Friday, June 13, 2008

Diego goes gorillas!!

Dora is fabulous, but Diego (her cousin) is in my opinion even better! Especially seeing I have a boy and well um I am pretty liberal about his choices in life but I don't I can stomach a Dora bed set or big wheel, not that I mean that in a bad way Dora.. we do love you.

Diego has a new DVD feature called Go Go Diego Go! Great Gorilla! Diego has gone to Africa to visit his friend Juma when the new Gorilla King goes missing right before his big ceremony! Its up to Diego to find him in time!

My secret fear has always been either being lost (I had nightmares as a kid about getting separate from my parents) or loosing Connor. Though it may have no been their intention when making this feature it would have helped me as a kid possibly loose a little of the anxiety over constantly being scared of getting lost. Though part of that fear was just my size (I'm super short) and in large crowds its still nearly impossible for me to see where I'm going. Yeh Yeh.. please no short jokes, I've most likely heard them all.

Nickelodeon has given us a copy of Go Diego Go! Great Gorilla! to give away to one lucky reader!
Have I mentioned my new obsession with Yo Gabba Gabba? Well a special super secret Yo Gabba Gabba video is included in this DVD. YAY! That alone is worth my purchase... if you haven't seen Yo Gabba Gabba you just have to watch it to understand.

98 Minutes of commercial free Diego goodness you can purchase your copy at Amazon!

To enter :
  • Leave a comment on this post. Go check out Go Diego Go! Great Gorilla! and tell me who is your favorite character other than Diego or what your favorite Diego movie/episode is!
  • No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
  • Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com) We have had to disqualify a lot of potential winners as of late as many people do not have emails available in their profiles or leave anonymous posts without any way to contact you.
  • Please US entries only.
  • To get extra credit :
    • For an extra entry :
    • Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
    • Non Bloggers (or bloggers) subscribe to my mailing list/RSS feed and earn another entry!
    • One extra credit per person. Please post your extra credit in a separate post.
    • This contest will end June 20th at midnight!


Anonymous said...

Alicia - Diego's sister
Stephanie V.

~Amanda~ said...

My son also likes baby Jaguar! Thanks

~Amanda~ said...

I also have your button in my sidebar!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I like Click the camera. My boys would love this DVD. Thanks for the chance to get one :)

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Extra Credit: I subscribe to your RSS feed (love reading it in Google Reader every day).

-tnchick- said...

My daughter and I's favorite character is Baby Jaguar =) We're both pet lovers - so that's fitting! She's love this movie! =) Thanks for the chance to win.

-tnchick- said...

Here's a second comment for an extra entry for being sub'ed to your feed (via bloglines - my method of RSS reading!!) =) Hope that's OK since it's all I use for all my sites.

windycindy said...

Hello, "Go Diego Go!" What a wonderful children's show. Any of the show would be fun and educational to watch. The "Go Diego Go" Safari DVD sounds really good. I like that it teaches about safari animals, observationlogic and matching. Of course, it also teaches Spanish
language skills. Please enter me in your drawing. Much appreciated, Cindi

misty said...

My daughter likes Baby Jaguar. I like the BoBos. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

misty said...

I am a subscriber.

Miss Spoken said...

My kids love Baby Jaguar.

Miss Spoken said...

...also a subscriber. Gracias!

Kristin said...

I don't wnat to enter but Yo Gabba Gabba is something you HAVE to see. Those stupid things get stuck in my head! But it's cute.

Steph said...

My kids favorite character is Baby Jaguar. And the most recent episode they really enjoyed was It's a Bug's World!

Maude Lynn said...

We love Baby Jaguar, of course!

mverno said...

baby jaguar is our favorite

Anonymous said...

My daughter loves baby jaguar, she thinks its so adorable. she watches the show everytime it comes on.

shaunwallner at yahoo dot com

smythbr said...

My daughter loves Diego

mom2boys said...

My son loves Diego and Baby Jaguar.
He would love this. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Baby Jaguar is my little girls favorite character.

ssaphyre said...

