I have been dying to start Yoga again since Connor was born but just the thought of going to a class or even attempting to do something solo is just not possible with my son, the monkey, around.. so I kept thinking "There must be something we can do together!" and indeed there is!
When I first moved to Alabama I looked everywhere for a yoga Mommy/Baby class with no success. I admit I was a bit frustrated as in IL we had already pre-enrolled in one before Connor was born. Then I came across Yoga Mommies DVD, what a great idea!
The first time we tried Yoga Mommies it left me wishing we had found it much earlier. Connor is an crazy little Monkey these days so he only stuck around for a few minutes of the DVD but he did enjoy attempting to "ride" me while I was busy with my upward facing dogs and loved using me as a ladder during my stretching. *grin*
Other than Connor's jungle gym antics the DVD is excellent. It offers a variety of ways to incorporate your baby into your daily yoga practice which would be appropriate for a baby of any age (even a brand new baby!) though I would recommend waiting to do some of the stretching exercises for a few months if you have recently had a c section. Connor was born by c section and we have had an unusually long (at least in my opinion) healing time. I actually wasn't able to do any stretching exercises until the 6-7 month mark and even now upward facing dog still is just a tiny bit uncomfortable so I was especially slow with those movements.
The pace of the DVD is great for beginners and really refreshing for new moms who may not be able to keep up with a more advanced routine (Especially if your attempting to wrangle your little monkey between poses like I am!) The scenery is gorgous, and Rebe's son Morgan is sooo adorable, and I wish my son was that well behaved!
I forget as a mom sometimes to relax and just take a few moments to breath. I have to admit this morning after just finishing the DVD I feel more relaxed than I have in months. Not to mention I forgot how great my back feels after doing even a short yoga session!
Yoga Mommies is available for sale on Rebe's website, as well as on Amazon!
Win one!
Rebe has sent an additional copy of Yoga Mommies for one of my readers!
To enter :
- Leave a comment on this post. Go visitYoga Mommies and tell me (from the dvd's description) what you would benefit most from this DVD!! No "i want to win" stuff without a little effort (and I do mean little!)
- Make sure there is a way for me to contact you - if your email address is not on your profile or you are not a blogger you may leave it in your comment or email it to me directly (angelaandconnor at gmail dot com)
- To get extra credit :
- For an extra entry :
- Bloggers - Blog about this contest and leave me the link on your comment, or add me to your sidebar and let me know its there.
- This contest will end Feb 6th at midnight!
What a great way to feel relaxed and centered.
I use a Hatha yoga video from the 80's. It's great but now that I'm a mom I'd like to try something new. Stretching brings me the most calm and blissful feeling.
this looks great!
this sounds like a great way to work out and to bond with your baby!
I like how intimate it is!
Wow, I wish I'd known about this sooner too. I used to practice yoga before my son was born too and now I feel like I have no time and then trying to do yoga with my little two year old hanging on me with every move gets tiresome.
I'd sure benefit from strength, energy and centeredness right now. And it would be great to figure out how to do yoga with my little monster. :)
I could use help to "recover from the birthing process" ! I've always wanted to learn some yoga.
I have always wanted to get into yoga. My midwife suggested taking a class during my pregnancy but I was unable to due to finances. This would be a great way to learn it while bonding with my daughter. I am sure she would LOVE to do it. This is by the far the best givaway I have seen! Thank you for offering it!
Restrengthening my body. After giving birth to 7 children it needs it.
Count me in please.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away. Don't miss the daily edition of contests galore that I post on my blog.
Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings
"recovering from the birth process" would be huge since I had three babies in less than three years! stretching is also a part that I would love to work on - I used to be a gymnast and would love to get back some of that flexibility and balance!
I want to increase the bond between me and my son. This is also a great way for us both to get active. Thanks
I would love to increase the bond between me & my baby, though I think I could use some mind restoration too!
