Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Leave them soaked!

I always know when summer is finally here when the first water guns start to appear around our house. Water guns have just been part of our summer routine as long as I can remember... and now that I'm fairly sure my life will be revolving around little boys, I am positive that if anything will only escalate as the years go by.

We got our first taste of water guns this year when we had Connor's birthday party, I gave each of our guests a tiny (and cheaply made) water gun to play with at the party. Sadly many of those little guns never made it longer than a few minutes but those that did survive were a ton of fun, and all I could think of was how I wished I had invested in a few Super Soakers instead of these awful pieces of cheap plastic that I gave away in the party favors.

Super Soakers have been around since I was a child, and we still have a few floating around this household that have been with us for years. They are well made and even with a bunch of rough boys they hold up well to the abuse.. actually the only reason I have ever replaced my Super Soakers was to "upgrade" or because mine got left at the pool, beach, or wherever it is I left it.

When the new Super Soaker Quick Blast arrived I was so excited to try it out. My biggest complaint on Super Soakers has always been the pump time, especially if your in the midst of a water gun battle with boys twice your size, the faster you can shoot the more of an advantage you have!! Unlike other Super Soaker models the quick shot offers a much faster pumping as it only requires one pump to fire. This means that you can usually get two or even three shots in on your opponents before they can ever fire their first shot! It does have a fairly large range (around 30 feet) and holds 32 ozs of water. The only real disadvantage to the quicker pump time is though the water comes out in a really nice targeted (and surprisingly accurate for a water gun) blast it shoots has a bit less water than some of the other larger models in one single blast.

Speaking of which I better get my Super Soaker arsenal together before family vacation this year so I can defend myself. I've been drooling over the new Super Soaker Aqua Shock Hydroblitz too!

The Super Soaker Quick Blast is available for purchase directly from Hasbro as well as on Amazon!


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