My granddaughters love Baby Jaguar!

slymommyof3 said...

My sons like the bobos freeze bobos and also love baby jaguar

janetfaye said...

My little grandson loves Rescue Pack

Erica C. said...

The jaguar is kinda cute!

agordon10 said...

the BoBos'

kygirl said...

I like the underwater episode

Snowpuff said...

Baby Jaguar!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I'm subscriber. My son loves Diego. That is his favorite character. :)

toasters lie said...

baby jaguar

Anonymous said...

The BoBo's. They remind me of my youngest because she is a little naughty too :)

Anonymous said...

lily loves baby jaguar. I would love a jaguar but the kind you drive tee hee. seriously this is such a great show for kids

Anonymous said...

Our favorite (besides Diego, who my son practically worships!) is Baby Jaguar. We just love all kinds of cats in this household! Ha. Thanks for the opportunity!



Becky said...

My granddaughter loves Alicia. I love Baby Jaguar.

Thanks so much for the contest!

Tonya said...

Baby Jaguar is the fave at our house.

AubreyB said...

Baby Jaguar - my son loves animals!
byubabe14 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

the bobos

CanCan said...

I like baby Jaguar (rawwr rawwr!). What a cutie.
My son loves Diego, or Bah-eggo as he calls him.

judybrittle said...

baby jaguar is a favorite and the best movie is dinosaur rescue

Kari said...

The bobo brothers, those silly monkeys!!! Thanks :)

b-me said...

My kids love the three condors and spectacled bear. I am also a subscriber! Thanks for a great contest!

julie said...

another video we love is the iguana sing along
3beez at bellsouth dot net

sweetsue said...

My two year old grandaughter loves this show! We like Rescue Pack. I am subscribed to your feed.

Cindy said...

We love Diego's sidekick, Baby Jaguar. My daughter does great impressions of the animals, but, I think Baby Jaguar's sound is the cutest.

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

My son says... he loves the "race through the park with the armadillo." We don't have any Diego on dvd yet, but a huge collection of the books.

Anonymous said...

Baby Jaguar!

Paula said...

Baby Jaguar.

Meredith said...

Go Diego Go! Safari Rescue is a barrel of fun and we watch it over and over!

SJINCO said...

We love all the Diego episodes in my house, my son is crazy about Diego right now!

chris said...

love baby jaguar and the bobo monkeys!!!

Gina said...

My little one loves the monkey's. I forget their names now but they're the little troublemaker ones..


Gina said...

Subscribed via reader.

Manders said...

My youngest son and I just Love Willie the Whistling Duck. He's not a regular on Diego but on the episode that he is in is great. It shows how two can be basically opposite and still be the best of friends.

My email should be in my profile. Thanks for the giveaway. Good luck to all that enter.

chickamonpie said...

My kids love click. I just wish they would change the picture up every one in awhile. I also like Go Diego Go! - Underwater Mystery. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

We like the BoBo brothers!

Ginny said...

My daughter is a huge Dora & Diego fan! She loves the underwater mystery :)

Jocelyn said...

My son would be so excited!!! We love the BoBo Brothers and Alicia too - AND baby Jaguar. We are big Diego fans! And, we love the Yo Gabba Gabba music too so that would be such a bonus. We love Party in my Tummy!! :) Thanks for the giveaway!

jocelyn dot compton at gmail dot com

Heather said...

We love all the characters but especially his sister Alicia.

kristilb19 said...

My son loves Rescue pack! haha these are cute shows!

Julie Donahue said...

I like Baby Jaguar.

Prek Noey said...

I love diego, and my kids do to! Thanks!

Genevieve P said...

It's a tie between Rescue pack and Baby Jaguar.

Anonymous said...

Does Dora count? If not we would probably say Alicia around here. THanks!!

Sarah S said...

I like the rescue pack! Diego is the best.

vboackle said...

the kids like baby jaguar.

Anonymous said...

My daughter just loves the Diego episodes! I think she has her first crush and it's a cartoon! She also loves baby Jaguar and the Bo-Bo brothers.


Pretty Momma said...