Mothers gain strength, energy, and centeredness during the most profound transition of a woman’s life --
HELLO..this dvd is speaking to me!! I hope it also helps to get rid of the pregnancy pouch :)
GREAT giveaway! I hope I'm the lucky winner!! :)
restoring the mind :)
I still have to find mine lol
Hi, I love this prize pick. I have bad knees and can't do many kinds of exercise. The pace of yoga(beginners) is something I can do most of and I need to become more flexible again. Please count me in. I appreciate it.
I'd definitely benefit from the increased energy it would give. My youngest is 14 months old and I am having another one in August. Add 3 older ones to the mix and you can see why I have no energy!
Anything that helps Mommy and Baby bond is a winner to me!
dansan826 at yahoo.com
This would really help me out!
Great giveaway!
i need it to unwind and reconnetc body and spirit.
I had a baby 3 months ago by c-section. I need this DVD because I am still recovering from his birth. I think that it would help by strengthening the body, restoring the mind, heightening the spirit, and increasing the bond between mother and baby.
Well, my "baby" is now two, and we try to do exercises together, but it just doesn't work to share a step to workout to a step video, especially during the kicking parts! This looks much more like the bonding experience I'd like to share with my child as we move/breathe/exercise together. Thanks for a great giveaway!
I absolutely LOVE yoga and my 2.5 yr old daughter does as well! I know that my SIL would benefit from this after having her second child this coming March. I think she's always wondered about yoga since I do it, and I think this would be a great introduction!
Could really use this! Had a baby in November...I think I would benefit from toning and becoming more flexible!
Getting grounded again
I'd benefit most from the 35 minutes of yoga once this baby is born!
i am having a baby in june, it could help regain strength
I think it would be a great way to spend 35 minutes a day with my baby, and I could certainly use some centeredness in this hectic life! Thanks!
bonding with baby
It's been almost 9 months since my daughter was born, and I soooo need to work out!
I love yoga but, like you, find it nearly impossible to do once you have a kid. I love the idea of involving the baby in yoga.
I like the sound of "increasing the bond between mother and baby". I'd like to do this during my 3yr old's naptime, so the baby and I can get some special time together. For obvious reasons, my daughter got so much more of my attention when she was that small!
I need some "body restrengthening"
Hope I win. I love it!
i love the aspect of teaching my kids and myself to relax and increase our flexibility as well!
I love that it would be a relaxing way to strengthen myself post baby #5 with our new little one!
I would love having a yoga DVD that you can incorporate your baby with. Thanks for the contest!
Please enter me in your contest
What a great way to feel relaxed and centered.
I think that strengthening the body would be the most beneficial for me post-baby because the hormones seem t to weaken me terribly. It looks interesting and it looks like something I'd enjoy doing with my little guy. Thank you for offering this!
This would be great for me to do with the little girl i care for.
Having twins, I don't get a lot of me time. Doing yoga with the babies, would allow me to do something for myself and bond with the babes at the same time.
I definitely need to "gain strength" because I have a 26 lb 8 month baby!
When I read "Mothers gain strength, energy, and centeredness during the most profound transition of a woman’s life." That is what I need. I have no energy. I am seven months pregnant and basically on bed rest. Good times. This would rejuvenate my soul.
Thanks for having this generous giveaway. I WOULD love to win. :)
My email is holladayfam(at)gmail(dot)com.
Thanks again!
I want to restore my mind! Thanks!
I am not yet a mommy, but I would love to have this in my stash so that I can "strengthen my bond with my toddler" when the time comes. Thanks :)
increasing the bond between mother and baby. I can't wait to get pregnant again adn hope it happens FAST!!
I'd love to be able to exercise WITH my baby instead of "around" her. This sounds like a perfect DVD for us. Thanks for the chance!
I need to restore my mind.I would love to win this!
I like that it is for both mother and baby. My daughter has gained a lot of weight during her pregnancy, this would be great for her.
Sounds like a great idea. I think my baby would even enjoy doing this with me.
