To label all the outgrown clothes boxes we are storing in the attic

2. To label all the toys we no longer use (that are also stored in the attic)

3. To label all the Christmas decorations that are (see a pattern here?) being stored in the attic

4. To be really lazy and tag Christmas gifts/birthday gifts

5. To label back-to-school supplies

6. To label baby stuff before it goes to daycare

I'd love this!

Doreen said...

I work in a Classroom--this sounds great to use in the School!

Doreen said...

I'm a Subscriber and have your button on my bloggy!

Michele P. said...

I am also a subscriber! Thanks!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Anonymous said...

I would organize my life (and family) by labeling the DVD shelf, food storage, and all the stuff in the garage!

missreneer said...

I would use this on my storage bins, in my closet, my husband's work stuff and Oh My Goodness does our office need this to organize boxes, folders, etc. Thank you so much for the great opportunity to organize my life :)

Chic Shopper Chick said...

Oh my goodness I could totally use this to organize all of my holiday decorations (I have close to 30 Rubbermaid Bins full) plus our Laundry Room, which is in desperate need of work.

This thing is awesome!

Chic Shopper Chick said...

I subscribe using Firefox's Live Bookmarks!

Rashmi said...

Hubby and I have way too much stuff in boxes. Add kids stuff to that and it's chaos. I'd use to organize it all.

Thanks for this great giveaway. Oh, and I'm subscribed!

artkdz said...

I would use this to organize my life. I work at home and my desk is a mess of clutter. I would love to be able to use cutes bins, etc. and actually know what's inside. And don't get me started on baby gear, clothes, etc. My art room is also a mess (I am a clutterbug) and I could definitely use a labeler to attack all the boxes and bins with stuff.

Michele said...

I live in a tiny 600 sq. ft. apartment, and it's filled with boxes of papers that need to be organized. I have a Worker's Compensation case that has a million pieces of paper that need to be filed. I also am a scrapbooker and have a TON of supplies that need to be organzied, and having them labeled would be very helpful.

Michele R.(CA)

Michele said...

I'm a subscriber!

Michele R.(CA)

Brooke said...

I have SO many boxes filled with all sorts of things. This could not just label them, but make them look ok.

Katie said...

I would use it to organize the kids room and everyones closet as well as my pantry. Thanks.
katie_mmartin at yahoo dot com.

Suzie Williams said...

I would organize all the cubbies that are on our desk because my fiance does not know where to put paperwork. I'd also organize the plastic bins in the garage!

Anonymous said...

I am a full time teacher for middle school and a mom of two toddlers under four. I feel I can't do it all and this was a site that I found to be the most helpful to get organized! Please consider me in your giveaway!

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