My kids love it when Dora and Diego are on together!!

mountainrailway at gmail dot com

strawberry3d said...


Michelle T said...

Okay, we love baby jaguar!

Sharon said...

Baby Jaguar-our favorite for sure. THANKS

Uniquely Yours said...

We like Click the camera. My daughter loves taking pictures.

brandy said...

my girls love baby jaguar. every time diego comes on they scream at me mommy diegos comin.

brandy said...

blogged ya

Anonymous said...

My girl is crazy about Baby Jaguar. We are all required to pounce about the room and roar at appropriate times. Even the baby gets in on the action. (I'm sure that if anyone ever looked in our window at the right time, they'd be convinced we were a house of raving lunatics!) Still - it counts as exercise, right?

denyse said...

Great DVD, I hope we win.

Robin said...

My granddaughter loves Baby Jaguar and Click!

She would love this!!

Marcia said...

My daughter LOVES Click! She tries to sing the little song :-)

learningmama at yahoo dot com

Katie said...

I love Baby Jaguar. He is soooo cute!
katiekarr at gmail dot com

bfox74 said...

My grandaughter likes Diego.

Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom said...

Alicia, you know, because she's "on a mission." But I think my daughter love Baby Jaguar the most. When the theme song starts at the beginning of the show, she runs in a big circle around the living room shouting the words.

Stacy said...

My son loves baby jaguar, and we all love Diego.

mogrill said...

my daughters favorites are the Baby Twin Sister/Brother of Dora. She thinks they are adorable and wants twin siblings of her own (um no!)

jennem said...

We love Alicia! We recently saw the live show, with animal carnivale. My daughter loved it.

phxbne said...

My daughter loves baby jaguar. Her favorite episode is when Diego and Kicho are the size of a bug.

AJ said...

We love Alicia and baby jaguar.

bison61 said...

the boys all like Baby Jaguar

tiramisu392 (at)

Panjo Kids said...

My son loves Diego. Especially the Baby Jaguar story.

soha said...

Alicia is my favorite.

Unknown said...

Rescue Pack!

Gus and Clay's Mama said...

Baby jaguar is the best- my sons are dressing up as diego and baby jag for a costume night next month. The bobos are also a hit around here... freeze bobos

Mary512 said...

We love Baby Jaguar! Great giveaway, thanks!

Anonymous said...

My kids love the baby jaguar.

Mommie Daze said...

Go Diego Go is set to record on our TIVO. It's one of my son's favorite shows. He watches Dora too once in awhile. Did you know Diego and Dora are cousins? Yes, I've seen enough episodes to know that little bit of trivia. My favorite character has to be Rescue Pack, because sometimes I catch myself singing his theme song through out the day. When that happens it makes me wonder where my sanity has gone.

Belinda said...

Fave Diego movie has to be Go Diego Go! - Moonlight Rescue.

D said...

baby jaguar of course!

Susanne said...

My daughter loves the Rescue Pack, and my son loves the BoBo brothers!

Anonymous said...

My son really likes the whilygig beetle episode right now. Thanks for the contest!

cfoblog [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I also subscribed via Google Reader. Thanks again!

cfoblog [at] gmail [dot] com

Unknown said...

We don't watch Diego as much as Dora - we are boots fans!

jodene said...

My daughter loves all the Dora and Diego shows and Diego is her favorite!

tiffandrock said...

My daughter loves seeing all the different animals, So I guess I all the animals are our favorite characters.
My daughters favorite diego movie is Wolf pup rescue.

CPA Mom said...

My daughter loves Diego and my son loves Dora - they both love baby Jaguar! Thank so much!!

cpamomva at hotmail dot com

jceko77 said...

My daughters' fave Diego episode was when Diego was shrunk into a bug's world.

jceko77 said...

I'm a subscriber

Anonymous said...

We like all the characters - but the Bobo monkeys are cute and mischievious!


Unknown said...

We like them all, but Diego is my niece's favorite!!

Christine said...

My son likes the chinchilla because he can see a real one at our local pet store.

matternu said...