Because my chi is way off centered and definitely not balanced!
I would give it to my sister who is nervous about going to be a first time mom.
What a great contest! I'd love to bond with my baby while getting back into shape!
love the idea of communicating better with my baby through yoga and strengtening my body too!!!
I like the idea of strengthening & bonding with my baby.
Bonding with my baby while getting toned and exersize sounds amazing.
both get strong and communicate
It would let me bond with my grandbaby!
i'm expecting my first baby in about 4 weeks (Leap Day!)- i like the bonding and getting in shape.
I used to practice yoga before baby 2 was born. Now I just don't feel like I have time. I would love to incorporate exercise with bonding time.
yoga and bonding what a pair
Yoga...mmm... Yes please! I'd love to have one of these DVDs!
please enter me! I would love to win this because I have a 5 month old that is eager to try out yoga! :) Also because I used to do it so much before kids and now I never seem to get the chance. This would MAKE sure I get it done. Thanks!
Learning yoga
Increasing the bond between mother and baby intrigues me the most. Thanks for the chance
I would love this
Learing yoga.
I can always use any help I can get recovering from pregnancy and birth. I've had 3 little ones in 3.5 years and hope to have many more soon. My body hasn't had the chance to fully recover since the beginning.
This is just what I've been looking for since I've had my daughter; a way to restore myself and better understand and sooth my little girl. I am excited about this video!
Well, the description says it helps to recover your postpartum body. I need that. BAD! I want my former body back (or some close resemblance to it--I'm not that picky!). I'm a video/DVD exerciser for sure. I'd love a new video. Mine are videos from the 90's! I know, cheesy, but hey, they still work. Thanks for all the neat giveaways!
I need to learn how to relax. I swear, I am so uptight and worry myself to death about everything.
I'd love another way to bond with my daughter!
Ok, so I am officially chunky. What happened to my hips anyway?! I so need something that will help me get it together; mind, body, baby. I love that the DVD is only 35 minutes - most are so long that I know my son will completely lose it and I will have to stop. This is so do-able. I used to be so good at yoga... would love to start up again. Thanks for the great site!!
I got out of the yoga habit after we got a dog a couple of years ago. I couldn't do any positions lying down without him licking my face and trying to snuggle up against me. And if I was standing up he thought the end of my mat was the perfect place to curl up. But I look forward to doing yoga again someday with my baby girl.
What a great DVD. I did yoga before my first was born 2 years ago and haven't done much since. I tried doing it a few months ago and my 2 year old kept trying to push me over. I love that this DVD is only 35 minutes - much easier to find time for 35 minutes than 60! And I love that I can do it with my baby (6 months) - I have always wanted to try that. I also love that it helps you find "centerdness" I can sure use a lot of that right now with my seemingly crazy life!
I'd benefit from strengthening my body and gaining energy. :0
Thanks for the giveaway. :) I blogged it here: http://adashofsassitude.blogspot.com/2008/02/giveaways-around-net.html
This would help my daughter lose her baby weight after child birth.
I still have the belly bluge. I would love to use this dvd to see if it would reduce it.
I would love to give this to my daughter-in-law who is expecting 8in september!
It would remind me to just take a moment and relax and not stress about getting everything done in such a hurry. Stop and smell the flowers!
I like how it involves the child and that this one is for beginners. I they have one for pre-beginners?
strengthing my body. i have ahd three kids in three years. so i really need to get back in shape.
Being a busy WAHM it would be restoring the mind that I think I would like best.
I have been meaning to do some baby and mommy yoga but baby is not so into going to classes. This DVD would be great. I am especially interested in strengthening my body.
angiegammage at rogers.com
Restoring my strained 'mommy brain' lol
Restore my mind and gain strength at the same time! I think my spirit needs lightening too. Count me in!
i would benefit from weight loss (!!) and it would help me to get started with my resolution of a healthier lifestyle.