We love Baby Jaguar


noreen said...

alyssa, his sister

AlbinoRockstar said...

Baby Jaguar of course!!

dvice12 said...

Baby Jaguar

Molly C. said...

My kids love the camera. lol

OttoMan said...

My son likes baby jaguar.

Anonymous said...

my kids like baby jaguar and when Dora visits :)

masonsgranny59 said...

My grandson likes Baby Jaguar.

mccomas5 said...

My son loves the dino episode!!

mccomas5 said...

My son loves the dino episode

Brooke said...

CLICK, the camera.

nicki72182 said...

My kids favorite characters other than Diego are the Bobos. My kids love this show. Thanks for the giveaway.

Kyle Banderman said...

My daughter loves Alicia!

Anonymous said...

I love Baby Jaguar! :)

Anonymous said...

Baby Jaguar!

jaydonco1 (at) aol (dot) com

FawnGeorge said...

I like the Diego- The Safari Rescue. I have always wanted to go on a Safari.

Anonymous said...

Baby Jaguar

Anonymous said...

Baby Jaguar is my daughter's 2nd fav. Of course Diego is the star!

Anonymous said...

I like baby jaguar. My son likes the rescue pack.

Anonymous said...

Also, I blogged you at

Anonymous said...

The episode with the tree frogs is playing on tivo right now & ds loves the frogs, so I'll go with that as our favorite episode of the moment. If it changes in 5 minutes, can I enter again with the new favorite?? LOL!

We just bought him a Diego life jacket, hoping it will help want to wear it when we go out in the boat... He loves loves loves Go Diego Go. :)

Dani said...

My kids get excited when they see the Bobos!

Anonymous said...

I have a nephew that loves Deigo and I have not seen him in a year his B-day is the 29th of June and I would so love to have it for him, my sister says he watches everyday. Thanks

yellowlabs said...

Baby Jaguar!

Anonymous said...

Baby Jaguar is my daughter's favorite, while the BoBos are my son's favorites. I like the educational elements, the respect and care for animals shown, and the fact my kids love these characters! Liz Sawyer,

Anonymous said...

Moonlight Rescue - Tuga Leatherback Sea Turtle

Jinxy and Me said...

Baby Jaguar is the big favorite!

Anonymous said...

Alicia - Diego's sister.

chromiumman said...

baby jaguar

Roxann said...

My son and I love Rescue pack the best. It has anything you need in it.

Jeff Wendland said...

I think the rescue pack is great.
My favorite the best dvd is magical missions.

Anonymous said...

Baby Jaguar is my granddaighter's favorite.

Anonymous said...

my sons love diego thanks!


Anonymous said...

The nephews love the Go Diego Go! Underwater Mystery! This would be a great addition to their collection!

ssmina said...

my son loves Diego, anytime he sees him and repeats "Diego" over and over...he's 2 1/2. thanks.

ssmina said...

oh other than Diego, baby jaguar!

Anonymous said...

Alicia! I was visiting my granddaughter for a few days, and she and I "role-played", and she was Alicia every time! (She had me play Diego in every adventure)!

klp1965 said...

baby jaguar

Tammy said...

Go Diego Go, Moonlight Rescue -- and really how short are you? I just may have you beat.....I am short, really really short. lol.

Anonymous said...

My grandson loves Go Diego Go. He said his favorite other than Diego is Baby Jaguar. Thank you for offering such a wonderful DVD.

Robin said...

Favorite Character: Baby Jaguar
Episode: When Baby Jaguar climbed the mountain

mrstrooper said...

Baby Jaguar is so cute!

Miranda Ward said...

baby jaguar

Brooke Lorren said...

Baby Jaguar!

Donna said...


kamewh said...

Definitely the Bobo Brothers! In fact, I often compare my 3 year old and 1 year old sons to them- always in trouble! :)

Starshine3 said...

Baby Jaguar! My son loves this show- thanks :)

jceko77 said...

Diego's sis Alicia is one of our fave characters since I have 3 girls :)

Rockin' Mama said...

I like baby jaguar!

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

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