I like that it strengthens the body. I need to get stronger so I can lug around my growing son :)
This would be great to strengthen my body again after childbirth and also bond with my son. I would like to get him into a daily routine of yoga to relax before a nap.
I wish I had this when I had my first baby! Healing while doing something for myself. luckily I have another baby on the way and want to try it with the next baby! I love that it strengthens the bond between mom and baby!
My son is 10 months and was also born by c-section. I also took a long time to heal.
I think this will help me to stretch and find my strength. I battle fibromyalgia constantly-- I have for years -- and this looks like something that I could really use to help me have less pain.
Thanks for offering this DVD. I enjoyed reading your review since I have heard about it from other sources.
I'll benefit because my wife will be happier!
It's a great way to spend time with baby other than holding her.
it would be great to have this on DVD, we don't have much offerings near where we live without at least a 30 minute drive!
mom2maria at hotmail dot com
ENERGY!!!! Yes, that's what I would like to gain from this video.
I have never tried yoga before but want to. I need help with strengthening my body after 2 c-sections.
Since this is my first baby I think I could really benefit from this DVD because it helps your body recover from pregnancy and birth. More than that though, I would really love to increase the bond between my baby boy and myself.
great for relaxation and improving flexibility
I have always wanted to try yoga, and what a better way to get in shape then to get in shape while bonding w/ your baby! Awesome!
I could really benefit from becoming more centered and gaining more energy. My son would enjoy this too!
"restoring the mind, heightening the spirit, and increasing the bond between mother and baby"
Anything that would help restore my mind would be a huge benefit in my opinion!
I would really like to strengthen my back--I just sustained an injury getting the stroller into the trunk. =P I need to tone up!
I like the attachment benefits from this dvd... I adopted my daughter when she was 11 months old, so I do everything possible to bond with her.
What an awesome way to de-stress & strengthen slack muscles plus baby gains too!
thank you for the great contest
enter me please
pethof (at) gmail (dot) com
most benefits: toning and strengthening my body
I love yoga so much! I want to win!
I definitely could use the strengthening and "centering".
What a great way to strengthen/tone and spend time with my little girl!
Hi there,
After my first pregnancy, I had a hard time bouncing back physically. Something like this would have really helped me. My 11 mo. daughter is always instinctually doing yoga poses. Now, I'm pregnant with #2. This kind of program would be a great way to help me recover after delivering as well as inspiring a bond between me, my daughter and my new baby boy.
What a great way to benefit from yoga without ever having to leave your home.
Benefits my mind, body and spirit!
i'd use this to work on my love handles, even though i love to handle, if you know what i mean(nudge nudge)
i'd use this to try and relax, i'm always all stressed out when i come home from work, i think this would help unwind.
This would definitely help me alleviate some stress and help strengthen my back and neck due to being hit by a drunk driver a few years ago.
i need to relax and this would help
What a great way to bond with my child! I love the idea that it is for both of us! I also love that "Mothers gain strength, energy, and centeredness"! I could definitely use this (especially the energy part!)
For me the two most important benefits are restoring the mind and increasing the bond between mother and baby. As a working mom, I am very frazzled. I practiced yoga before my son was born and while I have missed it terribly, I haven't wanted to give up even one minute with him. This would be perfect!
I have been very tired since my little one and restoring strength sounds like the boost i need.
Angie k
'Restoring the mind' seems to strike a chord with me. of course, 'strengthening the body' would be helpful in my every day life, too. Plus, it's even better because it can be done at home, in privacy, with my baby.
I have so much pain from a double mastectomy and reconstruction I would do anything to feel better
I have pain after the birth of my last child, #5, I can use this to releive back pain and get healthy.
Look awesom. Baby bonding time, and exercise at the same time. I would really like to tone and strengthen my body after having two children.
I would benefit from watching this dvd because I would learn to relax.
This would be a good exercise program for me to incorporate in
my busy schedule.It might help to to slow down and relax
I would benefit most from having my mind restored.
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